⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Chapter 4⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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This book may be more like season 1 and 2, I haven't finished watching all of season 3. So I'm sorry about that too.

Last time...

He continued to walk as he spaced out in the world around him. He didn't even notice a pig running back to the tavern to tell who he had just seen.

In the tavern

"You won't imagine who I just saw!" Hawk oinked as he ran into the empty tavern. With the sudden loud noise, it startled Elizabeth, but she composed her and looked down at Hawk "Who did you see?" Elizabeth asked as she got down on her knees to the floor and looked at Hawk. Before the pig could speak once again of his tale Meliodas, Merlin and Ban all appeared. Ban first quickly dragged himself into the back to find a bottle of ale he wanted before he went into the common town. Merlin sat down at a vacant table while Meliodas leaned against the counter.

"No one came today?" Meliodas asked not seeming to be fazed by the fact that it was already three o'clock and he spent from 12 in the town to find no one uses except for a drunk old guy who may or may have not been a good idea to trust with his words. "No one," sighed Diane as she sat next to Elizabeth. "Though Hawk did say he found something." Diane motioned to Hawk who seemed to think about what happened earlier before running into the tavern.

"What was it?" Ban asked as he filled a glass cup with ale and threw the bottle away as he also took a seat and chugged his glass, then slamming the now empty cup on the table. "What did you see Master?" questioned Ban as he spun around to face Hawk though he continued to sit. "Some weird guy..." he thought. "I'm not sure who it was, he seemed strange though. Ordinary, but at that out of the ordinary. He seemed to purposely blend in, to be dull." Hawk mumbled, "He kept whispering that he wanted to go back home and apologize to his brother, he also said something about being a sin and how sinners can't be forgiven of their own crimes." Hawk recalled the moments of when the young man was muttering to himself then oinked again in the end.

"I think that who we were looking for." Said Diane as she stood up. "Wait," Merlin said as she halted Diane from walking. "Did he seem like a sort of threat," she asked Hawk. "I don't think so, he looked to be a teenager and no older than 20 years old. But now that I'm thinking about it Meliodas does also look like a child so I'm not really positive." Hawk shrugged as he looked over at Merline.

"Well, then that gives it to you, let's go." The captain instructed but Merlin was about to stop him "We wanna welcome him, don't we." he smiled and walked to the door. "Very well then," Merlin agreed as she stood up, Ban, King, Elizabeth, Diane, and Gowther all stood up as well, "let us go," Merlin said as her captain went out the door as everyone walked behind him to meet or see the new person.

It didn't take long to find the pink haired boy after walking a short distance. He continued to walk farther from the town he started in. He continued to twiddle a knife in between his fingers in his right hand, exposing a sleeping wolf tattooed in with red. "That's him," Hawk oinked quietly to the crew who was hiding behind a few trees to not be seen.

After a little more time of walking the teen had stopped after a few thoughts were heard in his mind. He looked over his shoulder to see no one, but he knew better to trust his plain sight as he turned on his X-ray to see through the trees and plant life, he saw seven total people, a few that he had seen earlier that very day.

There was the lady in purple, the blue-haired man in a small red suit, and the captain. Now with a few more people, one with bright pink hair, another with minty green hair, one with dark brown hair and purple eyes and a small child like person who floated on a pillow who had red hair. All of them except one had an animal tattoo placed on them in the open.

Saiki continued to walk as he started to pick up the pace, as the group still followed behind him them as well picking up the pace, as the group already knew the wolf sin of deceit had somehow seen them. Saiki then began to run, as the group stopped hiding and began to run after him, now they were around the edge of the forest. Saiki knew he would be caught if he had left the forest. Saiki then stopped though the group was still chasing after him. He bent his legs a little and jumped as he landed on a strong tree branch, then made himself invisible. Still, even though he was able to read all seven people (who weren't actually humans) minds he still kept a close eye on all of them.

Meliodas then stopped under Saiki and looked up, for him only to be greeted by empty spaces. As the rest of his followers caught up to him they also saw no one "Where is he?" Elizabeth asked as she looked around the trees "Not a clue." Meliodas looked around with furrowed eyebrows. As he took out a knife, "He may be dangerous, now that we know a few of his capabilities" Meliodas held his dagger out "I'm not dangerous, just leave me alone." he sent by telepathy startling all seven of them.

"Where are you..." Mumbled the blond under his breath "Now why would I tell you that." Snapped Saiki by telepathy, "For all I know, you may want to cut me up into severed pieces and eat me." Saiki mocked as he began to levitate in an attempt to fly away but stayed a little longer to finish his conversation. "You are a new recruit to the now Eight Deadly Sin's!" Meliodas yelled "I am your captain, you will do as I say!" he bellowed out into the forest, only earning an eye roll from Saiki.

"Is that so?" Saiki continued to mock "I thought you where gonna eat me." Saiki laughing at his own joke. "Wolf sin, show yourself!" Meliodas continued to snap against Saiki with his dagger held in front. "Or what." 
"I will kill you."
"If only you could." 

"Sir Meliodas, who are you talking to?" Elizabeth asked as she shook the captain, who woke up from a trance "Who are you going to kill?" she asked another question. They were still in the forest, "I was just talking to him..." Meliodas said clearly confused "No Captain, the only thing we heard from the new recruit was 'I'm not dangerous, just leave me alone.'" Gowther quoted into the air.

"If he doesn't want to meet us, why should we force him to?" Gowther asked. "No, he's here, he is a deadly sin, a part of us now, we have to see him!" Said Meliodas. "I'll say this again," Saiki said by telepathy to all "leave me alone!" bellowed Saiki, hoping that could scare them away, but with his shock, no one dared to move an inch from their spots.

"How about a fight, if you win we will leave you alone if I win you're joining us." Captain announced, Saiki nodded as he fell onto the ground through the trees as he became visibal to all, he then shrugged "I mean...you are the captain, right?" he smirked.

A.N-I don't own the Seven Deadly Sins nor do I own any of the characters used in this chapter.

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