Cruel Fate

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Almost as soon as the match began the man dressed in all black came charging towards Sasuke, catching him off guard. Yoroi held Sasuke down by his head using his right hand which was glowing blue. Sasuke struggled, using his arms to try to pry Yoroi's arm off of him, he kept struggling until one of his arms fell to his side.

Sasuke finally realised that Yoroi was taking his chakra and used his leg to kick him off. Yoroi skid to a stop and Sasuke slowly got up, feeling weak from all the chakra he lost. Yoroi's hand glowed blue again as he charged at Sasuke for another attack, Sasuke dodged punch after punch, but got a little weak after his hand grazed his ear.

Yoroi taunted Sasuke some more and Sasuke turned to try to kick him, Yoroi jumped away and the two turned to face each other.

"Sasuke what the hell was that?!" Naruto yelled. "And you call yourself an Uchiha?! You're just gonna let this guy walk all over you?! Stop messing around and get it in gear!"

Himika nodded at Naruto's words and gave Sasuke a small disapproving look.

When Sasuke turned to look at Naruto Yoroi took it as a chance to attack and charged at Sasuke again, holding his right hand for attack. Sasuke continued dodging, making the match look hopeless, until he sped underneath him and landed a kick to his chin, sending Yoroi flying upwards, Sasuke quickly jumping up after him. Himika's eyes widened slightly when she realised she had seen that move used by someone else before.

Sasuke stopped for a second when the curse mark began to burn again, distracting him from the fight for a moment. The mark began trying to creep across his skin, taking over, Sasuke managed to suppress the mark, but it still hurt like hell. Finally being able to move again, Sasuke began his assault, starting by punching Yoroi in the gut sending him towards the ground. On the way down Sasuke landed another kick, sending Yoroi towards the ground even faster. Sasuke had fallen down from exhaustion, both of them laid on the ground, all of Sasuke's teammates crossed their fingers, hoping Sasuke would get up and win the match.

'Get up....' Himika thought slowly, watching Sasuke twitch.

Slowly, Sasuke got up. Wiping away some of the sweat that formed on his face and turning to Hayate.

"I'm declaring this match over, the winner is Sasuke Uchiha." Hayate announced.

"Way to go!" Naruto cheered.

Sakura cheered happily as well, Himika had a small smile on her face, happy that Sasuke managed to win in such awful shape. Sasuke climbed the stairs again and met up with his team, everyone congratulated Sasuke before Kakashi took him away to get his mark sealed. Himika glanced back at the board and watched the names flash by one by one, until it finally stopped on two names that made her livid,

Himika vs. Kaneki.

Himika gripped the railing, feeling it bend underneath her palms as she released some of her anger.

'Why him? Why do we always have to be enemies?' Himika wondered.

Naruto and Sakura looked at each other and then at Himika, both of them wondering who Kaneki was and why Himika seemed so angry.

"Could Kaneki and Himika please come down." Hayate said.

Kaneki jumped down first and waited in the middle for Himika. Sakura and Naruto immediately recognized him from the forest of death and turned to give Himika their support.

"Good luck Himika!" Naruto cheered.

Sakura wished her good luck as well, but Himika ignored them and walked down the metal stairs, into the fight she was dreading.

"Does anyone have any objections?" Hayate asked.

Himika had plenty of objections, but kept quiet. Hayate was going to start the match until Kaneki spoke up.

"Could I please speak with her first?" Kaneki asked.

"I suppose." Hayate answered.

Kaneki walked towards Himika and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"I don't want this to end badly, I think we should stick to taijutsu and don't use your kagune at all. At least if we use taijutsu we won't get hurt to badly, and one last thing." Kaneki stopped leaning and stood up, saying the last part loud enough that anyone could hear it. "Don't hold back."

"Alright." Himika agreed, getting ready to fight.

Kaneki took his own stance, his fist's in front of him and leg's spread apart.

"Now let the match begin." Hayate said.

Kaneki had a feeling that Himika wouldn't attack first, so instead Kaneki launched at her with a kick aimed at her side. Himika brought herself back to reality and dodged his kicked by jumping above it. Kaneki aimed a punch, Himika dodged to the left and tried to sweep under his feet, but Kaneki jumped. The fight went on as a high speed taijutsu battle, only blurs were seen here and there.

Lee marveled at their speed and even most jonin in the room were gaping at the intenseness of the battle, but almost everyone could tell that even this wasn't full strength. It was barely noticeable, but their punches and kicks were being held back and the fight was getting nowhere.

"Stop holding back." Kaneki said as he fired a punch at her head.

"Then you stop holding back." Himika replied, dodging his punch and attempting to kick him.

Most people watching were confused about many things. How could they still hold a conversation when they were moving so fast? Why do they talk like they know each other? Why do they have similar appearances? And how was that holding back?

After another five or so minutes of a fight leading nowhere, everyone could notice that the fight was slowing down. Kaneki and Himika both knew that their stamina was running low and that the fight was going nowhere. Deciding that something needed to be done, Kaneki stopped, Himika saw that he stopped and stopped as well. Kaneki turned to Hayate and raised his arm.

"I forfeit." Kaneki said simply.

Himika looked at Kaneki, clearly confused as to why he would give up.

"Because Kaneki forfeits, the winner of this match is Himika." Hayate announced.

Kaneki walked back to his team and Himika walked back to hers. They congratulated her on her win, but Himika ignored them and walked past them. Naruto and Sakura exchanged worried glances, but they could feel that Himika wanted to be alone and left her be.

Himika meanwhile sat in one of the hallways of the tower by herself, silently crying. She cried by herself until she felt a pair of arms around her.

"What a drag.... I don't know what's happening, but what a drag....." The voice sighed.

Himika looked up and saw Shikamaru holding her.

"S-Shikamaru?" Himika muttered.

"Hm?" Shikamaru hummed.

"Why is fate so cruel?" Himika asked.

"That isn't really a question I can answer Himika....." Shikamaru replied.

After all that went down during the chuunin exams Shikamaru really didn't know what to think, he'd seen Himika before with those tentacles. Normally he'd be terrified, but he wasn't.

He just wanted to hold her and take away her pain.

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