Mission Start

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The next morning Kaneki came into Himika's room to get ready to leave for the mission, but as usual, she was already up and ready to go.

"I'm guessing you're ready to leave?" Kaneki said.

Himika nodded yes and put on her black cloak and backpack which had all her clothes. She didn't pack weapons considering she didn't need to, a kick to a regular human could kill them.

"Kabuto's waiting for us at the entrance, let's go." Kaneki said, leaving her room.

"Hai." Himika replied, following him out the door and shutting it behind them.

Kabuto waited by the entrance, crossing his arms in a impatient way, like he'd rather be doing anything else.

"We'll be back in a week." Kaneki said before walking out, Himika following behind him.

"You'd better be back in a week." Kabuto replied before sealing the entrance again and walking off.

They started walking through the forest at a slow pace, but before long they were sprinting through the trees.

"How long until we get there?" Himika asked as she took off of another branch.

"If we can keep this pace up then we will get there by tonight." Kaneki replied.

They stayed at a fast pace all day until they eventually made it to a small town in the Land of Tea. The town clearly wasn't that big, but even though it was evening, the town was busy.

Kaneki found a small inn and walked inside, taking out the bag of money Kabuto gave them earlier for the mission. He walked up to the front counter and was greeted by a cheerful girl.

"Hi there! How many rooms would you like?" She asked with a bright smile.

"One room, two beds." Kaneki replied, not bothering to return her cheerful attitude.

"Of course sir! How long will you be staying?" She asked.

"Six nights." He replied.

"Alright, here's your room key, your room is the second on the second floor, room 2-2." She said, handing Kaneki a room key.

The girl read off the total and Kaneki paid her using Kabuto's money. The girl accepted the money and smiled, telling them to enjoy their stay. Kaneki didn't bother to say thanks or return her kindness and walked up the stairs to their room, Himika following behind him. Once in the room, they shut the door and looked around the room.

It was a simple room, two beds, one night stand between them, and a small bathroom. The night stand had a small lamp on top and a pad of paper with a pen.

They both took a seat on their separate beds and got ready to sleep. Kaneki walked into the bathroom to change and Himika waited on her bed for her turn. Kaneki walked out after in a T-shirt and shorts and flopped down on his bed with a content sigh.

Himika got up and went to the bathroom to change into her night clothes. She put on a tank top and shorts and tied her hair into pigtails. She followed Kaneki's example and flopped onto her own bed before pulling the blankets up to her chin.

They both fell asleep and rested up for the next day.

~In Konohagakure the next day~

In the morning, Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke were called by the new Hokage for a mission.

"So what's our new mission Grandma Tsunade?" Naruto asked.

Tsunade twitched in annoyance, but replied.

"Kakashi is on another mission, so this time it will be just you three. Your mission is to guard a runner in an upcoming race in the Land of Tea. You will be leaving first thing tomorrow because the race starts two days from today." Tsunade answered, stacking papers on her desk.

Sakura hit Naruto over the head for being disrespectful and responded for her team.

"Got it Lady Tsunade, we'll leave first thing tomorrow." Sakura replied as Naruto whined about Sakura hitting him.

"Good. You are dismissed." Tsunade said.

They left her office and went to their separate homes to pack for the mission. As they packed, they couldn't help but feel saddened by the fact that their team wouldn't be complete.

When Himika and Kaneki woke up in the morning Kaneki made the day a research day, to explore and find information on the target and his sword.

After they both got dressed Kaneki headed out, saying that he'd be at the library. Himika laid on her bed, thinking about what to do with her day to be some help with the mission.

'I could explore town I suppose...' Himika thought.

She hauled herself off her bed before stretching and putting her new headband on. She tied it around her forehead like Kaneki and tilted it so it covered her right eye.

She took the room key that Kaneki left and locked their room before heading into the streets.

The streets seemed to be even busier than last night, more people were on the streets, selling things and setting up decorations.

"Why's it so busy...?" Himika muttered, looking at all the decorations.

"It's because of the upcoming race to the Todoroki shrine." A quiet voice answered.

Himika looked to where the voice came from and was surprised that anyone answered. She saw that it was an older lady who had answered her, she had kind blue eyes, grey hair and all sorts of other things old people have.

"A race?" Himika asked.

"Yes a race, it is a race to the Todoroki shrine for power over the Land of Tea." The old woman replied.

"Thanks for telling me, that was a great help." Himika said, giving the old lady a small smile.

"Of course dear, enjoy you're time visiting the Land of Tea." The old woman said with a smile.

Himika thanked the woman before walking off to explore the town more. She laughed in her head at the thought of a race for power, she imagined nobles running in a race.

'That's stupid, they would just hire someone.' Himika rationalized.

Himika spent the rest of her day gathering information on the Land of Tea, and more specifically Aoi and his lightning sword.

But of course she didn't know the hell she'd be going through in the near future. Emotional hell that is.

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