Barely Passed

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Time was ticking by, slowly but surely. The exams would be coming to the end and team seven was stuck in a fight, how lucky. Sasuke had come up with the plan and was preparing to set it in motion, Himika being the first step to making the plan successful. Sasuke slashed through a clone and turned to Himika, to shout.

"Now!" Sasuke shouted.

Himika reached into her weapon pouch and quickly pulled out a smoke bomb, tossing it in front of the clones. Naruto weaved hand signs quickly and made perfect replicas of team seven and Kabuto. The clones pretended to be worn out and the enemies hiding in the bushes finally revealed themselves to finish the job. Team seven jumped out of the bush and attacked the Amegakure ninja, managing to tie them together. Sasuke fished through all of their bags before finally finding the heaven scroll they needed.

"Now we just have to go to the tower, but this time in order to avoid anymore setbacks I want Himika to be in front and keep a lookout." Sasuke ordered.

"Alright, but if we run into another genjutsu I won't be able to see it." Himika replied simply.

Himika lead the group towards the tower, sniffing the air for any traces of enemy scents, but soon enough they made it to the tower with no more setbacks. Kabuto waved goodbye to the naive genin and walked back over to his team with the scrolls he gathered. Naruto waved goodbye to Kabuto and Himika gave him a small glare, still feeling unsettled after all that's happened, also knowing full well he was working with Orochimaru for sure. Walking into the tower, Sakura read the reading off the wall, it had a message written on it that related to the scrolls. Himika briefly read what the writing said before she got to the ending of it.

"Do you think it wants us to open the scrolls?" Sakura asked.

"Seems so." Himika said, glancing at the scrolls in Sakura's hands.

Sasuke took one scroll and Sakura held the other, there was a quick countdown before they threw the scrolls open. At first nothing happened, but after a few seconds a faint sizzling sound could be heard.

"Drop the scrolls!" Sakura said in a hurry.

They both quickly dropped the scrolls and to their surprise Iruka and Kakashi appeared.

"Iruka-sensei? Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto exclaimed as he looked from one sensei to the other.

"Congratulations on passing the second part of the chuunin exams!" Iruka happily exclaimed, proud of his former students.

"Yeah, good job. Just in time too, any later and you wouldn't have passed." Kakashi sighed.

"That was close." Himika muttered to herself.

Everyone spent a few minutes chatting and catching up with their former sensei before Kakashi reminded them of an important fact.

"You all should go, the next part of the exam will be starting soon." Kakashi reminded.

A look of realization hit their faces as they scurried off into the next room, Sasuke flinched a little, at the sudden pain in his neck. Kakashi eyed Sasuke strangely, but decided not to do anything. Himika noticed Sasuke's small flinch and was becoming increasingly worried about him, how was he supposed to go on like this? Naruto lead the way deeper into the tower where all the other passing teams were gathered, waiting for instructions about the next part of the chuunin exams. Himika's eyes scanned the room before she made brief eye contact with Kaneki, he gave her a quick apologetic look before looking away. Naruto stared at Himika, wondering who she was looking at and why she looked a little down.

"What are you looking at Himika?" Naruto asked.

Himika binked a few times, like she had been brought out of her thoughts.

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry Naruto." Himika said, looking over to answer Naruto.

Naruto's quick question made Sakura and Sasuke take a quick glance at Himika, also noticing that she seemed out of it. Sasuke thought back to when she finally met up with them after she had been injured and noticed that she had seemed distant ever since then. All thoughts were broken the moment the Hokage began speaking, bringing everyone's attention the the center of the room where the Hokage stood in front of a giant pair of hands making a hand sign.

"Congratulations to all the teams that have passed the second part of the chuunin exams." The Hokage started. "Normally we would be going to the third and final round, but it seems as though we have too many teams that have passed. So we will need to hold a preliminary round."

Murmurs ran throughout the crowd about holding another round before the finals, the whispers stopped as soon as coughing was heard.

"*Cough* Actually, if you could let me take it from here *cough* Lord Hokage." The man started, being interrupted by coughs.

"Very well." The Hokage said, taking a step back.

"My name's Hayate Gekko *cough*, I will be your *cough, cough* proctor for the preliminaries. *Cough* the matches will be one on one and *cough* will be selected randomly by the screen." Hayate said, gesturing to the huge black screen behind him.

Hayate coughed a few more times before continuing. "Anyone who is not fit to fight can drop out now."

A few groups began raising their hands and dropping out, but this time it was a decision you could make by yourself and your team wouldn't have to drop out with you. Kabuto also dropped out, but before he could walk away Naruto yelled his protest.

"You can't drop out yet Kabuto!" Naruto yelled.

"Sorry Naruto, my body can't take anymore." Kabuto replied.

Himika tried not to scoff, he barely did anything and was stronger than most of the genin here and some of the chuunin. Himika heard arguing and turned to see her team arguing with Sasuke.

"Sasuke you should drop out, that mark isn't looking too good." Sakura whispered worriedly.

"It's none of your concern, I'm going." Sasuke said.

Sasuke would have continued, but he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Kakashi there.

"After your match we're going to seal that mark, but during your match don't use it. If it gets out of control then I'll have to stop the match." Kakashi warned.

"Hn." Sasuke replied, but knowing him it meant he agreed.

The screen flashed and landed on two name's,

Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi Akado.

Sasuke turned to make his descent down the stairs, but before he could walk down the first step he felt another hand on his shoulder.

"Good luck." Himika stated in her usual monotone voice.

To others she didn't sound very encouraging, but to her team those two words meant a lot. Sasuke turned to Himika and gave her a smirk, he didn't answer, but Himika could read his expression.

'I don't need luck.' Is basically what he said.

Himika released her grip on Sasuke's shoulder and watched him walk down the stairs until he was face to face with his opponent.

"Are you both ready?" Hayate asked.

Neither side gave a complaint and Hayate continued.

"Then let the first match begin!"

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