Two of the Same

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It's my birthday! I might update again today, but I'm having a busy day. So enjoy the chapter!

Once Himika had made it back to the fight a high speed taijutsu battle broke out between the two ivory heads. No one who was watching could keep up using their eyes, all that could be seen were blurs, the only way to tell them apart was Himika's red scarf. No jutsus had even been used and everyone watching could already tell that this battle was beyond their weapons.

"I thought you wanted to help me." Himika scoffed, dodging a punch.

"I do want to help, I'm just in a bad situation right now." Kaneki answered, aiming a kick at her head.

Himika scoffed as she dodged his kick and aimed a punch at his face. The two continued exchanging blows until the bandaged sound ninja yelled at Kaneki.

"Kaneki! Time to speed things up!" He yelled.

"Hai." Kaneki replied boredly.

The two jumped back, putting some distance between them. Himika gave him a confused look, but her confusion didn't last long, there was a snapping like sound and four long red tentacles were coming out of his lower back, the same as Himika, but the colour red instead. Kaneki ran at her again, using his 'kagune' to push against the ground for added speed.

Shikamaru was tempted to step in, seeing as the other team was at a disadvantage, but he stood down, mostly because he was frozen in shock. Everyone's shock was only increased when Himika stepped forward. There was another snapping noise and four long purple tentacles came from Himika's back, pointed at Kaneki. The three other Oto ninja didn't know of her ability and were shocked, along with team ten who watched from the bushes. Suddenly the battle was making less and less actual sense to a ninja and more and more sense to Himika and Kaneki. Himika now understood what Kaneki was talking about before, they were the same, but forced to be on opposite sides.

Kaneki lunged at Himika to attempt to slash, Himika dodged and slashed back. Kaneki kept an emotionless face, but on the inside he hated all of this. They continued exchanging blows, the battle seemed to drag on.

"I really wish things were different." Kaneki said.

Himika was caught off guard by his statement and Kaneki took the opportunity to stab her in the side using his kagune. Himika stumbled back and fell onto the ground, the weirdest thing being the huge grin on her face.

"I-Is this.... W-what p-pain feels like....?" Himika asked.

Everyone listening was a little taken back by her question, who hadn't felt pain before? The only one who understood was Kaneki, knowing full well that someone like them couldn't be injured by using ordinary weapons. Shikamaru felt especially bad knowing that they weren't helping at the moment.

Suddenly there was a burst of chakra and everyone's attention was brought to where the boys had been lying unconscious.

"Dosu, I leave this up to you. I must be going." Kaneki ordered, walking over to Himika.

'What's he going to do to her?!' Shikamaru thought, trying to figure the situation out.

Kaneki picked the nearly unconscious girl and held her bridal style.

"Hey! Where are you taking her?!" Sakura yelled in an attempt to get him to stop.

Kaneki didn't answer her question and took off into the forest, Himika didn't protest.

"Where are.... We going...?" Himika asked quietly.

"You need some food, to heal faster." Kaneki said sternly.

"B-but I already ate t-today....." Himika protested.

"Don't care, you need to heal." Kaneki scolded.

Himika didn't reply and let Kaneki carry her off to a part of the forest he could smell blood in. Himika's vision was blurred, but she could feel Kaneki gently placing her down. Kaneki walked away to get some 'food' and came back with a body in tow. Himika was still out of it and didn't know what was going on until she could taste the delicious taste of flesh, the blood that was still warm running down her throat. Himika regained some of her vision and turned to Kaneki.

"You should rest." Kaneki suggested.

"Thanks for everything...." Himika muttered before blacking out.

Meanwhile with the rest of team seven, Sasuke just finished breaking both of the spiked hair boy's arms, fueled by the power of the mark Orochimaru left him with. Team ten, Sakura and Lee watched in horror at Sasuke's new terrifying power. Although everyone was still concerned about Sasuke's well being, Shikamaru's thoughts went towards the boy who had carried off Himika. Shikamaru had thought of the possibility that the two of them new each other, after all they had huge similarities. From white hair, covered eye and black toe and fingernails, they were so alike, and now they both had strange tentacles, but of different colours.

Team ten had finally stepped in and helped finish the battle, the Oto ninja handed over their earth scroll, meaning that they only needed a heaven scroll because theirs was burned. Ino decided to help Sakura fix her messy short hair. Naruto had finally woken up, groggy, but alright. Sasuke was conscious, but still marveling over the power he had just moments ago.

"What happened?! Where's Orochimaru?! Where's Himika?!" Naruto suddenly asked a barrage of questions.

Everyone sighed, knowing that they would need to explain to Naruto exactly what had happened, but that also brought another thought into everyone's mind.

Where's Himika? And who was the guy who carried her off?

Kaneki wiped the blood off of Himika's side with a damp cloth as he cleaned the wound he had inflicted. He sighed lightly as he remembered for the hundredth time that he was the cause of her injury. Not to his surprise, the wound had already stopped bleeding and was trying to patch itself up, leaving only the blood that stained her side.

Kaneki had laid her down next to the river bank, that way he could clean her wound. Kaneki dipped the cloth in the river again before wringing it out and continuing cleaning her side. He wasn't very good when it came to healing, but he could tell she had already been through a lot, along with the rest of her team. There were few things Kaneki actually knew much about, but he did know two things, fate was cruel and they were two of the same. Kaneki was determined to give Himika a better life, he would do it.

Even if it killed him.

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