16 - Univer-... Or Not [2]

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Funny how they came for rescue training but are being rescued themselves, right?

Blue lotus petals flutter in the wind as Renka and Shouto finally arrive at the central plaza. From a corner of her vision, she catches Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou coming from a different direction. Further in the plaza, Aizawa is nowhere in sight while a black humanoid, wearing nothing but a pair of cargo shorts with skull-like kneepads, has his fingers pierced into All Might's side. To be able to leave All Might in such a pinch... that must be 'Noumu'.

At least now they have the chance to do some rescuing too.

... Except, they're beaten to it.

With no regard for his own safety, a boy in U.A.'s gym clothes suddenly dashes towards his idol, mentor and... hero. No... NO!! There are still so many things... so many! That I need you to teach me!!


An ominous black vortex forms between Izuku and the hero he's trying to get to. Izuku built up too much momentum from his dash to stop in time.

"Izu-chan!" Renka gasps as she leaps the final distance, squeezing every bit of strength she can with the aid of her blue petals. She can feel her bones creaking and her muscles screaming but all that's on her mind is getting there, and fast!


Propelled by his blasts, Katsuki arrives at the same moment as Renka and they each land a devastating blow on the foggy villain before Katsuki slams him down by the metal plates around his neck. White petals attach themselves to the villain to ensure he stays immobilised. Kurogiri's yellow eyes widen when he feels his strength leave him. Meanwhile, Shouto freezes the Noumu grabbing onto All Might, not holding back like he did with the thugs in the landslide zone. On the other hand, Eijirou swipes at the remaining villain with a jagged arm hardened by his Quirk, though his attack was dodged, "Crap!! Almost had 'im!"

Shouto takes a step forward: "I heard you people are here to kill All Might. But the Symbol of Peace... will never be done in by the likes of you."

As if to prove his words right, All Might breaks free from Noumu's loosened grip.

"Guys...!!" Glancing at his classmates gathering in the same place with the same goal, Izuku wipes away the tears brimming in his eyes and glares at the villains.

The villain who dodged Eijirou's attack observes the situation that has taken a 180, "Kurogiri... our way out has been pinned down... well, this is a problem." A miscalculation... those kids went beyond their expectations. Annoyance fills his mind, but the severed hand clutching his face makes it hard to tell what he's thinking. On his arms, chest, neck and head are similar severed hands of different sizes.

Renka ponders: if the black fog is Kurogiri, this guy must be that 'Shigaraki-san'.

"Heh. You slipped up, bastard! It's just as I thought, only certain parts of you can turn into that foggy warp gate. And that fog gate covered your actual body, yeah? Back then... if you were completely made of fog and physical attacks didn't work, you'd never say 'That was close!'" Katsuki presses down on Kurogiri with a smile so wicked, Renka is starting to wonder who's the real villain. "Don't move! If you make any fishy movements, I'll blow you straight to kingdom come!!"

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