
9K 357 11

I walked behind the group keeping up the rear of the group. as we walked we came across a puddle and I walked past it like I didn't notice it. however, it hasn't rained in ages so that's not just a puddle their ninja. I bet they're after the bridge builder because I know he's hiding something. I stared at Kakashi and he turned to me and gave me a small nod and I returned it.

I continued walking like nothing was about to happen. suddenly Kakashi was ripped to shreds and the other freaked out. I ran over to the drunken old man blocking an attack from the two ninjas. I gained a gash on my upper arm. I watched as Naruto froze but before he was attacked Sasuke protected him. I looked at Sakura and she ran in front of the drunken man while I went to help Sasuke.

I pulled out a kunai and stood back to back with Sasuke. however, as we fort my eyes widened seeing one go after Sakura. I ran towards her but my vision blurred. I kept running. I shouldn't have left her alone. I jumped up and laned on the ninja's arm moving it away from her and he went crashing into a tree. he looked at me shocked and went to move but Kakashi stopped him. I quickly turned to Naruto to see the wound on his hand and I bit my lip. I knew the blades were poisoned I could feel it taking effect on me.

I walked up to Naruto and held his hand. the others talked before noticing his wound but they didn't seem to notice mine. they talked before realising there was poison in his system. he began to freak out making me roll my eyes.

"I'll get the poison out it may hurt though." I spelled using sign language

He slowly nodded. I pulled out a kunai and make a cut on his already healing hand before bringing it to my lips. he flinched but I ignored it. I sucked the poison out and spat the poisoned blood to the ground. I got my water canteen and washed his wound before wrapping it up. Naruto's cheeks were tinted pink and I turned away from him.

we began walking and as we did my vision got hazy. I was trying to hide my wound but it was becoming harder as I felt myself begin to become numb. I struggled not to shake but I was grateful I was still at the rear of the group so they couldn't see me. we came to a boat and I was finally able to sit. I leaned on the side of the boat as I went in and out of consciousness. My team spoke to the bride builder but I currently didn't have the stamina to hear what they were saying.

I had to do something to stay conscious longer so I discreetly pull out something that would combat the poison for a little bit but not for good. I jab myself with it and The affects slightly wore off but I knew it wouldn't be for long.

we got off the boat and Naruto threw kunai only to be scolded. he threw it again nearly hit a bunny I looked at it to see it was white bunny. but it shouldn't have a white coat right now. so it was bread in captivity.

"GET DOWN!" Kakashi yelled.

we got down as a man threw a sword into a tree and stood on its hilt. I ran up to the bridge builder while the others looked around shocked. The drunken builders eyes knitted in worry.

"You're looking pale." He said.

I turned to him giving him a reassuring smile not wanting to worry him. Soon the others came to Tazuna to protect him. The medicine I used was beginning to wear off and now it was worse than it was before. my whole body shook as I struggled to stay up.

"my, my Kakashi it seems your student is injured and you didn't even notice. I guess the two that you encountered before got to her." Zabuza said.

they all turned to me Naruto and Sakura still couldn't see what was wrong but Sasuke and Kakashi did. I finally fell to the ground but arms wrapped around me. I looked up to see Sasuke caught me. I heard Kakashi call my name. I felt myself going down and I was leaned against someone. Sasuke held me as he removed my jumper and rolled up the sleeve of my red shirt to get a better view of my upper arm.

I heard Sakura and Naruto gasp in shock while Zabuza laughed.

"my, that girl must have amazing stamina and pain tolerance to last as long as she has with that wound. Have you been poisoned before?" Zabuza said with a laugh.

I bit my lip as my whole body went cold and numb. Sasuke began working on my wound but he didn't know much about poison meaning I was probably done for. but maybe just maybe my body could combat this because I was used for testing poisons and many other things back at that place, so my system may be able to combat this.

"hn. you were reckless." Sasuke said.

a small smile came to my face before I finally passed out. I just didn't want to be a burden to my team. that's why I didn't tell them.

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