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Himika stared at Kaneki in disbelief. She said the first thing that came to mind,

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm not kidding." Kaneki said, staring back at Himika.

Himika stared back at him before sighing.

"Explain to me what makes you believe you're from another dimension." She ordered.

"I keep having these weird visions, except, I don't think they're visions, I think they're forgotten memories." He explained.

"Go on." She encouraged.

"I have a vision where I'm in a coffee shop, working next to some girl with purple hair. Then, earlier today, I had a vision about being tortured, except this guy was much bigger than me and had blonde hair." Kaneki said. "I feel like I know these people, and these things did happen to me."

Himika let out a long sigh, rubbing her temples in a stressed way.

"Lets talk about this later, for now, lets talk about when we're leaving." She suggested.

"According to Orochimaru, Sasuke's training is going to begin tomorrow, meaning that he will be busy for a while." Kaneki stated. "We should be able to leave the day after tomorrow."

"Great, I will start packing tonight." Himika said.

"Sounds good. See you in the morning." Kaneki said before walking out of the room.

Once Kaneki left, Himika threw open her drawers and started packing her things, she smiled when she saw the picture of her and team seven. She placed the photo carefully in her bag and continued packing. Her hand brushed up against something cool and she pulled it out.

The small smile slid off her face when she discovered it was her old headband. The Konoha symbol seemed to stare into her, making her scowl as she angrily shoved it into her bag.

'I can't bring myself to ditch it...'

After she finished packing, her stomach growled. She walked to the door and opened it, deciding to get a midnight snack.

'I ate like a week ago... Why am I hungry?' She asked herself.

She shrugged and walked to the kitchen, deciding to check the freezer. She lifted the lid and peered inside.

'Damn... Empty.' She thought with disappointment.

She turned to go back to her room but stopped when her stomach growled again.

"When did you last eat?" A voice called.

"Sasuke?" Himika asked hesitantly.


'Yep, that's him.' She confirmed.

"I ate a week ago." She answered.

"I thought you got hungry every month." Sasuke said.

"Not anymore, I'm much hungrier than before." She replied. "I'm going out, if anyone asks just tell them I went to get a snack. They'll understand."

"Can I come?" He asked.

"I suppose. It's not going to be pretty though." She replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Hn." He hummed, shoving his hands in his pocket.

Himika walked to the exit, Sasuke following closely behind her, not wanting to get lost. Himika undid the Jutsu that kept the barrier up and walked out, Sasuke trailing behind her.

Himika took off running into the forest, Sasuke running behind her at a slightly slower pace. She kept running until she came to a small camp in the forest. Sasuke stopped in the trees next to Himika.

"Wait here." She ordered, pulling up her headband.

She looked around their camp, noticing the single tent and small camp fire. She assumed there were one or two people camping here.

Himika jumped out of the tree and landed silently on the ground. She walked over to their tent and knocked it over using a roundhouse kick.

"Ahh!" Two men jumped up from their sleeping bags and quickly raced for their weapons.

Both men pulled out kunai and stood to defend themselves. Himika walked over to them and faced them, releasing her kagune and aiming to strike them both.

"W-what the hell a-are you!" One of the men exclaimed.

"M-m-monster!" Screamed the other.

Himika shut them up by quickly killing them, her kagune piercing through their hearts. The men's eyes were frozen with fear as they died.

Himika threw one of the men to the side and placed the other one on the ground in front of her. She knelt down in front of him and moved the clothing away from his neck before taking a bite.

Sasuke couldn't help but cringe in the trees, the sickening sound of ripping flesh making his stomach churn. After a couple more bites, Sasuke turned away, finding that he couldn't watch any longer.

Himika stripped the cadaver of his clothes and finished him off, leaving his bones and clothes on the ground. She licked the blood off her fingers and wiped her mouth on her sleeve.

She left the other man where he laid and decided to explore the remains of their tent.

She looked around and saw a backpack, partially open with something metal sticking out. She curiously picked it up, but dropped it one she found out what it was.

It was a Konoha headband.

"Shit." She cursed.

Sasuke heard her curse from the trees and jumped down beside her, wondering what could've made her swear.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Himika silently pointed to the headband on the floor.

"This is bad." He agreed.

And the two took off.

~The Hokage's office the next day~

"Lady Tsunade!" An ANBU exclaimed, barging into her office.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Tsunade yelled.

"Two chuunin from the village have been found dead! One of the men was a pile of bones and the other had been stabbed straight through his chest!" He yelled.

"Get me team seven immediately!" She ordered, having a suspicion of who it was.

"Hai!" He replied quickly before disappearing.

Ten minutes later, team seven runs into the Hokage's office.

"What's going on Grandma?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I need you to tell me everything about Himika, if I remember correctly you said she ate human flesh, but isn't human." Tsunade said.

Kakashi took over and explained everything to the Hokage. Tsunade let out a stressed sigh.

"It was her." She muttered.

"What did she do?" Saukra asked.

"She killed two chuunin from this village." She replied. "She is now too dangerous..."

"What do you mean?!" Naruto yelled.

"Himika is going into the bingo book, she's wanted by Konoha, dead or alive." Tsunade answered sternly.

Little Monster| Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now