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Himika and Kaneki left the town immediatly, knowing it was only a matter of time before squad seven returned to Konoha and told the new Hokage that they encountered the two. Speaking of Hokage, Himika was still curious to know who had taken over the role of Hokage. She pushed the question to the back of her mind, but decided to find out later.

Kaneki lead them back to Orochimaru's hideout, moving at a slower pace from being a little tired and because of the body Himika still carried on her back. Soon enough, the sun had begun to set and the sky slowly got darker as the day came to an end.

"We'll sleep here for tonight." Kaneki declared, pointing to a small clearing near a river.

Himika nodded to silently agree and they settled down on the forest floor. Himika laid the bag down on the ground and Kaneki gathered sticks to make a fire, using his fire ball jutsu to light the small bon fire.

They both settled down on the ground, neither of them had pillows or blankets and had to become crafty. They both released their kagune and folded all four tentacles under their heads, acting as a pillow. Afterwards, sleep came easy, their kagune emitted a small amount of heat and made it easy and peacful to fall asleep.

They slept in a little longer then they should've and Kaneki suggested to get rid of some, 'dead weight,' by eating Aoi and dispossing of all evidence. They sat down and ate their 'breakfast' before putting all of his clothes into a pile to be destroyed. Kaneki burned all of his clothes and his headband to a crisp, Himika afterwards using a water style jutsu to put out the blaze. Himika burried the bones under ground and scattered the ashes, successfully getting rid of all evidence.

"We only have five hours to get back, we'll be doubling the pace." Kaneki ordered before leaping off into the trees.

Himika followed suit and leapt after him through the tree branches, moving at a faster pace than the day before, feeling full of energy after eating a full breakfast.

It had only been a few hours before the boulder came into view, meaning they had arrived back at the hideout. Kaneki performed the hand signs Kabuto had used several times before and the boulder became transparent, allowing them to walk through.

"We should go give our mission report now and give him the sword." Kaneki said once they had entered the dark entrance way.

Himika didn't protest and they made their way through the eerie hallways to Orochimaru's office, or study, whatever you want to call it. Kaneki knocked thrice on the door and waited for a reply. A hiss like 'come in' was heard and Kaneki pushed open the door.  

"Good, you're both back." Orochimaru said with a sick smile. "I assume you've brought me the sword."

"The mission was a succsess, the target had been disposed of and I've brought back the sword." Kaneki replied, walking forward and placing the sword onto his desk.

"Excellent." Orochimaru chuckled, his eyes gleaming with greed. "I also have another mission, but this one is only for Himika. Treat it as a way of testing her."

Himika stepped forward, now curious about what her new task would be and why Kaneki wouldn't be coming.

"If I may ask Sir, what is my mission?" Himika inquired, standing attentively in front of his desk.

"You will be leaving with another team of mine on a mission to Konohagakure." Orochimaru replied.

"Why am I going there?" Himika asked, her fists clenched in anger.

"Is there a problem with that?" He asked, his golden eyes gleaming in the dim light. "You don't still hold feeling for the people of Konoha?"

"Of course not." Himika replied, pushing away her emotions.

"Good." Orochimaru said, his voice dangerous. "You will meet the others first thing tomorrow."

"What's the mission?" Himika asked.

"You are going to Konohagakure to retrieve Sasuke for me with the Sound Ninja Four in about a week." Orochimaru replied, licking his lips once Sasuke was mentioned.

Himika held back a shudder and replied. "Understood."

"Kabuto will get you in the morning so you can meet the others." Orochimaru informed. "That's all, you're both dissmissed."

Himika and Kaneki filed out of the office and began their walk back to their rooms.

"Did you know there were other people here?" Himika asked once they were out of earshot from the office.

"Hai, I met them before, and to be honest I don't think they like me." Kaneki replied.

"Great, then they'll most likely hate me too." Himika muttered.

"Are you sure you'll be alright by yourself?" Kaneki asked.

"To be honest... No." Himika answered with a long sigh.

"Just be careful." Kaneki ordered before walking to his room and shutting the door.

Himika walked to her own room and locked her door behind her. She threw herself onto her bed and rolled onto her back to stare at the ceiling.

'Orochimaru wants Sasuke for his own personal game. The only question is if Sasuke decided to come or if he's being forced to.' Himika thought. 'He's hellbent on revenge and a complete idiot if you ask me.'

Himika sat on her bed and read a book as it slowly got later. She was reading the book she picked up in the Land of Tea on legendary weapons, having nothing else to read. She read for a few hours until she decided it was about time to sleep. She was about to lay down to sleep, but suddenly there was another presence in the room. Himika sat up straight and turned around to see Kaneki standing beside her bed.

"We need to talk." Kaneki said, getting down to bussiness.

"About what?" Himika replied.

"Our plan."

Himika's back straightned as she listened more attentively.

"Go on." She replied.

"Sasuke will be the perfect distraction, Orochimaru will be too focused on him to notice our escape until much later." Kaneki explained, planning in his head.

"When will we leave then?" Himika inquired, excited about leaving.

"I'm not sure, most likely two or three days after you get back with Sasuke." Kaneki said.

"Alright." Himika agreed.

Kaneki said a goodnight before dissapearing in the usual cloud of smoke, leaving Himika to think about their newest plan.

'Only a matter of time.'

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