Ibiki galre

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I heard shuffling around me and I began to stir, however pain shot through my body. I curled into myself in agony and I felt someone place their hand on my forehead.

"it seems she's finally waking up." I heard a familiar voice say.

"now that she's in a stable condition we'll be taking her back to the village. I advise you and the rest of your team to return as well. this is your mission, yes, but it will be hard while having to protect the genin." A deep voice said.

"my team won't let me take the. Back to the leaf. just take her back. she's strong. any normal person would have died with the amount of poison that was in her body and it was in her system for a long time. plus she's lost a lot of blood." Kakashi spoke.

"indeed her stamina is incredible and I can see what the Hokage was thinking now." The other man spoke.

I moved my stiff body and forced my heavy eyes to open. I saw Kakashi and an ANBU standing in a room where I laid on a futon. Kakashi turned to me and I gave him a weak smile. He sighed and kneeled in front of me despite his obvious injuries. I tried to sit up but pain again ran through my body making me crumble to the futon.

"take I easy. you're still healing." Kakashi said.

"what's happening?" I asked with sign language.

"I'm taking you back to the leaf." The ANBU said.

my eyes went wide. no, he can't be taking me back I have to continue this mission. I looked at Kakashi with desperation in my eyes making him sigh. he ruffled my hair.

"you can't stay there is still poison in your body. you don't nearly have enough strength to stay on this mission." Kakashi said.

I crossed my arms and glared at both the ninja. the ANBU coughed while Kakashi sweatdropped.

"Seems she's learnt Ibiki's glare." Kakashi said with a sigh.

"tell me, if I do allow you to stay what could you possibly do in your condition?" the ANBU asked.

I turned my glare to him. I was determined to stay. A little bit of poison wasn't going to stop me. My fist clenched as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I forced myself up and stood tall looking at the ANBU.

"I am not as weak as I may seem. A little poison and blood loss won't keep me down for long. I am not leaving. I am staying here with my team and nothing you do will change that." I spelled out hoping he could read sign language

I heard him chuckle and he shook his head.

"she's sure is stubborn for a kid." the ANBU said.

"well, she was raised by Ibiki. What did you expect." Kakashi said with a shrug.

"you are allowed to stay but if at any point Kakashi believes your condition is getting worse I will come back and force you back to the leaf." He said with authority.

I crossed my arm and continued to glare at him. Like hell I was going to let him take me back. The ANBU jumped out the window leaving me alone with Kakashi. Kakashi spent this time explaining to me what happened. I was asleep for about two days. Zabuza was alive, we are going to be training in chakra control and Kakashi got the shit beaten out of him.

As soon as Kakashi left the room my teammates came in. Naruto ran up to me and tackled me into a hug Sakura stood beside naruto with a look of worry in her eyes and Sasuke stood by the door observing me cautiously.

I ignored Sasuke as I sat quietly as they filled me in. They all left a bit later. well, I thought they left. Sasuke stood at the door and he looked intently at me. I returned his gaze with a blank face. I watched his jaw clench as he began to shake.

"don't do that again." He mumbled almost inaudibly.

He walked out and I looked towards the door. why did be even care if I die or not? It's not like he would care I'm just a nuisance right. Besides Gato is involved in this mission and he is involved with the people that did those things to me. meaning there was a good chance they would finally figure out I was alive and come for me. I will not put the village in danger so if I have to I'll leave and deal with this myself.

I took a deep breath a laid down. my heavy eyes closed and I allowed my tired body to be engulfed by darkness. I should rest I would be joining the training soon and I needed to recover my strength. This mission is going to be difficult. Who knows what will happen. let's just hope no one dies.

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