12 - Dream... Or Not

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Many thoughts crossed Fiore's mind when she had introduced Renka her new classmates, many of whom were almost unrecognisable when decked out in their hero costumes.

"Midoriya Izuku," her finger directs at the still young and naive green-haired protagonist.

He doesn't know.

"Bakugou Katsuki."

Neither does he.

"Todoroki Shouto."

Nor he.

Only she knows the past, the present and the future. Or at least she knew, before a variable entered. Fiore turned to look at Renka, who was trying hard to remember the names and appearances of her future friends. In fact, even the dream she was showing then may have differences from reality. After all, a plot is dead while the characters are alive.

If Renka turned towards Fiore then, she'd see that the pink-haired girl was looking at her with a strange mixture of wistfulness, worry and anticipation.

How will things change with her around?Will she be able to save  █ █ █ ?


"Anddd with that, Dream Excursion No. 249 has come to an end. Dream... disperse!"

Renka watches as the scenery fades to a colour darker than black and she purges into a familiar void again. Thankfully, this time she isn't alone.

"Did you really make that many dreams before or was that just a random number off the top of your head?"

"Ehehe~✿ What do you think~?"

Contrary to her playful tone, Fiore's expression turns serious as she taps the shorter girl's forehead gently with a forefinger. Her dream-weaving ability entails interacting with the recipient's cognition. For example, she could impose her own cognition onto the recipient and show them what she wants to, which was what she did to Renka. Alternatively, she could surface parts of the recipient's own cognition and playback them. Of course, she can only do these are under certain conditions such as remaining in contact with any part of the recipient's body throughout the process and the recipient being asleep or unconscious.

And in the years of exploring and enhancing her Quirk, Fiore discovered another potential it carried. By tricking and convincing the recipient's cognition, she could change their perception and understanding of things. In other words, by changing what the recipient thinks they think or remember, she could even alter their memories... or make them forget certain things.

Because we don't always remember what we dream, right?

When the light that Renka's eyes lost after Fiore touched her forehead returns, the pink-haired girl adopts an anxious look as her hands squeezes the other girl's shoulders reassuringly.

"(。•́︿•̀。) Your body is still sleeping now because you overused your Quirk... After hearing about it from Touko-san, I came to visit you! ✧٩(ˊvˋ*)و"

"As expected," Renka nods. This isn't the first time she experienced the drawback of her Quirk. Over the years, she managed to lower the energy consumption and learned to discern when she's overdone it. However, she may still end up in such a sorry state when she doesn't pay enough attention or care.

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