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as I stood in the meeting place I held a kunai in my hands firmly before hiding it up in my sleeve. I wasn't allowed weapons so I had to hid the ones I had. I managed to lose the Anbu but I knew he would find me sooner or later.

I heard footsteps and I took a deep breath as two people walked up to me. I looked down and walked behind them as we left the village.

I looked at the sky to see the sun setting. Just a little longer. But I can't let us get too far away from the leaf. I looked behind me to see the leaf behind me through the trees. We're moving slow. We just need to go a little faster but not too much. We needed to go faster so the ANBU didn't catch me. But I didn't want to travel to far from the leaf.

Suddenly my wrist was grabbed by the underlying and he snarled at me before throwing me to the ground.

"You better not be planning anything Bitch." He growled.

"Careful now Goro I want the girl to be able to move. We have a long way to go." That's man said.

Se kept walking for a few more hires and I looked to the sky again to see it was nearly time. I hope this went to plan. After a few more minutes I slipped the kunai out of my sleeve. I gripped it firmly and held my wrist with my other hand to stop my shaking.

I shut my eyes before I jumped away. The two turned away. Who I know as Goro looked shocked while the assholes eyes narrowed as he looked around. However I've been training in my stealth so hopefully, they won't find me straight away.

Goro stupidly lost his cool. I jumped down and stabbed him in the neck. My eyes widened as I felt the blade pierce his flesh. He soon fell to the ground and I looked at his lifeless body and then my hands that were stained with his blood. Laughter was heard and I looked at the source.

"That's was your first kill. My, my child how entertaining." He said.

His hand came down on my face and I was sent flying to the ground. Then his fist came down on my face causing me to spit blood. He kicked me many times and I felt my vision blur. I was going to pass out.

I'm sorry, dad. I sorry, Naruto. I failed. I closed my eyes but as I did a memory formed in my mind.

"Shizuko I'm glad you came to the village. I promise to stand by you." A child Naruto spoke.

My child-self smiled brightly as the two ran chasing each other. That day I made a promise to myself I would stand by Naruto in everything to come. And I would stand by the leaf. However, Naruto suddenly stopped and grabbed something. He walked up to me and placed a flower in my hair.

"No matter what anyone says Shizuko remember you are amazing and I will always believe in you." He said kindly.

My child-self smiled before beginning to chase Naruto by the water's edge as the sunset.

I smile at the memory and I forced myself to stand up. I must continue to fight. I must believe in myself as Naruto does. I met the gaze of the man and my fist clenched.

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