Getting Things Started

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Shakey, nervous, sick.

Himika felt just plain awful, like she hadn't eaten in months, but she had eaten five minutes ago. She took a few deep breaths and assumed it was only her nerves getting to her.

She had plenty of things to be worried about though, who she will fight, when will she be leaving, how she could possibly say goodbye without being a traiter. 'What' if scenarios were running through her mind,

'What if I'm seen as a traitor?'

'What if I lose control?'

'What if I fight someone I don't want to?'

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and went back to getting ready, brushing her hair, fixing her eyepatch and double checking her clothes for stains and wrinkles. She finished getting ready as she tied on her ribbon, headband and scarf.

She continued using deep breaths to calm herself, but flinched when she heard a knock at the door.

'Calm down!' She scolded herself as she walked to the door.

She opened the door and was greeted by a lazy wave.

"Morning Himika." Shikamaru said, yawning slightly.

"Morning Shikamaru, what are you doing here?" Himika asked, confused.

"I thought we could walk there together since your place is on the way there." Shikamaru replied with a small smile.

"Sure, I was going to head out now anyways." Himika said with a shrug.

Himika slipped on her usual black sandals and locked her apartment before following Shikamaru down the metal steps and onto the streets.

"Who are you up against?" Himika asked, breaking the slightly weird silence.

"That Temari girl from Suna. What about you?" Shikamaru replied.

"No idea, I got word that my original opponent died and I don't know who I'm going to fight." Himika answered with a disappointed sigh, again remembering that night.

"That's a drag..." Shikamaru sighed, shaking his head.

"You have no idea." Himika replied, letting loose a humorless chuckle.

Shikamaru caught her strange behaviour and turned to her, slightly concerned.

"Are you feeling alright?" Shikamaru asked.

Himika flinched. "I-I'm fine." She answered quickly.

"If you say so..." Shikamaru replied, eyeing her carefully before dropping the matter.

Himika felt terrible that she couldn't open up to him, but she felt a warm feeling inside her when he showed his concern for her. Himika wondered if she was getting sick, not knowing why she could feel the strange warmth.

The rest of the walk was quiet, well until they arrived at the huge arena.

"It seems even bigger up close." Himika marveled, looking at the tall walls.

"I keep forgetting that you only arrived in Konoha a few months ago." Shikamaru chuckled.

Himika nodded, still looking at the huge wall in front of her.

"Well come on! Let's go in already!" Shikamaru said, grabbing her hand and pulling her inside.

Himika face turned a light shade of pink as he grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. Himika couldn't see it, but Shikamaru was blushing madly. She felt the strange warmth again and wondered if it was a sign of illness.

Once inside Shikamaru let go of her hand, although he really didn't want to. While he held her hand he could feel all the details, how her hands were soft, yet also rough in places from training. Himika caught up to Shikamaru so that they were walking side by side into the waiting area for all of the finalists. They both looked around and realised that they were the first to arrive, no one else was here yet, with the exception of all the shinobi who guarded the place. Himika glanced at Shikamaru and decided to ask him a question.

"Shikamaru?" Himika said, getting his attention.

"Hmm?" He hummed, turning to look at her.

"I think I might be getting sick, can you tell if I'm sick?" Himika asked.

"Sure." Shikamaru replied, placing his hand on her forehead to check if she had a fever. "You don't seem to be sick, what makes you think you're sick?"

"I feel a little warm and sometimes my face turns red, then I feel really shaky." Himika said.

Shikamaru knew exactly what she was feeling, but he felt a little jealous, not knowing who she had feelings for.

"You aren't sick Himika." Shikamaru said.

"That's a relief, but then why am I feeling like this?" Himika asked.

Shikamaru was going to open his mouth to reply, but other finalists arrived and made the silence awkward. Himika looked away from Shikamaru, sensing that the conversation had ended. A little more time passed and soon all the finalist had arrived except for Sasuke, Naruto and Dosu. Dosu of course would never arrive, which only made Himika feel guilty again.

Soon all of the finalists were lead to the center of the arena so that we faced the audience. The proctor was about to begin speaking, but Naruto came running in like he had hell on his heels.

"I ran here as fast as I could! I got chased by a bunch of bulls!" Naruto yelled as he stood next to Shikamaru and Himika.

"Quiet and face the audience." A chuunin proctor said.

The audience cheered as everyone faced the stands where the Hokage and Kazekage were watching. Himika searched the audience and made eye contact with Kaneki. He gave a small nod and Himika gave a nod back. The proctor held up a sheet of paper with the matches on them.

"My name's Genma Shiranui and there's been a slight change to the matches." He said, showing them the paper.

Himika frowned as she saw that she would fight the winner of Shikamaru and Temari's match. Her frown only deepended once she remembered why they had a new proctor in the first place. The proctor led everyone to the stands as Neji and Naruto stood on the field ready for their fight.

"Things are finally getting started." Himika muttered looking at the arena.

Naruto and Neji prepared for their fight as everyone else leaned on the railing to watch the match. Himika glanced over at Shikamaru and noticed his slightly saddened look. She wanted to comfort him, but wasn't sure how to. She turned back to the fight and watched as Naruto charged.

And just like that, the fight began.

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