Chapter Fifteen

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Okay! So I changed the description for my book to this!

Third Installment to the Red String series.


"I don't know what's wrong with me Plagg."

"Kid, I don't think anyone knows the answer to that riddle."


"But every wound deep enough for stitches, always leaves a nasty scar behind."

What do you guys think? Is this a yay or nay? Also, why doesn't anyone read "Third Installment to the Red String series"? I get so many people being confused because they skip the first book to the sequel or even this one. IT IS UP TOP FOR A REASON GUYS!

Haha, anyways, if you guys want to tell me things that you want me to include into this story, or into a totally new story to write, don't hesitate to just ask! Make sure to tag me, or PM me, because sometimes you guys just get lost in the sea of comments. Now onto the long awaited Chapter Fifteen!

The two girls walked down the empty halls together, Alya grinning wildly, the same grin she wore when she got a huge scoop on Ladybug or Chat Noir, so it was safe to say that Marinette was slightly scared. Okay, maybe a little (lot) more scared than that. Several questions were darting through her head all ranging from, did I slip up to does she know about Chat Noir and I? The thought of Chat Noir made her flinch. Now she could see just how similar he and Adrien were. She didn't know whether to feel stupid or embarrassed about it. She had told Adrien himself that she used to love him!

That in itself seemed to be no issue, because she had already been dating Chat Noir who was Adrien, but there was more to it than just that. As Ladybug, she had rejected Chat so many times, all because she was in love with his civilian self. She hurt him, repeatedly, and then proceeded to fall in love with him as Marinette! And if, when, her mind added unhelpfully, he discovers who Ladybug actually is he's just going to hurt more. Marinette sighed. She hadn't seen Chat Noir in days, two weeks and four days to be exact. Ever since Soie Aérienne, she had kept more to herself.

"-nette? Marinette!"

Marinette was yanked out of her thoughts by her overly rambunctious best friend. Alya had literally pulled Marinette's arm to get her attention, which turned out to work perfectly. The bluenette blinked her sapphire eyes back into focus, a look of panic crossing her face as she realized she had missed what Alya said. Sheepishly, she scratched the back of her head, looking at her bespectacled through her thick eyelashes. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Alya rolled her caramel eyes good-naturedly. "I said, I forgot my bag at my locker, so go ahead to class. I'll catch up with you later."

If Marinette hadn't have been so wrapped up in her thoughts about Adrien/Chat Noir, she would have noticed that Alya's powder blue messenger bag was hanging from her shoulder. But alas, she didn't so she just nodded as Alya jogged back to the lockers. She continued her trek to the classroom, still pondering Adrien. She was going to have to face him today, but oh boy, she did not know how soon she was going to be confronting him.

She pushed open the heavy wooden door that led into Mme. Bustier's classroom only to have her eyes assaulted. There was pink. Everywhere. She wasn't kidding, every inch of the walls was covered from floor to ceiling in pink post-it notes, windows and wooden floors as well. In fact, the only thing that wasn't completely concealed by the sticky notes was the ceiling. And in the middle of this bubblegum colored mess, stood Adrien with a wide smile, his viridescent eyes softening as they landed on her. Marinette just blinked, her mind not quite understanding what was happening just yet. All she knew was that her entire classroom, benches and tables included, was covered in pink sticky notes, Adrien was looking at her, and that she had a slack jaw.

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