09 - Illusion... Or Not

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    Left, right, up, down. There seems to be nothing, but at the same time, it may be that everything is shrouded by something. It's pitch-black everywhere and there's not a speck of light in sight. Are her eyes opened in nighttime or closed in daytime?

A part of her knows it's futile. Pointless. Perhaps even foolish. Nonetheless, she wants to call out and ask if anyone's there. Anyone will do. However, as time passes, the deafening silence remains unbroken. Then, she realises. A strange feeling of floatiness. She can't sense her body at all, much less her mouth and throat. From her five senses, the only feedback received is the sound of a quickening heartbeat. Even then, she doesn't know if it's true or false, reality or illusion. If it's her heartbeat... or someone else's.

Thump, thump.
Thump, thump.

Right before the rhythm drives her into madness, she feels herself descending rapidly. Like that nightmare where one feels oneself falling off a cliff, she doesn't know how long the fall had lasted, is lasting or will be lasting. Mayhap merely a second had passed. Mayhap it had been months. Or, mayhap, no time had passed at all.

So when she finally sees a blinding flash of white light, happiness bursts in her. Sometimes change, no matter how unpredictable, is better than none.


"Heyy! You two! Heading to the station? Wait for me!" an energetic brunette calls out to Izuku and Tenya.

"You're the Infinity Girl," comments Tenya. Her result during the ball toss must still be on his mind.

"I'm Uraraka Ochako. Um, you're Iida Tenya-kun and Midoriya... Deku-kun, right?"

"Deku?!" Pfft! Honestly, Renka would have burst out laughing at Izuku's expression if she could.

"Huh? 'Cause, during the fitness test, the kid called Bakugou..." Ochako trails off while Renka is treated with a surreal sight that the two boys don't seem to see. Ochako's flashback of a certain explosive boy just appeared above the brunette's head! Time-out, time-out!! What's going on?? This isn't a manga where you can literally read people's thoughts, you know! Of course, unbeknownst to her, class 1-B's Fukidashi Manga is an exception.

"Erm... my name is actually Izuku... a-and 'Deku' is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me..." Izuku gestures stiffly as he explains.

"An insult?" Tenya quirks his eyebrow.

"Ah, I see! Sorry! But you know, 'Deku' sorta gives a Never-Give-Up vibe so I kinda like it!"

Izuku looks as though her words struck him right in the kokoro as he declares: "I'm Deku!" Under that green mop of hair, his face has grown incredibly red. If he's a tomato on sale, housewives and husbands will totally fight over him!

"Midoriya-kun?!" Tenya's astounded by the turn of events.

They soon leave for home together. Ochako comes up with endless topics to chat about and Izuku gives appropriate replies while Tenya mainly listens, adding a comment every now and then. Happy voices accompany the three silhouettes as both the sky and the chirps of the birds seem slightly brighter than when the greenette had been walking alone.

Aye, youth~ So beautiful yet fleeting. Renka'll hide behind a newspaper, cut out two eyeholes, peek through them and munch on her hidden popcorn stash if she can. Well, even if she can, there isn't a need to. Because she's completely invisible to them! No one will notice her stalking! Even when she experimentally blows a raspberry right in Izuku's face, he gives no reaction, as though she doesn't exist. There should be a limit to lacking presence! Is it because I haven't been wearing my glasses lately? Does the glasses make up 95% of my identity?!!

In the midst of her muddled thoughts, another flash of bright light greets her and the scene changes again. This time, 1-A seems to be having their English lesson. Seeing as Izuku and company went home just now, this should be the following day...? Everyone has less-than-thrilled faces, especially Katsuki, who has "Bored" written all over him.

"Who knows the answer? Everybody, heads up! Let's get this party started!" Turning her eyes towards the hyper voice, it appears that the man with a pair of sunglasses, headphones and hair that defies the laws of gravity is their English teacher. Judging from his characteristics, he should be the pro hero Present Mic.


Fortunately, Renka doesn't have to suffer through the lesson like the rest. Because, as though time skip is employed, class ends quickly and she soon finds herself staring hatefully at Tenya's plate. What's worse than not having food to eat, is precisely having to look at others eat when you yourself can't! Renka reaches out for a bowl but she can't touch it no matter how much she tries. WAE?!!

It's lunch break and most of the class had dispersed to the cafeteria. At Izuku's table, the greenette's enjoying the presence of the Cooking Hero, Lunch Rush a rice bowl, Ochako's indulging in a typical Japanese meal set while Tenya's having curry rice. Renka trembles, her eyes turning as bloodshot as her grapehead classmate's whenever he looks at eye candies. A generous portion of aptly spiced curry with bite-sized potatoes and carrots, layered above fragrant white rice... ah, the supreme combination! Eh, wait. Fragrant? Renka sniffs a little. For some reason, the food-filled cafeteria doesn't have even a whiff of the expected smells... or any smell, for that matter.

Before she can ponder further, the already well-acquainted Bright Flash of Light pays her a visit once again. When the brightness ebbs, the scene before her is that of her classroom. From the position of the sun in the sky outside the window, not much time had passed since lunch.

"I!! ... came through the door like a normal person!" the door suddenly opens to reveal an unexpected person.

ALL MIGHT?! Sounds of admiration and excitement are heard throughout the class. Who knew they'd get to meet the famous hero right in the flesh? When the tall, muscular figure stepped into the class, no one needed more than a glance to recognise the most famous hero of the era. In his seat further inside the room, Katsuki's eyes brighten inexplicably.

"I'm in charge of Fundamental Hero Studies. It's a subject where you undergo various trainings to learn the basics of being a hero. It's also the subject that gives the most credits. Now, without further ado! Today, we have—" he pauses a little for suspense, "—COMBAT TRAINING!"

The atmosphere immediately tenses up with the sudden announcement. Just as All Might gestures towards the panels by the wall, a high-pitch voice squeals without warning. Strangely, neither the students nor teacher of 1-A seem to hear it. Having had an inkling for a while already, Renka turns towards the offender with accusing eyes.

"Kyah! It's starting! It's starting!!" the newcomer continues to squeal, her pink braid swaying as she dances in glee.

".................. Fiocchi?" It's only now when Renka speaks that she realises her voice has returned.

Paying no mind to the weird expression on Renka's face, the pink-haired girl twirls on the spot and strikes a pose.

"BIN~GO!♪ ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。 Yumegasaki Fiore has arrrrrived!"

Switcheroo  \BnHA Various x Reincarnated!OC\Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ