Hunt or Be Hunted

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It had been about a month since Himika had come to Konoha, gotten her name, and started learning how to read and write along with learning ninjutsu. It was only now that the hunger had started to bother her. Himika opened her bedroom window and peered into the night to make sure no one was around to possibly catch her. Dressing in all black, she put her long white hair into a bun and hid it with a black cloak hood. She wrapped bandages around her mouth securely and made sure her eyepatch was on tight. She got a large black duffle bag and slung the empty bag over her right shoulder. She leapt out her open window and crept quietly through the now empty streets of Konoha. She hopped onto the roofs gracefully and began searching for her next meal. She took a breath in through her nose, the stench of alcohol and body odor could be smelled nearby.

She followed the scent, although it was unpleasant, it was food. Beggars can't be choosers, hunt or be hunted, it was a pretty simple concept in her mind. Dropping down into a secluded alley, she cornered the drunk, although he thought that it was the opposite.

"Heeeeey, wanna go have some fuuun?" The clearly drunk man slurred.

The cloaked girl was silent and instead proceed to walk closer to the drunk. Two purple tentacles came from her lower back and wrapped around the man's neck, strangling him. The man attempted to gasp for air and peel the two tentacles off his neck. He continued to struggle, thrashing in an attempt to get free, but his body soon fell limp as the life left his eyes. This was the best way to kill, no blood, no scream, no mess. She hated having to do this, but it was the only way to survive.

Grabbing the duffel bag off her shoulder she began to stuff the body into bag, in order to make it all fit she had to bend some parts of his body in unnatural ways. The bag was supposed to weigh too much for the girl to carry, but because she wasn't exactly a normal girl she lifted the bag onto her shoulder with very little difficulty. She ran through the night back to her apartment and entered through the window she left open in her bedroom. She tossed the bag onto the floor in front of her bed and started to take off her cloak and bandages. She zipped the bag open and took out a leg, placing it in her mouth and taking a greedy bite. She continued to eat until the body was nothing but a pile of bones. Himika quickly put her cloak and bandages on again as she went with the bag to her open window. She dashed into the night for the second time, but this time it was only to dispose of the bones. She found a secluded area in the forest and buried the black duffel bag with bones into the dirt, deciding she could always find a new bag. She ran home again and made sure to lock her window before closing the curtains and getting ready for bed. Iruka-sensei was coming over tomorrow and she needed to get some sleep, although she technically didn't need it. She took her hair out of its bun and put it into pigtails before unwrapping the bandages and getting ready for bed. She put the clothes into the washing machine because they were covered in blood from her most recent meal.

Himika flopped onto her bed before pulling the covers up to her chin and laying on her side. She shut her eyes and fell asleep after she had a decent meal.

The next morning Himika was awoken to the sounds of fierce knocking at her door. The groggy girl looked at her clock and realised she had slept in, the person at the door most likely being Iruka. She put on her red robe and black slippers before putting on her eyepatch and walking to the door. She opened the door and was greeted by her cheerful sensei.

"Good morning Iruka-sensei." Himika yawned as she opened her door for her guest.

"Morning, go get ready for the day, I have news!" He stated excitedly.

The girl nodded, walking back to her room and putting on her outfit from the day before. She wrapped her chest, waist, arms and legs with bandages before putting on her black crop top, black pants, black gloves. black and white shoes and her ninja pouch. She took her hair out of its pigtails and tied a black ribbon at the top and finished off her look with her black eyepatch covering her right eye and her blood red scarf, which wrapped neatly around her neck. She left her room and went to see Iruka already sitting comfortably on her black sofa. She sat down across from him in her black arm chair, waiting for him to speak.

"As you know the Hokage wants you to attend the academy this year, that's why we've been doing lessons like these to teach you how to read, write and learn basic ninjutsu." Iruka started.

Himika nodded her head, she had learned quickly. She knew simple ninjutsu and was naturally good at taijutsu, but she didn't know any genjutsu. Secretly, she had been training at night. Most people have one or two chakra natures, but she seemed to be able to do any jutsu, but she had her chakra limits like anyone else. She had asked Iruka to bring her some scrolls on each kind of ninjutsu, so she learned as best as she could from them. Himika asked Iruka to bring her books because she didn't like going out in public much, many of the villagers looked at her weird.

Iruka continued. "I have great news! Tomorrow is your first day at the academy!"

Himika nodded again, her face not showing any excitement. In truth she wasn't excited, she was terrified. She didn't like people looking at her, if she was new, she would be the center of attention. Himika prayed that she would be able to fade into the background, she hoped that no one would even notice her.

"I'll be at your house tomorrow morning at 7:30 to pick you up for school, be ready to go." Iruka ordered at he stood up to walk to the door.

Himika nodded. "See you tomorrow Iruka-sensei."

Iruka left the girls small apartment, leaving her to prepare for school tomorrow.

Himika started to drift off in thought. 'I wonder what school is like.' She thought.

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