⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Chapter 2⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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✧༺♥༻∞Chapter 2 ∞༺♥༻✧

Last Time...

Saiki feels the ground below him, it was a patch of real grass and scented flowers, he knows not native to London's pitty park, or Japan's land. He's not home nor is he in London now.


Kusuo did end up waking up at some point the following day around noon, he squinted his eyes to get used to the natural and bright light, and reached around blindly for his glasses that had fallen off his face, which laid surprisingly nearby and in one piece after he landed.

Pushing up his glasses, he skimmed around the area, then he felt, hoping but already doubting if this was all a dream. Taking a sigh, he reached for the top of his head, one side: empty.

The other side: his last antenna, his limiter.

Even with only one limiter in he could control his powers better than what two limiters did.

This strange land was for sure like Earth, but it seemed to have a natural barrier to protect itself from magic and inhuman like powers, and if Saiki was right about that theory, it would mean that he was not the only one with powers.

He wasn't sure if he should be scared.

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Saiki went into flight or fight mode, but chose neither as he knew he needed to calm himself down if he wanted to know what was happening, the first thing he had to do was to know where he was.

Luckily (for once) for the lost boy, it didn't take long to know he seemed to be at the edge of a fairly large forest, as he saw animals roam around. It was a beautiful sight to behold, as well as calming.

Saiki tried to remember what happened before he passed out. What he had recalled before was the dark voice in his head. Something about being a sinner, another about being deceitful, and an odd one was being a wolf.

Saiki didn't have time to worry about thoughts that he may or may not have been hallucinating.

Raising himself off the ground dusted himself from the dirt and grass, as he did that he saw a bit of red on his wrist. He brought his wrist up for a better view, it looked like a sleeping wolf curled up into a ball.

It wasn't a hallucination.

"The eighth deadly sin?" he whispered as more of the so called hallucinations came back to him, returning into his thoughts. Saiki in denial he tried to find himself thinking otherwise, but it all added up to him being a 'sin' being called deceitful with a knowledgeable reason behind it.

Kusuo just in case to make sure it wasn't a joke took out a napkin that was in his back pocket and tried to rub it off, it was no use. He tried to rub it off by rainwater he found in the leaves of a tree, but no use to that either. It was a tattoo that he had gotten because of him being deceitful. Kusuo tried to reset his body to at least get rid of the tattoo but no use, all that happened was he found himself falling a few inches to the ground like the day he arrived.

He thought best to find out where he was, so he climbed a tall tree (More like levitated) and he sat on the highest tree branch he could get to without drawing attention, he looked around the area. He could see a small city, it had store marketers and buyers on the streets selling pottery and jewelry on one side and food with other necessary supplies on the other. People walked and talked for a while, but with closer inspection, he noted that the clothing was different and if Kusuo even set foot into the city people would draw immediate attention to him like he was some sort of street entertainer.

Kusuo apported some clothing to him and quickly changed into the new outfit. Now he was wearing a pair of brown pants with a shirt that had buttons and a brown vest to go with it. He burned his blue sweater that his mother made him and his 21st-century shoes and pants to remove all the evidence that a person like him was here. He looked just like everybody else, in addition since he could now somehow control his powers with only one limiter.

But he didn't blend in quite yet as he took the other limiter out so he would fit in a little better. He automatically started feeling a little—no a lot stronger but it was nothing he couldn't control. Rather of going to the village he sat down his back leaning on a tree and began to plan out how he was going to get back home in one piece and alive.

7 Deadly Sins.
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As the sins began to get ready to go to the next village as Hawk's Mom walked with stomping hooves in front of the other. They talked and drank ale while each was happy doing whatever they were doing, Ban was drinking, Meliodas was being a pervert and so on.

Though to them life was normal, until an hour through the day the tattooed marks of the sins started to glow an orange-red signal. The sign shined through the clothes of whatever was covering it. Meliodas noticed this as he lifted up his sleeve to show his mark showing.

"Huh? Hey Merlin, what's going on?" Meliodas asked as she looked over at Merlin, who is the 'knowledgeable one' out of the group, she looked over as she touched her neck, feeling the heat from the shining on the tattoo placed on her neck. "This hasn't happened in a while," she said as she walked forward, taking Meliodas's arm for better inspection. "What hasn't?" Diane asked as she was in her shrunken version inside the tavern of the Boar's Hat, sitting next to a fairly scared Elizabeth.

She grinned "We have a new recruit, and better yet he's nearby too."

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