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Himika woke up at 5 am, just so she could prepare for the day. Having no idea what they would be doing, she made sure to put plenty of kunai and shuriken in her weapons pouch which was strapped to her right thigh. She didn't eat any breakfast of course, instead she left her apartment right after she was ready.

She got to the training field at around 5:50, before any of her team had arrived. She decided to hang out in a tree until everyone was here. Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto came soon, but she stayed silent in the trees where no one noticed her. Hours later Kakashi finally arrived, making excuses about a black cat.

"Where's Himika?" Naruto asked, looking around for his 'friend'.

Himika jumped down from her tree and landed silently infront of them.

"I am here." She stated.

"Great, now lets get started." Kakashi set down a clock and pulled out three bells, showing them the bells. "You have until noon to get a bell, if you don't get a bell you will be tied to those posts and watch while I eat and you will be sent back to the academy."

"But there's only three bells." Sakura said, confused.

"You can use any weapons including shuriken, you need to come at me with the intent to kill." Kakashi said with a serious tone.

Naruto charged at their sensei, kunai in hand. Kakashi quickly stopped him.

"I didn't even say start." He scolded. "But you came at me with the intention to kill, I think I'm starting to like you guys."

Kakashi realesed Naruto.


Everyone but Naruto went into hiding. Himika went into the bushes and began weaving hand signs.

'Earth style: vanishing jutsu.' She thought.

She slowly sank into the ground until she couldn't be seen, she could move around underground without being detected at all.

Meanwhile, Kakashi was busy fighting Naruto as Himika came towards him from underground, determined to get a bell. Kakashi put his fingers together, making it look like he was making a hand sign but he instead poked Naruto in the butt, making him go flying. Kakashi disappeared to find his next victim. He found Sakura and put her in a genjutsu, making her see Sasuke getting stabbed by multiple kunai and shuriken. He left again to find Sasuke or Himika, he found Sasuke who of course wanted to fight him for a bell. The two engaged in a taijutsu battle, Sasuke managing to touch a bell until Sasuke used his fireball jutsu. Kakashi dodged and came from underneath him, pulling him into the ground up to his neck. He left again and set off in search of Himika.

Himika swam in the earth as she made her way to where Kakashi was. Waiting for Kakashi to stop moving she thrust her hands through the earth, attempting to grab Kakashi's ankles. Kakashi managed to jump away and Himika pulled herself out of the ground.

"So you can use earth style?" Kakashi asked, mostly himself.

Himika stayed silent as she reached into her pouch and pulled out a kunai. Kakashi did the same and the began battleing. Himika managed to touch the bells tied to Kakashi's waist using her speed but was quickly kicked away. Decideing that she needed a new plan, Himika vanished into the earth and slipped away. Naruto hung from a trap, Sasuke was stuck underground, Sakura was passed out from genjutsu and Himika was underground trying to come up with a stategy. But nothing made sense to her, why only have three bells? Either way she didn't care if she ate lunch or if she got sent back to the academy. She was never cut out to be a ninja anyway. The timer had gone off and the disappointed genin made their way to the wodden posts where Naruto was being tied up.

"Well none of you are going to go back to the academy." Kakashi said.

"What? But all I did was pass out." Sakura said quietly.

Everyone ignored her stupidity and Kakashi contiued. "You're all being dropped from the program permanately."

Everyone began to freak out, except for Himika who stood there with the same blank face.

"The point of this was teamwork!" Kakashi revealed. "Naruto! You thought you could do this on your own without any help!"

Naruto looked down, glaring at the ground.

"Sakura! You only cared about Sasuke even when Naruto was infront of you!" Kakashi scolded. "Sasuke! You thought that everyone was below you and went into battle by yourself! And Himika....."

Kakashi turned to the blank looking girl. "You didn't even bother to acknowledge your team mates! Instead you went into to battle on your own and then fled!"

Himika didn't bother looking down in shame.

"Gomen, I've never had to work together with anyone before...." She quietly apologized.

Everyone gave her confused looks.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"I never grew up without anyone around, except for one person. But we didn't talk much." Himika answered.

"I will give you all one more chance after lunch, but if any of you feed Naruto you fail." Kakashi said before walking off.

Sakura, Sasuke and Himika all held a lunch box. Himika didn't bother to open hers, not needing to eat.

"I'm not hungry at all....." Naruto muttered, but his stomach said otherwise.

Himika stood up and started feeding Naruto her food, it would be a waste not to. Soon Sakura and Sasuke followed her example, the only difference being that they ate some of their food. Sasuke glanced at Himika's empty lunch box.

"I didn't see you eat." Sasuke stated.

"I'm not hungry." She replied.

Sasuke eyed her for a moment before turning his attention back to Naruto who was crying happy tears. Suddenly the clouds got dark and their was an ominous presence behind them.

"You....." Kakashi paused dramatically. "Pass!"

Everyone realesed a breath they held in, relief flooding them.

"As I like to say, those who abandon the mission are scum, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum." Kakashi said wisely. "Team seven is now official! Meet me here tomorrow for our first missions."

Everyone went back to their homes for the day, some relaxed and others trained. Himika continued working on her earth style, next she wanted to learn water style. She continued her training while she thought.

'So I learned about teamwork.....' She thought.

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