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The next morning everyone got up early and prepared for the day, all except Naruto, Naruto wouldn't get out of bed. Everyone went downstairs for breakfast, it was grilled fish and miso soup. Himika managed to get out of eating by saying she wasn't hungry and only had a cup of coffee, black of course. Himika secured her favorite scarf around her neck and fixed her eyepatch before heading to the bridge with Tazuna and her team. As they got closer Himika couldn't help but get a bad feeling about today, something was terribly wrong. When they got there they immediately noticed the dead and unconscious bodies littered all over the bridge. A deep chuckle could be heard, a very unsettling chuckle.

"I see you still have the brats with you Kakashi, look that one's shaking." Zabuza mocked as he referred to Sasuke.

"I'm shaking in excitement." Sasuke started with an eager look.

Zabuza made water clones and Kakashi gave Sasuke the signal to go ahead. Sasuke destroyed the water clones using his kunai.

"It seems like you have a rival Haku." Zabuza chuckled.

"It seems so." Haku replied.

Himika took notice that the tracker nin from before was working with Zabuza for sure, she also now knew who Haku was. Sasuke and Haku began fighting, Himika moved to go join the fight until Kakashi moved his hand in front of her.

"Protect Tazuna with Sakura." He order.

"Understood." Himika replied.

Himika stood silently next to Tazuna with her kunai poised in her right hand, ready to attack or defend. A few water clones came her way before Kakashi began to occupy Zabuza. Himika quickly destroyed the three clones and stood beside Sakura.

"I'll guard the right." Himika said before staying on the right of Tazuna.

Sakura nodded her head and guarded the left side of Tazuna. Before long Sasuke was trapped in Haku's ice mirrors, he dodged senbon as Haku jumped from mirror to mirror. Himika moved a little closer to the dome before Kakashi yelled at her.

"Stay where you are Himika! Sasuke can handle himself!" Kakashi yelled over the sound of clashing weapons.

Himika stayed put, that is until she could hear Sasuke grunting in pain. Ignoring Kakashi, she dashed into the dome. Sasuke looked surprised at the girl who suddenly appeared in the dome.

"Baka! Now your stuck too!" Sasuke scolded.

Himika ignored Sasuke and faced Haku, who was in the mirror in front of her.

"Your the one who didn't get cut in half." Haku said to himself.

Haku started trying to fire senbon at Sasuke, but Himika stood in front and deflected them using herself as a shield. Her white bangs flew up as she dashed from one side of the dome to the other deflecting senbon, revealing her black eyepatch.

"Why do you wear an eyepatch?" Haku asked as he took a break from shooting senbon at Sasuke.

"To hide what I don't want to believe is true." Himika answered, almost like she was speaking in riddles.

Haku didn't reply as he went back to firing senbon at twice the speed he was before. Himika continued to deflect them until one needle managed to cut the leather strap of her eyepatch making it fall off. Himika covered it quickly with her hand, but not before Sasuke caught a glimpse of red. Himika continued to deflect senbon but with one occupied arm she couldn't deflect them all, Sasuke grunted in pain. Just as Himika was about to remove her hand another barrage of senbon came at Sasuke, she wasn't fast enough to deflect a majority of them. She was about to move her hand, but her orange saviour came. Naruto.

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