Final Goodbye

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"Sasuke! Himika!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke and Himika turned to face Naruto, Himika just now noticing the stone statues of Madara Uchiha and the Fist Hokage that stood just to their side.

"Why would you both leave Konohagakure?!" Naruto asked, angrily yelling.

"My reasons for leaving are none of your business, Naruto." Himika replied, narrowing her eye at him.

"I need to get stronger, by any means necessary. I need to kill Itachi." Sasuke replied, staring coldly at Naruto.

"But you can get stronger here, with us!" Naruto said, shaking his fists.

"Orochimaru has power, he can give me power." Sasuke replied.

"Power?! He's turning you into a monster!" Naruto yelled.

"He's the one who made me a monster." Himika butted in, scowling at the mention of his name.

"I won't let you both get away! I'll drag you back to the Village if I have to!" Naruto promise, making hand signs for his shawdow clone jutsu.

"You can't beat me Naruto." Sasuke said, bringing out a kunai.

"You can't beat me either Naruto." Himika added, reaching for her Otogakure headband.

She lifted her headband in a very Kakashi like way, except instead of the sharingan, it was her ghoul eye. Himika would have laughed if she had a sense of humor, at how she copied the Copycat Ninja.

Scarlet and brown eyes stared down at Naruto, who was staring between his two teammates.

"Two versus one? That's hardly fair!" Naruto exclaimed. "Let's even out the odds!"

There was a puff of smoke and Naruto had created three shawdow clones. His clones all drew kunai from their weapon pouches as the real Naruto did the same.

Himika's kagune sprang from her back and pointed all four tentacle like appendages at Naruto.

Sasuke twirled a kunai on his finger before grasping it tightly and gritting his teeth.

The Narutos let loose a battle cry before charging at Sasuke and Himika.

Sasuke quickly made the hand signs for a signature Uchiha jutsu.

"Fire style: fire ball jutsu!" Sasuke exclaimed, taking a huge breath of air.

Himika quickly did her own jutsu.

"Wind style: amplifier!" Himika shouted.

A gust of wind collided with Sasuke's fire ball and made it double in size. Her wind style jutsu, 'amplifier' was simply a jutsu she created to help boost her fire types move, or in this case, Sasuke's fire ball jutsu.

The huge fire ball barreled towards the Narutos at an alarming speed, forcing the real Naruto to jump away, leaving his clones to be destroyed by the blaze.

A low angry growl escaped Naruto's throat, red chakra began to seep out of him like a container that had been filled beyond it's capacity. The whiskers on his cheeks became thicker and jagged, his hair becoming uneven and his eyes flashing dangerously between a sky blue and crimson red.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes as he glared at Naruto. There was a brief ripping sound before Himika finally noticed the hand like wings coming from his back, reminding her of her kagune, the diference being she couldn't fly.

Naruto now stood on the water, his body hunched in an animalistic crouch. The chakra swirled furiously around him, his rage combining with the beasts.

Sasuke gathered chakra at his feet and stood on the water in front of Naruto, Himika following their lead.

Naruto charged at them, barring his teeth and snarling. Sasuke and Himika both charged at him, getting ready to attack.

Naruto slashed at Sasuke repeatedly, allowing him no time to counter attack. While Naruto was distracted, Himika jumped in, aiming a kick to his head to knock him out. To her surprise, Naruto caught her foot with ease and threw her to the side, straight towards the giant statue of Madara Uchiha. Himika traveled through the air until she finally felt her body collide with solid rock.

She pulled herself out of the rock and fell to her knees, coughing as she tried to get the air back into her burning lungs. She attempted to get up, but fell again, her legs shaking slightly.

'Since when did Naruto have enough strength to beat me?' She wondered.

She finally managed to get back on her feet and ran back to the fight as quickly as she could.

Sasuke and Naruto were still battling hand-to-hand, Naruto using his claws and Sasuke using his kunai. Himika quickly jumped into the fight, batting  Naruto's claws away as they harmlessly bounced off her flawless pale skin.

Sasuke didn't bother to thank her for her help and instead went back to fighting Naruto.

Himika went in to kick Naruto, but was again kicked to the side, this time hitting the first Hokage's statue. She left a huge indent in the base of the statue and attempted to stand. Like before, she fell to her knees, erupting into a huge coughing fit. This time she felt more pain than usual and checked her side. She saw something she never thought she would see, a huge purple bruise was forming on her side. She touched it and winced in pain, immediately regretting deciding to touch it. She was awestruck, never before had she felt a bruise. Himika's awe didn't last long though,  she quickly shook it off and ran back to assist Sasuke.

When she got back to the fight the first thing she saw was Naruto. He had a swirling blue ball of chakra forming on the palm of his hand, a Jutsu she learned was called Rasengan. Sasuke was also preparing his own jutsu, he held his left arm with his right and lightning begin to form in the palm of his hand. All that could be heard was the sound of thousands of birds chirping, indicating that the jutsu he used was Chidori, the jutsu that Kakashi taught him.

Himika watched as the two collided, not being able to do anything. She stood to the side and watch them, deciding that it would be best if she didn't get in the way.

Sasuke used the two hand like wings on his back to fly towards Naruto as Naruto jumped towards him.

There was a bright white flash of light and everything went silent. When the light cleared Naruto was lying in the water, clearly unconscious. Sasuke was still standing, but he was breathing heavily.

Himika watched as Sasuke took off his headband and slashed through the Konohagakure symbol before leaving it on the ground before the unconscious Naruto.

Himika turned to the exhausted Sasuke, offering him a hand for support.

"This is it Sasuke." Himika started, staring into the sky as it began to rain.

"This is what?" He asked, out of breath.

"Our final goodbye."


So freaking happy that's over with! I think I did a good job for this fight, but I kinda forgot how the real fight went so I improvised... Whatever! The point is, Sasuke has left Konoha! Just warning you all, but the end is near! Also is there anyone who is good at drawing reading this? If so, what do you think of when reading about Himika, what's your view?

Anyways! That's all! Bye!

Little Monster| Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul CrossoverΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα