Chapter 1: The Land of Water's Most Feared

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On the day Akuma was born, hundreds of people were there to see. This was the the Third Mizukage's seventh child. Although when she was born, he was surprised by her appearance. Her eyes were so much different from her mother, father, and siblings. Around her eyes were grey circles. This was on her eyelids as well. Akuma's mother Azura explained to her husband that she had a secret that only Azura and her mother knew that.... she was a jinchuriki. Although Akuma's father was wasn't following this at all. He was surprised that Azura never told anybody but he still didn't understand how this had to relate with why Akuma looked so weird. Azura explained that her beast was the Twelve Tails which is part of this group called the Ancient Tailed Beasts who were the most powerful beasts that had ever lived. They were sealed many centuries ago, probably before the first Kages were born. Apparently the jinchurikis of the Ancient Beasts each had powerful and strange powers that don't use any chakra whatsoever. Although, all of the ancient had the same two powers. The first one was more of a punishment that was worse than death. It was more of a soul trap-- basically trapping a soul in a "cage" that they can never escape and never letting the soul rest in peace. The second power had to do with their seal. This power was harder to explain. It was easier to explain in a story. The Twelve Tailed Sabertooth Beast was sealed was first sealed inside Akuma's great grandmother's body. When she had a child, the seal disappeared and appeared on the child. That's what happened to Akuma and Azura. The seal was once on Azura's back but is now on Akuma's right hand.

Her eyes weren't the only thing. As she was growing out her hair, it turned from brown to grayish white. Yama, the second child of the Third Mizukage and one of Akuma's sisters, wanted Akuma to be killed. Shimo, the oldest child of the Third Mizukage suggested that she should live but live through the hatred. So it was settled--

 Akuma lived though she never knew that she had an overpowered monster sealed within her. *time skip to six years later 

 Whenever she walked through the dark, dimmed lighted village of Kirigakure, people would treat her like a phantom. As she walked, people would back away from her and start whispering and giving her dirty looks. She was often confused of why they do that because when she tried saying hello to anyone, all she would get would be villagers and shinobi running away from her and screaming,"RUN! RUN EVERYBODY!!! THE MONSTER HAS AWAKENED!!!". One day, she asked her mom in her innocent voice,"Mother, why are our villagers screaming and running away from me?". Suddenly Azura(her mom) slapped her across her face and said,"Snap out of it! And don't ask any sort of questions like that!".

But as a jinchuriki.......

Story of a Jinchuriki [ON HOLD]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin