Omake - There's A Fine Line Between Love and Admiration

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    The relationship between the three has always been strange. Enemies? Not right. Friends? Not quite. Rivals? Not yet. People around them have their own opinions but nothing seems to be an exact fit.

... Perhaps even they themselves can't put a name to it.

Once, the boys could have been called friends, but change arrived too fast. They changed too fast, the world changed too fast, and when the changes collided, little remained of what they once were. Ever since Katsuki got his Quirk, ever since Izuku was proven Quirkless, ever since that day by the river, everything changed. Even when Renka added herself to the equation belatedly, what had been set in stone could not be altered. Unless, of course, those involved decide to change once again.

Maybe because she underwent rebirth, Renka believes in fate, that there are forces at work, binding people together with unseen strings. Whether those connections are fortuitous or ill-omened, whether the changes brought by those connections are good or bad... only time will tell.


Held by the strong arm of a handsome boy, a sense of security permeates her as she leans deeper into his embrace. Can he hear the rapid drumming of her heart, which seems to want to leap out of her chest? If she can manipulate time, she'll make the moment last forever...

LIKE HELL SHE WILL! Actually, if she can, she'll make things end faster than the speed o' sound! Seriously, even the worst romance web novel won't have such an uncooperative character. Why is he doing the freaking fireman's carry! If she knew it's going to be so embarrassing, she'd have preferred to remain behind the school building... This is just shame play!! Yes, a princess carry is too much but isn't a piggyback plausible? She's not injured nor unconscious (yet) and it's not like he needs his hand free for anything!

To make it worse... The stares boring in her...

Wuuuu... if only she can lift her arm! She really wants to cover her face... Unfortunately, the trek to the classroom is long. Even more unfortunate, they've been bumping into students nonstop. It seems that aside from the out-of-the-blue Quirk Apprehension Test Aizawa gave 1-A, the majority of the other classes only underwent the usual orientational and administrative procedures. As those were settled and they've no classes for the rest of the day, many of them are on their way home. Alas, that's not all. The even, even more unfortunate thing is, Katsuki is thriving in schadenfreude and is intentionally prolonging her suffering (not that she realises). The odds are never in her favour!

There's an age-old adage that she just invented... when distressed, distract thyself!

"Oh right! You don't know how jealous I am! You got to talk to that All Might, face-to-face, you know?! That's, like, a one-in-a-lifetime chance! Why didn't you ask for his signature!" she exclaims, referring to the sludge villain incident, completely unaware of old wounds being opened.

Honestly, before that incident, she wasn't much of an All Might fan, even though two of her childhood friends are All Might otakus, even if one of them won't admit it. The top hero felt too remote, too far away. She much prefers lesser-known pro heroes like the Turbo Hero, Ingenium, or the BMI Hero, Fat Gum. Especially the latter! Ever since she saw him in action, she...! Kyaahh!!

Katsuki scowls at the feather-like breath brushing against his arm. The girl's tone is enthusiastic but her volume is barely above a whisper, the feminine voice loaded with fatigue. Since they can leave after collecting documents of the curriculum and whatnot, they're going straight to class without changing. The earlier they leave, the earlier she can get home. She's not injured so Recovery Girl can't help much. It's better to get her to her mum, who always keeps the necessary medical equipment on standby. Those will help maintain her body in optimal condition even if she's unconscious for a prolonged period of time.

"Tch, I'm not a shitty nerd like you or Deku!" Katsuki snorts.

"Pfft. Says the guy totally into All-Might," she counters.

"............" That creepy girl must have been teaching her weird things again.

The girl quiets down, and just as Katsuki thought she fell asleep, her breath tickles his arm again.

"You know... you should be glad we're in school grounds. You probably look like a kidnapper right now."

"Oh for fuc—... One more word and I'm dropping you."

Katsuki's threat obviously falls on deaf ears, for she adds: "By the way, I'm sorry... for underestimating you," her voice grows softer with every word "I'm sure... you can reach... All... Might."

Hearing the soft sleeper's breaths, he knows that she truly fell asleep this time. Katsuki adjusts his grip on her wrist so that she won't accidentally fall off, hit her head and receive brain damage. The girl's silly enough even without that. Man, such a handful. She's like an annoying cousin you're forced to babysit. You're reluctant to do it, yet you can't leave the stinky brat alone.

"Of cos', dumbass. Not only will I reach him, I'll surpass him."

Even though he'll never admit it, watching Izuku's performance unnerved him and a part of him wavered. However, Katsuki finds his determination anew with this declaration. Ever since the day he saw that thrilling sight on television, the goal he's been chasing has never changed. Not now, not ever. Not until it's grasped in his hands. A thought flashes in his head and his crimson orbs suddenly take on a wrathful edge. In order to do that... everything in his way must be crushed.

Thus, as the curtain falls on the first day of school, the students of U.A. make way as two extremely conspicuous teenagers cut through the hallways. One moves as though he owns the place, with a look that says he wants to knock the living daylights out of someone while the other had her living daylights knocked out of her. Even as they grow ever closer to their destination, they didn't imagine that they'll again meet the top hero they were talking about so soon.

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