one | dilemma

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KAKASHI HAD A dilemma.

His predatory gaze remained unwavering from her sweetly plump lips as they firmly wrapped around the tip of her berry blue frozen treat, her tongue darting out to lick off the melting drops from the side of her treat in a manner so erotic it should have honestly been illegal.

He had a really big dilemma.

He glanced down at his pants with heated cheeks, thankful for the mask her wore and hoping to god their server wouldn't notice the very obvious bulge he sported from under the table when he brought the food over.

"So..." Kakashi drawled out after clearing his throat, gripping the edges of the table as tightly as he could, as if that technique would somehow get rid of the raging hard on he was having. "You really like popsicles, huh?"

He scolded himself internally for being so awkward. He was the one who asked her on the date. He had originally done it so he could get to know her a little more, yet here he was acting like a horny teenage boy who's undergoing puberty and couldn't even hold up a proper conversation without having to resist the urge of grabbing that sweet ass and pummeling her into oblivion. That was the honest truth, and he couldn't have felt more ashamed as he sat in front of this innocent angel who had no idea what type of dirty thoughts were clouding his mind at that exact moment.

"Ah, yes." (F/n) said with a bashful smile, a rosy blush coloring her cheeks as her tongue went to catch some of the sticky blue liquid before it could drip on the table. "Thank you so much for buying it. I really appreciate it."

She was just too cute. He had met her in the bookstore while grabbing a new copy of his book after Naruto managed to accidentally burn his original one, why a girl as innocent as her was in the erotica section of the book store was beyond him, but he knew from the moment his eyes landed on her small form he was completely and utterly whipped. It took him weeks to finally ask her out, and after hours of restless nights he finally mustered up enough courage to ask this beautiful angel to have dinner with him.

He didn't regret it at all. But...

Her (e/c) eyes locked on his dark ones as her sweet tongue darted out to catch a drop that made it's way sinfully down her hand, and he felt his cock twitch in appreciation. He knew it was wrong to be thinking of such a sweet girl in such an erotic manner, but he couldn't help it. He wanted her, and definitely in more ways than just physical. He could make a list of reasons as to why he wanted her. A list so long there wasn't enough paper in the world to complete it no matter how small he wrote. A really bad comparison, but he was no poet. He was a man of few words but many actions to back up how he felt, and right now he felt like taking her up to his place and having his own naughty way with her.

"No problem, I quite enjoy watching you look so happy over something as simple as a popsicle," Kakashi said with a smile, knowing full and well he was enjoying the sight in more ways than she could ever imagine. Although with the way his erect cock pressed painfully against the zipper of his pants he couldn't decide if it was torture or one the best things to have the pleasure of seeing.

"There will be more things you'll surely enjoy watching later on." She said with another smile, finishing her popsicle with one last erotic lick.

The image of watching her lovely lips parting to let out a sweet moan as his mouth feasted upon her popped into his mind. God please have mercy.

"What?" He choked on air.

"Ah, are you okay!?" She stood from her seat, rushing to his side and rubbing his back in a tender manner. Her silverware clattered to the ground in her rush, and he cringed at the sound, hoping no one heard the ruckus. Though her warm hand pressed up against the muscles of his back did nothing to alleviate the aching desire of his cock, if anything he felt his bulge grow. He prayed she wouldn't look down and see. Shit.

"No, no I'm fine." Kakashi managed to get his bearings, taking deep breaths as he attempted to collect his frantic thoughts. "Before, what'd you mean by something I'd enjoy watching later on?"

"Oh. I'm sorry I was under the impression that we were going back to your place for a movie after we eat." (F/n) said innocently, her small hand sliding down his back a little farther than he would have preferred in that moment. But he wasn't complaining.

He begged for the universe to give him the power of self restraint, because he didn't know for how much longer he could possibly hold out.

"Ah, no we will." Kakashi said as he cleared his throat one more time, eyes darting around to see if anyone had noticed their exchange. Thankfully the only witness to his utterly shameful display was a shriveling house plant tucked into the corner of the quaint little diner, looking as deprived and miserable as himself.

He thought that taking her back to his house after dinner was a great idea at the time, but that was before he realized how hard it was to have some form of self restraint around her. Today was especially hard, everything she did made his blood go south and she wasn't even aware she was doing it.

"I'm glad, Naruto was telling me all about those cool movies you had collected over the years." She smiled, moving her hand and turning back to her seat, though he found himself missing the gentle warmth of her hands. He watched her as she slowly bent down to pick up the fallen silverware, immediately stiffening at the sight.

That did it.

If there was a God out there, Kakashi vowed to beat his ass for putting him through this absolute torture. He just couldn't take it.

He internally groaned as his eyes shamelessly roamed her bare legs, catching the edges of her skirt drifting up just enough for him to catch sight of her (f/c) lace panties, leaving nothing to the imagination as she collected the fallen comrades. His nails dug into the table, threatening to break into the wood as he resisted the urge to reach out and rip those damned panties off to reveal the sweetness underneath.

It was as if every little thread that had been holding to his self restraint had just been cut.

"Fuck," He cursed silently, the primal need to be inside this little angel coarsing through his veins like an animal in heat. He had reached his limit and this little princess had absolutely no idea what he was capable of, regardless if she was aware of what she was doing or not.

"Did you say something?" She asked, finally seating herself, her big (e/c) eyes focused innocently on him as if she'd done nothing wrong.

"(F/n), I want—"

"Here's your food, sorry for the wait." Their server interrupted, breaking the heated tension between the two as he placed their food on the table. Seemingly unaware as he gave them both a smile. "Anything else?"

"No, that'll be all." Kakashi said, his gaze never leaving hers as she smiled innocently at him. He wondered what was going through her mind, and if she was at all aware of the effects she was having on him. There was just no way she remained completely oblivious, especially not after that display.

"So..." She drawled, placing her hands together in prayer along with a mischievous little smile. "Shall we eat?"

Oh, she was aware alright.

Kakashi found himself looking forward to the movie more than ever, he figured he'd take it slow and let this little vixen lead the way. Now he understood why she was in the erotica section of the book store, this girl was just as perverted as him if not more.

He hadn't known her for very long, and through all the time he had spent with her he thoroughly enjoyed. Although this exchange was a little more different and bold, let it be clear that he was not complaining. If his innocent little angel had a whole other side to her that he didn't know of, then he was intent on figuring it out.

So with a raging hard on and an undwindling urge to reach over and rip the clothes right off her body, he clapped his gloved hands together and prayed to the very God who blessed him with this form of undeniable sexual torture.

May the all blessed Lord be with him. Not literally though.


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