Yes and No

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Pakkun, a small brown dog that Kakashi has a contract with, raced towards Naruto's scent. His face was drenched in nervous sweat as he raced through the trees, enjoying the cool rain that pelted his fur

He came to a clearing and stopped as he noticed an orange blob in the distance. He ran towards the figure quickly and began examining him.

It was Naruto, lying unconscious next to Sasuke's headband. Pakkun let out a disappointed sigh and waited for back-up.

"We're too late." Kakashi sighed as he landed next to Pakkun.

A few minutes passed before medical ninja arrived, informing Kakashi of everyone else's condition and taking Naruto to the hospital.

"Can we track him?" Kakashi asked, hopeful that they could bring Sasuke back.

"The rain has washed away any traces of his scent." Pakkun replied sadly.

"I thought so." Kakashi said solemnly.

The two returned to Konoha, disappointed about the mission report they would have to give to the Hokage.

Meanwhile, Himika was leading the way for her and Sasuke back to the hideout. It was completely silent, and Sasuke never said a word. He looked torn inside, but he soon turned his face into an emotionless mask.

Himika stayed silent, her mind was turning, thinking about what happened to Tayuya, Kidomaru, Sakon, Ukon, Jirobo and Kimimaro. She couldn't help but smile a little when Kimimaro came up beside them.

"Where are the others?" Himika asked.

"They're all dead." Kimimaro answered, his facial expression not changing.

The smile slid of her face. "I see, that's unfortunate..."

Sasuke looked between the two, his face showing how confused he was.

"Sasuke, this is Kimimaro. Kimimaro, this is Sasuke." Himika introduced briefly.

The two boys didn't speak, they simply gave each other a nod. Himika ignored their exchange and continued leading the way back, thinking about what happened to the Sound Four.

A few hours later, they finally arrived at the hideout. Once they entered, Kaneki was waiting.

"Sasuke Uchiha, correct?" Kaneki asked.

"Hn." Sasuke hummed, nodding his head.

"Follow me, Lord Orochimaru's waiting." Kaneki said before turning to walk away.

Sasuke followed silently after him, not bothering to protest.

Himika and Kimimaro also went their seperate ways, heading to their rooms to rest up.

~Sasuke P.O.V (weren't expecting that, were you)~

I followed the boy down the dark hallway, remembering where I had seen him before. I remember him from the chuunin exams, and that time in the Forest of Death when he ran off with Himika.

Now that I think about, why is it he is so much like Himika? They both have white hair and those tentacle things, did that mean he eats flesh too? My thoughts were interrupted when he spoke.

"By the way, in case you didn't know, my name is Kaneki." He said, not turning to look at me.

Now I remember, that was his name in the chuunin exams. But why are both him and Himika here?

"Can I ask you something?" I said hesitantly.

"I suppose." He replied.

"Are you and Himika the same thing?" I asked.

He paused mid-step and turned to face me.

"Thing? What do you mean by thing?" He asked, clearly losing his patience.

"I think Himika called herself ghoul?" I answered unsurely.

"Yes and no. We're not exactly ghouls." Kaneki said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, wanting to get a straight answer.

"Neither of us were born like this, my memory is fuzzy, but I can remember being a human." He replied.

"What can you remember?" I asked curiously.

"Not much, but I don't think I'm from this world." He replied.

"Not from this world? You mean there are other worlds?" I inquired.

"Not other worlds, more like different dimensions." He said.

"What proof do you have?" I questioned.

"None, only glimpses of strange memories." He sighed.

"Memories of what?" I pressed on.

He grimaced in pain, his face twisting in agony, as if recalling past memories pained him to think of. He crouched down in the hallway, covering his head as he writhed in pain.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

"One thousand minus seven..." He whispered.

"Nani?" I said, seriously disturbed.

"What's one thousand minus seven?" He repeated, shaking slightly.

I simply stared at him, not really knowing how to reply to that. I was going to reach out and touch his shoulder, but he suddenly stood up, making me flinch.

"W-we should g-go Lord Orochimaru is waiting." Kaneki said quickly, walking down the hallway faster than before.

I quickly followed after him, wondering what the hell just happened.

~Third Person P.O.V~

It had been a few hours since Himika's mission ended and she was relaxing in her room, reading a book. She had just flipped to the next page before the door swung open.

"We need to talk." Kaneki said quickly, walking into the room and locking the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" Himika asked, noticing how shaken up he looked.

"I'm really not sure." He sighed. "I was walking with Sasuke down the hall with Sasuke before I blacked out. While I had blacked out, I visited a memory, but it was like a lost memory that I had forgotten."

"A memory about what?" Himika inquired.

"I was strapped to a wooden chair and was being tortured." He replied.

"That's believable, have you seen how Orochimaru and Kabuto test their experiments." Himika said.

"But that's the weird part..." He whispered.

"What's weird?" She asked.

"It wasn't them torturing me." He replied.

"Who was it then?" Himika asked.

"That's the thing, I don't know." Kaneki said.

Himika let out a stressed sigh. "Nothing you're saying makes sense!"

"Then what I'm about to say won't make sense either." He said.

"Go on." She said.

"I think I'm from another dimension."


Plot twist! Weren't expecting that were you! Anyone have any guesses how this will end?

Little Monster| Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul CrossoverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ