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I walked to the meeting place eating some blueberries. I wasn't supposed to eat breakfast but after having the childhood I did and not knowing when I would get my next meal I always made sure I ate. as I sat in the tree I watched as Sasuke walked here and leaned on the railing. Deciding I would take this time to observe the emotionless boy I stayed hidden and watched him trying to figure something out about him. But all I could really see was the blankness of his eyes. they were so empty but I swore deep down I saw a young child crying for help.

soon the other two arrived and they waited hours two questions kept escaping their mouths. where was Kakashi sensei and me? I gave a coy smile watching their confusion. after being extremely late Kakashi finally showed up earning a lecture from Naruto and Sakura. then there was me. I jumped out of the tree and gave them a small wave.

Sakura began lecturing me but stopped when Kakashi spoke explaining the test. they all freaked out including Sasuke despite hiding it. we all jumped away hiding. well, nearly all of us. Naruto decided to do this on his own. While he was fighting Kakashi I thought about what to do. there were three bells and the person who didn't get a bell would be sent back to the academy.

My eyes narrowed. what was I going to do. I knew I wasn't going to be getting a bell. I was mute and would have trouble being a ninja because I wouldn't be able to communicate with my teammates. I continued to watch letting Naruto realise he couldn't do this alone. however, my eyes widened when Kakashi made a hand sign for a jutsu.

I lept down trying to get to him but Kakashi pocked his fingers into Naruto ass. I fell and I sweatdropped at the situation. Kakashi turned to me but I ignore him weaving past him and to the side of the lake trying to find Naruto. I felt Kakashi's eyes bore into my skull but I ignored it.

Naruto jumped out of the water with shadow clones. I smiled at him and watched, however, he soon fell into a trap and again fell for it. I pulled out a kunai and threw it and the rope that was tied to Naruto's ankle. I walked up to him and he gave sheepish smile.

"wanna team up?" I asked.

"sorry, Shizuko but if I want to become the Hokage I have to prove myself and do this alone." He said running off.

I clasped my head at his ignorance. however, my attention was drawn to a scream. I jumped up and ran towards the person to see Sakura collapsed to the ground under a genjutsu I kneeled down and released her from the genjutsu and she lept up scared.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

I kneeled down a wrote wanna team up? It said.

"I can't I have to find Sasuke." She yelled running away.

I rolled my eyes as I continued to walk only to see Sasuke in the ground. I helped him up and also wrote on the ground what I did with Saura.

"hn. you'll only drag me down." He said walking away.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against a tree to think about what I could do. I couldn't do this alone but maybe just maybe.

Kakashi jumped down in front of me and I walked up to him and looked down. I kneeled down to the ground and began writing on it. Kakashi looked at it and his one visible eye widened.

please give the bells to the other three I will go back to the academy with no complaints. I'm mute and that's a hindrance on a mission. those three actually have a chance. I just want them to be happy. and if that means I have to wait another year to become a ninja then I'm willing to wait.

Kakashi looked at me before kneeling down and ruffling my hair shocking me. the timer went off and my eyes widened. I failed them. he walked me back to the posts and Naruto was tied up. I went to untie him only to have my arm grabbed by Kakashi but I ripped it away from him and glared.

"I have decided the three of you will not be going back to the academy." He spoke.

I looked at him suspiciously. Did this mean I was being sent back and they were becoming genin? No, the look in his eyes says otherwise. The three began cheering as I tried to figure out what was going through his head.

"that's right the three if you will be dropped from the program." He said happily.

They all freaked not knowing what to do while I watched Kakashi carefully.

"wait, three so someone passed." Sakura said with hope.

"that's right Shizuko passes." He said.

I stomped my foot against the ground and walked in front of him and wrote in the dirt. If they're being dropped from the program then do the same with me. it said.

"how come she passes she didn't get a bell. And besides, she's voiceless." Sakura spat with venom.

I felt pain well up in my chest but I pushed it down. She may be mean to me but she's an ally and we're from the same village.

"no she didn't get a bell but she's the only one who understood or showed she understood what I was getting at. what this test was truly about ." Kakashi said

they all looked confused and I kept my eyes glued on Kakashi. what is he doing he can't actually be serious?

"you think it's all about you, you don't know what it means to be a ninja, you think it's a game. why do you think we put you on squads. you couldn't figure out what the test was about." Kakashi scolded.

"I wanted to ask about that from the beginning." Sakura said.

"see that's it you don't think like ninja, Shizuko is the only one who figured it out. It's teamwork." Kakashi said pointing to me.

they all looked down.

"Sakura you obsessed over Sasuke when Naruto was right in front of you and you wouldn't lift a finger to help him and you refused Shizuko's offer to team up. Naruto you do everything on your own everything, and also refused Shizuko's offer for help. And you Sasuke thought the others were so beneath you and would only drag you down and refused Shizuko's when she offered t team up." they all looked down ashamed.

Sasuke ran at Kakashi only to be held down.

"if you don't work as a team many things can go wrong. for example, Sakura kill Naruto or Sasuke dies." Kakashi said.

My eyes narrowed and I ran at Kakashi and tried to punch him but he caught my fist. I managed to get him to let up on Sasuke and I pulled him away. Kakashi just sighed.

"see, now after you all looked down on her and rejected her she still cares about you and puts you before herself. She offered to go back to the academy so you could all pass. You should be grateful you have a teammate who cares for you like she does. But no you take her for granted." Kakashi spat.

The all looked at me and I looked away nervously.

"she thinks like a ninja. She cares and knows the importance of teamwork. She's loyal and willing to do anything for a comrade. What about you three. Would you have done the same for her?" Kakashi said getting angrier.

They all gulped and looked down. I looked at Kakashi and again wrote in the dirt. Please give us another chance. I looked up at him with pleading eyes and he sighed.

"fine you have one more chance but I won't be going easy on you. And don't even think about feeding Naruto." he said and went up in a poof of smoke.

I grabbed my lunch and heard Naruto's stomach growl. I stood in front of him and held some food in front of his face. he looked at me confused and went to decline but after a warm smile from me, he took a bite and tears filled his eyes. Soon the other two joined in making me smile. Maybe we could be a team.

Kakashi appeared in front of us pissed and I stood in front of the three in a protective manner sakura whimpered while Naruto freaked out but Sasuke stood beside me also in a protective manner.

Kakashi gave a small smile and he soon passed us shocking us all. they cheered and I smile looking down. The three others left leaving Kakashi and me alone. I watched the three leave and a sad smile came to my face. I felt a hand in my head and my hair was ruffled.

"you're a good kid. Also, I know sign language so feel free to use it." he said.

I smiled sadly before walking away. This was a happy moment but I knew it wouldn't last. I would drag the team down and I dreaded that.and what if he comes for me again.

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