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Himika clicked her tongue in annoyance, wondering how she didn't know he was here sooner. She thought back to Kaneki's warning and prepared for one hell of a fight. Soon enough everything was in kaos, summoning snakes began trying to eat Naruto and Himika. Himika already knew they were at a disadvantage in this fight and decided to use her secret weapon.

Four long purple tentacles shot out of Himika's lower back, gleaming dangerously with the ends pointed at the enemy.

"I see you can control your kagune quite well." The snake like man hissed.

Himika didn't reply and instead prepared for battle. Sasuke tensed, knowing that Himika never used her tentacles unless she was seriously scared for their lives. Sakura was in a nearby tree, shivering at the amount of blood lust that rolled off of the snake.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Himika spat in hatred.

He chuckled. "I'm here to give dear Sasuke a gift."

Naruto jumped forward and chucked a kunai at him, only to have his attack easily dodged.

"Like I'd let a creep like you go near Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed in determination.

The fight continued with Sasuke, Naruto and Himika relentlessly trying to land a hit on the enemy. The snake just chuckled and dodged their attacks. Naruto was going in for another attack, but a giant snake that had been summoned came towards him from above. Himika thought their chances of winning were pretty good, that is until Naruto allowed some of the foxes chakra to seep through the seal. The boost in power would give them an advantage, but only if he fought on their side. If Naruto lost all control they'd all be as good as dead. Naruto pounced, attempting to slash at the snake man with his enlarged nails. Reacting to Naruto's attack, their foe grabbed Naruto by the ankles and hung him upside down. Naruto squirmed and slashed trying to get free, but his now exposed stomach allowed the enemy access the the seal. The enemy scoffed before placing another seal on top of the existing one, making the evil chakra disappear. Naruto lost consciousness and was tossed to the side, Himika yelled out to Sakura, who quickly reacted.

"Sakura!" Himika yelled.

"Hai!" Sakura yelled back as she threw a kunai, successfully pinning Naruto to a tree by his clothes.

Sasuke was slowly getting more and more worn out, especially with him using the sharingan so much. Himika's stamina wasn't much better and felt like it was running on empty. Himika swung her 'kagune' as the snake had called it at him. The slithery man only barely avoiding her attacks. Slowly, it became easier to dodge Himika's attack, she was almost on the verge of collapse. Sasuke finally managed to tie the enemy to a tree using wire, using a great fireball jutsu he let the fire run along the wire, making the snake burn. Everyone was going to cheer, but he didn't die, instead his skin peeled off, revealing golden eyes, pale skin and purple ring marks. The look Himika had come to hate.

"W-who are you?!" Sasuke yelled out, partially in fear.

"My name's Orochimaru, and I'm going to leave you with a gift Sasuke." He replied.

Suddenly Orochimaru's neck extended and reached over to Sasuke. Before Himika could stop him, he bit down on Sasuke's neck, causing a mark to appear.

"Sasuke will seek me out for power soon enough....." He chuckled before disappearing into the forest.

Sasuke screamed and writhed at the burning sensation in his neck.

"We've got to get out of here." Himika said as she dashed over to the tree Naruto hung from.

Himika pulled Naruto out of the tree and wrapped one of her 'kagune' around his waist, holding him gently. She walked over to Sasuke and picked him up like Naruto, she would have offered to carry Sakura, but she could barely manage the two boys. Sakura and Himika found a hollowed out tree and gently placed the boys down, treating their injuries. Himika let her kagune slip into her back as she began panting heavily.

"Sakura.... Please watch them...... I need to go eat something..." Himika panted.

Sakura nodded her head. "Just be safe."

Himika bobbed her head to say she would before heading out of the tree. Himika searched around until she found a fresh corpse, the only disturbing thing about it were the grains of sand that littered the ground. Tearing off an arm, she bit into the flesh, letting a trail of blood run down her chin. Himika ate as much as she could, knowing that the exams weren't over yet and that she would need her strength. She continued silently eating her fill until she heard a fight going on from the direction she just came from. She dashed back to where she came from as fast as she could, arriving just in time to see Lee jump in to save Sakura.

"Don't worry Sakura, I'll fight them!" Lee cheered before stepping into battle.

Himika stopped beside Sakura and leaned over to talk to her.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"These Otogakure ninja want to fight Sasuke right now and kill him, but Sasuke's still unconscious. Now, Lee is trying to help by fighting them off."

Himika was so distracted by the losing battle Lee was fighting that she failed to notice team ten hiding in the bushes. Lee was soon defeated by their sound attacks and was lying on the ground. Himika was going to step in, but to her surprise Sakura stood up.

"Stay here and look after the boys Himika. Please." Sakura ordered as she stood up.

"But Saku-...." Himika protested.

"I'm tired of this, of being so weak. It's my turn to protect you guys for once." Sakura cut her off.

'Sasuke and Naruto are out, Himika's still getting her strength back and Lee helped as much as he could.' Sakura thought.

The Oto ninja underestimated Sakura in her ability. Sakura used many substitution jutsus and managed to trick them into believing she wouldn't attack head-on, but soon enough the female ninja had Sakura by the hair and began taunting her about it. Sakura took out a kunai and cut her hair, but before she could try and attack them again she was kicked into a tree by someone Himika knew.

"Why's this taking so long?" The white haired oto ninja asked.

"Thank kami you're here! Finally! Lets get this over with!" One of the boys cheered.

The white haired boy walked in front of the group and faced Himika. No one else could see it, but he mouthed 'gomen'. Himika looked at him confused before he roundhouse kicked her into a tree near Sakura. The sheer force of the kick made her cough madly.

In the bushes, Shikamaru watched with a pained expression as Himika got back up.

"No." Himika muttered as she made her way back towards the fight.

And that was the moment when all hell broke loose.

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