Farewell dad

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My groggy eyes opened to see I was in a hospital room. I looked to the side to see my room filled with flowers. However, my eyes were drawn to two roses in a glass jar. I wrapped my hands around the two red roses and smelled them and gave a small smile. I then picked up the note by the base of the vase.

Get well soon Shizuko, I'm going to keep training so I can protect you.


I smiled and held the note to my chest. however, my eyes narrowed. and put the note down when I A strong wind blew through the window and he appeared. A sadistic smile played on his face. He held my face in his hand and I struggled not to look away. my eyes narrowed as I tried to hide my fear.

"will be leaving soon. but I'm nice and will allow you to say goodbye to two people no more. You'll be discharged soon. tomorrow is the chunin exam so you have today to say goodbye because we leaving at the end of the day." He said.

Another breeze came and he disappeared with it. Just like he said I was soon discharged. I walked out towards TI. the first person I was saying goodbye to dad. I walked in and all eyes were on me. I walked to my dad's office. I walked in and he looked up at me.

I sat on his desk and gave a warm smile. well, the best smile I could muster in the situation I was in. He looked at me confused and then he looked around. He noticed the ANBU wasn't here. but he should be here soon. As if on queue he appeared in the shadows of the room.

"I'm glad you're awake and okay." Dad spoke.

"I'm fine. Thank you for worrying. I really do appreciate you. You have raised me well. I proud to be called your daughter. I wouldn't change anything that's happened to me because I may not have been able to meet you." I signed as tears began to fill my eyes.

Dad stood up and I jumped into a hug. He held me. I gripped o to his shirt m is this would be the last time I would see him. I would miss him and the strange things he did.

I would miss his tough love. His rough side and gentle side. His sadistic interrogator side and his livening father side. I would miss my dad. I struggled to hold my tears back. He soon let me go and I gave him a warm smile.

He looked at me worried while I tried to play it off. I soon left TI with a hard decision weighing down on me. I only had one person to say goodbye to now. And it was a choice between two people. Sasuke or Naruto. However, as much as I thought about it deep down I knew who I would say goodbye to. I wish I could say bye to both but I could to only one.

I looked down before taking a deep breath. I can't back out. I have to do this with confidence and streamers. Dad didn't raise me to be weak. I resolved myself before heading in the direction of the person I was going to say goodbye to.

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