Caged Bird

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After the proctor gave the signal to start, Naruto charged at Neji, his fist reared back for a punch. Neji however, was much more skilled in taijutsu and it showed how Naruto was at a disadvantage. If Himika didn't know Naruto personally, she would definitely say that Neji would be the definite winner, but she knew that Naruto was the kind of person who never gave up and Neji was very similar to Sasuke with his cocky attitude. If there's one thing that Himika's realized, it's that things never turn out like you think they should.

Naruto continued hopelessly using taijutsu until he made multiple shadow clones to help him. His clones and himself used kunai and taijutsu to keep Neji back. Neji activated his clan's kekkei genkai, the byakugan, and used it to find which Naruto had the most chakra to find the original. His original plan failed when he noticed that Naruto gave them equal amounts of chakra, so instead he charged at the one who hung back, thinking it was the real one.

Neji struck Naruto, but to his surprise it turned into a cloud of smoke, meaning it was only a clone. Neji was caught off gaurd and the real Naruto attacked him from the horde of clones. Neji used the split second he had to rotate quickly on his foot, using chakra to make almost like a forcefield. Naruto hit the sphere of chakra and rebounded off of it onto the ground. Neji stopped spinning and revealed that it was a new technique called the rotation.

Naruto went back to fighting, but the entire time the fight was going on, there was still a conversation going on between the two. Himika couldn't help but relate to Neji's situation, her whole life she's been a caged bird, but all of that couldn't bother her once Kaneki takes her away. The only thing Himika really couldn't relate to was all his talk of destiny, Himika believed that whatever happens cannot be controlled or pre-determined, instead things happen in life at random, depending on the path you choose to take.

Naruto threw kunai and shuriken at Neji, but he slowed them down using his rotation and caught them before throwing them back at Naruto. The battle continued for a while from a distance until Neji charged, wanting the fight to end already. Naruto defended himself as best as he could, but Neji had much greater speed and hit his chakra points one after the other, using his clan's 64 palms to hit all 64 of Naruto's chakra points.

Naruto hit the ground, everyone held their breath to see if he would get up. Slowly, he got up and faced Neji. Neji scoffed and said Naruto could ever win, but Naruto used his other chakra. Allowing the much more evil chakra to flow through him, but he looked like he was in control. Neji took a few steps back as he wondered where all this chakra came from.

Naruto attacked Neji, using his nails to swipe while also using his new speed to kick and punch. Neji deflected some attacks, but not all.

They charged at each other and kicked up dust, no one could see what was happening. When the dust cleared there were to heaps of dirt, no one knew which was Neji or Naruto. A hand stuck out of one and Neji pulled himself out, figuring he had one.

Genma was about to call the match until the ground beneath Neji broke. A fist was first to be seen before it connected with Neji's chin, sending him flying across the arena. Naruto popped out of the hole and the clone in his place poofed away, revealing a hole underneath. Naruto had blood leaking from his cracked nails, proving that he dug a tunnel.

"The winner is Naruto Uzumaki!" Genma announced.

Naruto ran around blowing kisses while Neji was taken on a stretcher to get his wounds treated. Eventually Naruto stopped running around and went back to the viewing area.

"Good job Naruto." Himika said, placing a hand on his shoulder in a supportive way.

Naruto simply gave her a thumbs up and smiled. Genma looked around for any signs of Sasuke and sighed after confirming his absence. Genma made brief eye contact with the Hokage and made his decision.

"We will be postponing the second match and will instead be moving to the third match. Shino Aburame and Kankuro of Sunagakure, please come down." Genma said in a demanding tone.

"Great. Now my match is even closer." Shikamaru sighed.

Some of the audience booed, having to wait longer for Sasuke's match. Suddenly, Kankuro raised his hand.

"Proctor! I forfeit!" Kankuro yelled out.

More people booed and Shino was pissed, although he hid his emotions well.

"Very well then. Because Kankuro forfeits, the winner is Shino." Genma announced.

"What a drag..." Shikamaru sighed, leaning against the railing.

"The next match is Shikamaru Nara vs. Temari of Sunagakure. Both of you please come down." Genma said.

"Good luck Shikamaru!" Naruto yelled.

Before Shikamaru could walk down the stairs, Naruto slapped his back and sent him tumbling over the railing. He landed with a thump on the ground.

Temari floated down on her fan in front of Shikamaru and smirked. The audience booed and threw garbage at Shikamaru when he didn't get up.

"Aren't you gonna fight?" Temari taunted.

"What a drag." He sighed.


Kinda a short chapter, but meh. Hope you found it enjoyable.

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