The Exams Begin

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Himika felt many different emotions, most were hard to explain. She was happy to see Kabuto, but at the same time she didn't want that snake to be nearby anywhere and was afraid that she might be taken back. Kabuto glanced at her and the two made eye contact, Himika quickly looked away. She was so distracted in her thoughts that she didn't notice when all of the Konoha genin teams had begun talking and others had started to glare at them. She finally realised what was happening when Kabuto warned the genin to be quiet because of all the others who were glaring.

"Quiet down." Kabuto warned.

Everyone turned to see the many others glaring at them before walking over to Kabuto. Himika ignored her team and sat down in a seat, far from Kabuto. Kabuto glanced at the white haired girl and smirked a little before talking to the rest of her team.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked, being wary of him.

"My name's Kabuto Yakushi, this has been my seventh time trying for chuunin." Kabuto sighed, rubbing the nape of his neck with a sheepish look.

Himika heard the conversation from her seat with her advanced hearing and tried not to scoff.

'Liar, you're probably stronger than any chuunin and some jonin.' Himika scoffed.

"Whoa, that's a lot...." Naruto marveled.

"Yes, but on the bright side over the years I've been able to gather information on all of the people here. Is there anyone you'd like to know about?" Kabuto asked to gain their interest.

"Rock Lee and Gaara of the Desert." Sasuke answered immediately.

"So you know their names. That makes things easy." Kabuto said.

Kabuto took out his orange ninja info cards and channeled his chakra through two cards, making words appear on them.

"First is Rock Lee, his sensei is Might Guy, team mates are Tenten and Neji Hyuga. He's been a genin for a year, but this is his first time in the exam. He has no ninjutsu or genjutsu ability, instead he relies only on his taijutsu skills." Kabuto read off the card and Sasuke's scowl deepen.

"Next." Sasuke said.

"Gaara of the Desert, from Sunagakure with his siblings as his team mates, Kankuro and Temari. He's only a rookie like you guys, but he's been on lots of C and B ranked missions. Get this, he came back from every mission without a scratch." Kabuto said, he clearly was as shocked as the rest of them.

Himika listened from her seat, she was surprised too, but she kept her face the same. Himika could feel someone's stare and turned to see the white haired stranger looking at her. Himika didn't look away and neither did the stranger. She watched his lips move and read what he said.

'We need to talk.' He mouthed.

'Why should I trust you?' She mouthed back.

'I'll explain later, after the first round of the exam is over.' He mouthed before turning away.

Himika didn't want the white haired stranger staring at her any longer, so she built up the courage to walk over to her team and Kabuto.

"Himika guess what we found out!?" Naruto yelled.

"I could hear everything." Himika replied simply.

Naruto rubbed his neck bashfully while Kabuto and Himika made brief eye contact before looking away.

"Hey! Put this on your cards four eyes! All of the Otogakure ninja genin will make chuunin!" One of the sound ninja yelled.

The sound ninja with bandages covering his face went to punch Kabuto, but he quickly dodged the punch. He looked fine until he doubled over and puked. Before anymore violence could go down, two cold voices spoke one after another.

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