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"I'm ready, just give the signal Kakashi-sensei."

"Me too! Believe it!"


"Okay team, on one... two... thr-"

"Target captured." A blank voice cut in.

The rest of team seven came out of the bushes to see Himika holding the brown cat.

"It also has a red ribbon." Himika added, confirming the target.

"Alright then mission accomplished. Lets head to the Hokages office now." Kakashi ordered as he started walking, his team following after him with the cat now in Naruto's arms.

The cat clawed Naruto's face before he handed it back to Himika.

"Stupid cat...." He muttered.

When team seven got back to the Hokages office they gave the cat back to it's owner, not surprised that it ran away before, the woman crushed the poor cat.

"For your next mission we have have baby sitting, grocery shopping or-" The Hokage started before being rudely interrupted.

"No!" Naruto shouted making an X with his arms. "I want a real mission!"

"Naruto! Genin are supposed to do D ranked missions!" Iruka yelled.

The Hokage and Iruka started explaining the mission ranks, but only Himika listened.

"None of you are even listening! Except for Himika!" Iruka yelled.

"Its alright Iruka, I have a C rank mission they can do. Its an escort mission." The Hokage said.

"OH! Is it a princess, a feudal lord?!" Naruto yelled excitedly.

"Bring the client in!" The Hokage announced.

The doors opened and in walked an old man with a bottle of sake in his hand, he smelled like a bar. Their client reminded Himika of the drunk guy she ate like two months ago, but she wouldn't touch this guy.

"These are the people who are going to protect me? What about the short one with the stupid face?" Tazuna said, annoyed.

Everyone lined up tallest to shortest. First was Sasuke then Himika, Sakura and lastly Naruto.

"Haha, who's that?" Naruto asked stupidly.

"I believe you are the shortest." Himika stated simply.

The switch had been flipped on in Naruto's mind. "I'll KILL HIM!" Naruto yelled, attempting to lunge at him but was held back by Kakashi.

"You can't kill the client Naruto." He scolded. "Meet me at the village gates in one hour."

Everyone left to go get ready. Himika used a different black bag and began packing it, putting in extra clothes and weapons. The only thing she was worried about was food, she has been using more energy so her body got hungry faster. She didn't want to choke back awful human food. She finished packing quickly and went to the village gates, the only other person there being Tazuna.

Tazuna got a bad feeling about Himika, he didn't know what it was. It was like an animals prey drive, telling him to run away. He saw Himika approach, although he doesn't know her name yet.

"Where are the others?" Tazuna asked.

Himika glanced at him, but didn't reply.

"Why are you so quiet?"

No reply.

"Why do you wear an eyepatch?"

Still nothing.

Little Monster| Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now