On Edge

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Himika waited for something to happen, anything. Shikamaru sat on the ground with an annoyed look, not bothering to get up.

"Get off the ground Shikamaru!" Naruto yelled.

"Maybe I would if you hadn't shoved me off!" He yelled back, getting up.

Temari didn't wait for him to recover and swiped her fan, causing blades of air to fly towards him. Shikamaru dove into the trees on the side and dodged the blades. A cloud of dust was kicked up and Shikamaru took the chance to send a shadow at her.

The shadow stretched itself into a thin line and rushed towards her, giving Temari barely enough time get out of range. Eventually the shadow couldn't go any further, Shikamaru struggled with the shadow as Temari smirked, making a line in the dirt with her fan.

"This is as far as your shadow can go." She stated, looking at the line she made in the dirt.

Shikamaru sighed, squatting down, he placed his hands together to form a square and closed his eyes.

"Why's he just sitting there?" Naruto asked.

"He's thinking." Himika replied, picking up on his habit after spending so much time with him.

A few minutes passed by painfully slow, Temari tapped her foot impatiently. Shikamaru continued to think, waiting for a good chance to attack. Eventually, Temari took things into her own hands.

She swiped her fan again, this time opening it more so that two purple dots were visible. Temari had called the dots 'moons'. The power of her fan was twice as much as before, Shikamaru barely could avoid the slicing winds and hid in the trees, only this time, some of the trees were blown away as well.

As soon as the wind died, Shikamaru stretched his shadow again, this time it went further than before, almost getting her. The shadow retreated after not being able to stretch any further.

"So that's why you were wasting time. You were waiting for the shadow to get longer." Temari said, smirking about how she thwarted his plan. "Look at my fan now, only one more moon. And the third moon means you'll lose."

Shikamaru gave a cocky smile and raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Okay, you got me, but have you looked above you?" Shikamaru asked, his grin widening.

"What?" She exclaimed, gasping before looking up.

A parachute made with a kunai floated above her, making the shadows path longer. She gasped and quickly retreated back before placing her fan in front of her, making a plan, but before her plan even started, it was already over.

"W-why c-can't I m-move?!" Temari exclaimed in a panic.

"Got you." Shikamaru said.

"H-how? I made sure n-not to be to c-close?" She asked.

"I'll let you see how." Shikamaru said, turning to look behind him making Temari do the same.

Temari's eyes widened when she realised that the shadow had come from behind her using the tunnel Naruto created. Shikamaru raised his hand, making Temari do the same. Temari shook, fearing what he would do, but was surprised by what he said.

"I give up." Shikamaru sighed.

"WHAT!?" Everyone in the arena yelled.

"W-why?" Temari asked.

"I don't have enough chakra, this jutsu will only last maybe ten more seconds. Plus, I don't really like fighting girls." Shikamaru replied, cancelling the jutsu.

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