⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Chapter 3⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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Last time...

"We have a new recruit, and better yet he's nearby too."

With the Sins

"So, is it a good idea to try to find him?" Meliodas asked after Merlin finished speaking a smirk still across her face as she leaned against the counter of the bar, "Or her!" Diane cut in "It would be nice to have another girl around here. Sorry Elizabeth, Merlin." Diane hopefully and apologetically added in as she smiled jumping hopefully. "Or her," Meliodas looked over to her and nodded in an agreed. Meliodas rose from his table, he proceeded to look towards Merline and stretched.

"Well, I'm not really positive," Merlin said with a finger on her chin as she considered the options of that. "We don't know who the new sin is, or what he's done, much less what he is." She thought as only one actual sin was a human. "He must be in or near the town, that isn't very far away now that we're drawing nearer, why don't we go there?" Elizabeth suggested as she sat one chair away from Meliodas as she looked up both at Meliodas and Merline.

"That could work out, he may also not be that hard to spot. We have to find someone who sticks out, by action, looks or emotions." Diane also agrees with finding the new eighth recruit. "In that case, Merlin, Ban and I would run out to town and find the eighth sin, the rest of you with taking care of the tavern." Meliodas commands "Can I come? Please, Captain?" Diane begs, cupping her hands together as she begged. "Nope someone has to take care of the tables when I'm gone." he looks behind him to get a clearer look at her.

He then walked to the door and motioned for Merline and Ban to follow behind. "Take care of the place while I'm gone."

At that time Hawk's Mom got the signal as she dug underground for the tavern to look like it's on the ground and not on an over enlarged green boar's back.

The three sins started to walk to the city which was now closer thankfully so they wouldn't need to walk longer then they needed to. Then walked on the near the side off a forest not going completely in but not yet outside of it. "Am I the only one that's sensing a lot of magical power?" Meliodas asks as he looks beyond the trees but finds nothing however Saiki heard as he was behind a tree and slowly stood up with making no noise in the process of it all.

To get a better hearing for what the sins were talking about, Saiki made himself invisible and went up into the tree once again to also get a better view. "That is correct, though it could just be a barrier for creatures not to get in. Nothing living could withstand this type of power." Merlin passed by the fact that no one could have such high power and be human at the same time, it would be too much trauma to the body, kill them in moments of having the power.

"Yeah, she's right. Let keep going cap'." Ban said "I also wanna have a drink later." he bluntly said as he put his hands into the front pockets of his red and pearled suit all too small on him as if he was showing off his scars and sin mark.

The group then headed off to the small city with a name so average anyone could forget it the moment they were told the name. They walked through town not noticing anything suspicious, it was a common city, Meliodas even had to ask a marketer and a few people if there was any change, but got nothing, until they got to one old man with a wooden cane with vine patterns sitting in the front of a bar and restaurant.

"Oh yes!" he said as he looked up to the group while he had an ale bottle, sipping a little from it as two empty bottles were in front of him. He looked up to the group and continued speaking as he got a reaction from the almost naked lady which he seemed to like the 'eye-candy' from her. Though Merlin was very much surprised that only one person in the town felt the wave of power. Even so, the magical power was only a few miles away.

"I thought I was going crazy, but near the town, there is a huge wave of power only a day and a half ago." the man said. "Did you put any traps or barriers up to stop creatures from coming into the town?" Meliodas asked. But the man only scoffed, "If we put everyone's power till they're on the brink of death we couldn't even create 1/10 of the power whatever is creating that type of power." he spoke bluntly, as he got rude stares of the few who where minding their own business until they heard the town was called weak.

"So it's a person or something living?" Merlin asked as the listeners gave one last glare to the old man and went back to talking about their own business. "I'm not sure what it could be, that's my final guess." he shrugged as he took another drink from the bottle. "Very well, thank you." Merline said, "Also, in addition since we are talking about this creature right now, has things been strange at all, people objects, plants?" She continued, and the man shook his head. "No, the person you're most likely looking for is not in town most likely like I've said before."

"Well that sucks, that power from the forests captn' was talking about was most likely who we were looking for." Ban shook his head in disappointment. "Strange..." Meliodas said as he looked towards the exit of the town "Well, we're going to the woods" he decided that moment as he thanked the man and began to leave.

With Saiki Kusuo

As the three people went passed him, he saw they all had similar tattoos as he did only with different animals.

He saw a lady wearing a purple cloak with fluff on the collar, that covered a few inches of her front and covered all her back, she had a boar on her neck, another had blue hair with shrunk clothing with a fox tattooed on his side a little above his hip, finally a smaller man with a dragon tattoed on his arm that must have been a leader by the way he was acting and that one called him 'Captain'. By their thoughts, they were all looking for him. Though Saiki just wanted to go home, he couldn't just stand around all day and wait for someone to capture him from the group. He had to find a quick way home, and it was going to take a long time.

Saiki knew it wouldn't take long for the group to find out that he was outside of the city, so Saiki began to leave to the next town that he found using clairvoyance that wasn't too far away. He turned himself back visible as he played with a knife in between his fingers, he had gotten (and stollen) from the city if anything were to happen to him. He began to walk thinking of things he could do to get back home. He walked until he was at a clear field, not far where he began at first. It was a bar that he could hear the thoughts of a bunch from inside and one or two loud thoughts that came underground.

While using X-ray he saw a giant green boar as she munched on dead roots and slept. Saiki only shook his head and continued to walk mumbling a few things to himself. He couldn't even drink so really what was the point of going inside in the first place. He continued to walk ignoring everything around him, he thought if he was forgiven of his sin he could go back home, but it kept coming back to him that sins can't be forgiven at all.

He murmured and spoke quietly to himself of plans to get back home, often stopping to grab a grip on his head that wasn't concentrating when more worries and ideas came to his head. Though he took one foot in front of the other and went on with walking.

He continued to walk as he spaced out in the world around him. He didn't even notice a pig running back to the tavern to tell who he had just seen.

A.N- I haven't finished watching all of The Seven Deadly Sins so if something doesn't correctly line up with the official story I'm sorry.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it and understood my author's note


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