Helping Out

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A/N: I'm in a really good mood today, not to mention the several chapters I have done in advance, so I'm going to go against my own word and update twice in one day. Simply because I have quite a few people who seem to be enjoying this story, so enjoy the extra chapter I decided to publish for no reason!

Four confused genin stared strangely at their white haired sensei.

"Climb trees? That's easy!" Naruto yelled.

"Yes, climbing trees. But there's a catch, you must do it without your hands." Kakashi explained.

Although he explained they all still seemed lost.

"I'll demonstrate." Kakashi sighed.

Placing his crutches down, Kakashi walked to the base of the huge tree. He started to walk up the tree like he was sticking to it and walked onto a branch, hanging upside down. He walked back down the tree and threw four kunai at the genin's feet.

"Use these to mark your progress." He instructed.

The four nodded and started to get to work, building up the chakra in their feet. Sakura went first and got up to the higher branches. Himika walked up the tree casually as Naruto and Sasuke began running up the tree. Himika walked up a little higher than Sakura and sat on a branch.

"Looks like the girls on this team have a better chance at being Hokage and beating an Uchiha...." Kakashi taunted.

The two boys growled, Sakura giggled a little and Himika looked at them with a stoic expression.

"The girls will guard Tazuna today as you two train." Kakashi ordered.

Himika and Sakura nodded, Sakura carefully made her way down the tree using her chakra. Himika however jumped from branch to branch until she landed silently beside Kakashi. Kakashi looked a little startled by her sudden appearance.

"Himika! You scared me...." Kakashi sighed.

"Gomen Kakashi-sensei." Himika apologized.

'Her silence is terrifying...' Kakashi thought to himself.

The two girls walked in silence back to Tazuna's house, even though the two were teammates they never really got along. Sakura just toned down the insults, still they weren't buddy-buddy with each other.

"Tazuna! Are we going to the bridge?" Sakura asked as the two entered the house.

"Yes, meet me by the door." He replied.

Sakura and Himika waited silently by the door for their client. Tazuna walked to the door, ready to go with the signature bottle of sake in his hand.

"Where's everyone else?" Tazuna asked.

"They're out training." Sakura replied.

"Training? Why aren't you two training?" He inquired with an eyebrow raised.

"We already finished." Sakura replied.

Himika looked over at Sakura with a look of shock, Sakura didn't say anything rude about her.

"Lets be on our way then." Tazuna said as they left the house.

The walk was quiet other than Sakura and Tazuna talking a little bit. They got to the bridge and Tazuna set to work, ordering others around and helping out a bit himself. But as the time went by there were a few people who wanted to quit in fear for their lives. As two people left Tazuna hummed in disapproval.

"The more people who leave the longer this is going to take....." Tazuna sighed.

Without saying a word Himika walked over to the pile of wood and reached down to pick up two beams of wood.

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