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The next day Himika sat peacefully on her couch, reading through one of her many books on jutsus, this particular book was on water jutsus. She flipped the page and her eyes scanned the words on the page as she studied the hand signs and techniques listed in the book. She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a knock at the door. Placing the book down, Himika stood up and walked over to the door.

"Hey Himika!" Naruto greeted as soon as the door opened.

"Hello Naruto." Himika replied. "What brings you here?"

"Well I have to talk to you about the chuunin exams! The finals are going to be held in a month, I'm up against Neji, Sasuke's up against Gaara and you're up against that Otogakure ninja Dosu. I was also going to ask why you disappeared yesterday." Naruto explained.

"Sorry about that Naruto, I already had a guess of who would pass and I was feeling really tired, so I decided to go home." Himika replied, bowing her head in apology.

"Don't worry about it! Oh yeah, you might not see me or Sasuke around much. Sasuke is training with Kakashi-sensei and I'm off to find a sensei." Naruto said.

"Alright, good luck with your training Naruto." Himika replied.

"You too Himika!" Naruto said with a smile before walking away.

Himika nodded and shut the door behind him. She walked back to the couch and picked up her book before walking to her room. In her room, Himika grabbed her black backpack and shoved some of her books into the bag, deciding that the day shouldn't be wasted sitting around at home. She fixed her hair in the usual black ribbon and tightened her scarf around her neck, also taking time to check her eyepatch before heading towards the nearest training ground.

She walked past many of the villages shops and passed a playground, watching the children play ninja as she walked past. She continued to walk until another came into step next to her, looking over she realised it was Kaneki.

"What are you doing here with me?" She asked. "I thought you said you'd be in trouble if you were caught near me?"

"Change of plans. I've been ordered to befriend you and somehow convince you to return to Orochimaru." Kaneki answered as he continued to walk next to her.

"Why would he want me back when he's got you? You're more skilled at using your kagune than I am, not to mention older than me." Himika asked, scowling a bit.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kaneki asked. "He wants more power, and you could be just as good as me if you practiced more."

"So he only wants me because I was a successful experiment?" Himika thought out loud, although it was more of a question.

"Pretty much." Kaneki said. "It doesn't surprise me the Hokage let you stay here, more protection."

"Don't say that." Himika hissed, holding high respect for the Hokage.

"Have you considered my offer though?" Kaneki asked.

"I'm still thinking about it, I have too much to think about already. The chuunin exams finals are coming up and I need to train, in more ways than one." Himika replied, thinking of her kagune and how she barely used it.

"I could help if you like." Kaneki said.

"Can you help with jutsus too?" Himika asked.

"Yes I can, I'm much better at water and wind style though. You did know that we can do all jutsus right?" Kaneki answered, kicking a pebble on the road.

"Yeah I found that out on my own. It would be great if you could help me, I'm not very good at water style, my wind style's alright though." Himika replied, dodging a kid who ran in front of her.

"Do you know a training ground that no one ever uses?" Kaneki asked.

"Not really, although the training ground my team and I had our first training exercise is usually empty. The only people who really use it are people on my team." Himika replied, remembering the bell test.

"We should go there then, if anyone on your team comes we could always just explain the situation, but don't mention my offer." Kaneki warned.

"Alright, follow me then." Himika said, turning a corner and walking towards training ground three.

Kaneki walked slightly behind her, following her towards the training ground. Meanwhile, Sakura sat in her bedroom watching with curious eyes as she watched Kaneki follow Himika.

'What is he doing with Himika?' Sakura asked in her head, getting more and more curious.

Not being able to stand not knowing, Sakura decided to follow them. She attached her weapon pouch to her thigh and made sure she had plenty of kunai and shuriken, not knowing what would happen.

Sakura said goodbye to her mother and walked out the door, heading in the direction that she last saw the two white haired teens. She followed from a long distance, fully aware of Himika's senses, which were much better than a normal humans.

"Training ground three..... my team..... test." Sakura could hear Himika say to the older boy.

'Are they headed to training ground three?' Sakura thought.

Deciding that they meant that they were going to training ground three, Sakura turned around and decided to take another route to avoid being caught, it was a longer route, but it would stop her from getting caught.


Sakura peeked through the bushes and saw the older boy yelling at Himika, his red kagune waving behind him. Himika stood on the other end of the field, panting as her purple kagune flicked from side to side.

'Are they fighting?' Sakura thought.

Himika let those a battle cry as she charged at him, the boy deflected her attacks using his own kagune. Himika used her kagune to slash and stab at him, Kaneki dodged and sent his own attacks at her. Eventually Kaneki managed to pin her down, using his own kagune to hold down hers.

"You win." Himika sighed.

"Again." Kaneki ordered.

Himika sighed, but got up anyway and got ready for another round. Sakura continue watching from the bushes, she watched quietly until a leaf floated in front of her nose and made her sneeze.

"Come out now." Kaneki said, walking towards the bushes.

Sakura stayed put, shaking in fear. All four of Kaneki's tentacle like kagune reached into the bushes and pulled out a terrified Sakura by her arms, making her hang in the air by her arms.

"Sakura? What are you doing here?" Himika asked.

"I was worried when I saw you with....him..." Sakura said, gulping nervously when she glanced at Kaneki.

Kaneki placed Sakura onto the ground gently once he realised that she was one of the people on Himika's team.

"What are you doing here... with him." Sakura asked.

"He's helping me train." Himika replied.

Kaneki stepped forward and spoke to Sakura.

"I know we got off on the wrong foot in the forest, but my name's Kaneki and I really don't want you to be scared of me." Kaneki briefly explained.

Sakura gave Himika a confused look, clearly wanting a more clear explanation.

"It's difficult to explain, but Kaneki is someone you can trust." Himika said.

Sakura still looked confused, but nodded anyway.

"I'm sorry I interrupted your training. I'm also guessing that you don't want anyone to know you're here." Sakura said, taking a look from Himika to Kaneki.

"Yes please." Himika replied.

Sakura bobbed her head and walked off, back towards her home. Himika heaved a relieved sigh before Kaneki got up and faced her.


Himika groaned.

'Here we go again......'

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