07 - Expulsion... Or Not

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Renka tilts her head left and right as she looks through the rectangle formed by her fingers. As though a fog is shrouding an old memory, she's prevented from grasping it no matter how much she gropes. There's something familiar about Aizawa-sensei... and it's not just the resemblance to that nice purple-haired Einstein this morning.

"Renka-san, it's your turn now," both hands clasped before her elegantly, Yaoyorozu Momo informs her new friend. Renka didn't think anyone can look so graceful in the unflattering P.E. uniform, though if the flamboyant blond hears her thoughts, he'll beg to differ.

"O~kay, Momo-chan. Jeez, didn't I tell you to drop the honorifics?" The bluenette lets her hands fall back to her sides. If it's something important, the memory will come to her eventually.
Thanking Momo, the bluenette walks pass Asui Tsuyu, who exchanged greetings with her just now. The frog-girl sends an encouraging ribbit as the bluenette heads to the testing area.

Renka can feel Aizawa's appraising eyes as she flexes her arm, blue lotus petals already attached to the muscles. While the teacher probably didn't plan to show it, she could sense that he had been especially critical of her and Izuku when the Quirk Apprehension Test first started. Thankfully, that attitude died down, at least towards Renka, as she starts producing results. And she has no intention of letting it make a comeback.

Holding the softball in a relaxed but firm grip, she pulls her right arm back before twisting her body and swinging that arm forward. The ball draws a beautiful arc across the sky, a swarm of blue petals pushing the ball even further as she clenches her fists in satisfaction. She had to hold back on the standing long jump and sustained lateral jumps because she won't be able to control her limbs properly if they're over-activated. However, the restriction can be lowered if it's just throwing.

"Beep," the measuring instrument in Aizawa's hand shows 520.9 metres.

As Renka returns to her classmates' side, a number of them step forward excitedly. Although her score can't be compared to monsters like Bakugou Katsuki or the dupli-armed Shouji Mezou, it's surprising so much power came out of such a small body.

"How does your Quirk work?"
"Those petals are pretty!"
"Ahaha, thanks, I guess..." is her uncertain response.

There are many amazing people in this cohort. Be it Shouto's cryokinesis, the birdman's shadowy Quirk that Renka is very curious about or Tsuyu's frog-like features, the kids' natural endowments help them produce stunning results. Of course, Quirks alone aren't enough.

Momo, for instance, uses her Creation Quirk very creatively; producing a cannon for ball toss and a bike for endurance running. There was also a short boy who bounces between grape-like balls for sustained lateral jumps. Each and everyone of them are putting their understanding of their Quirks to good use.

It was bewildering at first when Aizawa skipped the usual norms and leaped straight into a Quirk Apprehension Test, which is basically physical fitness tests like grip strength assessment and standing long jump, but with a spin to them. Unlike in junior high, the students are allowed to use their Quirks in the tests. He even went as far as to establish that the student ranked last will be expelled. Thankfully, the kids were quick to adapt. Though, every rule has an exception.

"That entrance exam was definitely not rational enough. Even someone like you was accepted," Aizawa Shouta's eyes glow red as he directs his words to Izuku, the loose bands of his long scarf levitating around him.

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