06 - Scar-y... Or Not

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Renka wipes the drool off the corner of her mouth as she shifts uncomfortably. The boy's freezing gaze is so cold, she can almost see a blizzard of hell brewing! The bluenette wants to push her chair back and create some distance from the living iceberg, but the prickly chill that spreads from her fingertips and toes prevents her from escaping. She's going to die!


Well, not really, she's just exaggerating due to embarrassment. She did call her classmate a cake and even pointed rudely at him after all. Still, she's really gotta admit, the resemblance is uncanny... her saliva glands starts becoming active again. No no no, snap out of it! Pinching her thigh under the table so that she won't go into yet another daydream, she braces herself and bows low to the boy. At least, as low as she can go without slamming face-first into the desk.

"I'm very sorry about that!! It was my stomach talking. Feel free to roast me, fry me, broil me, just don't kill me!"


Why are they all cooking techniques...? Todoroki Shouto is momentarily speechless as he stares at the azure-haired girl. Fear is practically radiating off her. Also, he's pretty sure any of the methods she suggested would have killed her nonetheless. His initial mild interest at the bluenette's choice of epithet quickly turns into mild concern. He's never cared about the general opinion people have of him, so he doesn't know, but is he really that scary? His hand unconsciously moves to touch the scar on the left side of his face.

Meanwhile, to the left of Shouto, Yaoyorozu Momo sweatdrops at Renka's words. She's one of the first to reach the class that morning and has been observing her surroundings ever since. The majority of her new classmates are a little quiet, perhaps due to anxiety, though there are a few eager-looking ones. She can already see genuine friendship forming in the near future. There may, however, be little hiccups here and there... for example, the ash blond several tables in front of her has been egging a bespectacled boy on.

Shaking her head, Momo decides to focus on her immediate neighbours instead. The petite bluenette seated behind her has her head hung down while the boy she's bowing to seems lost in his thoughts. As their 'seatmate', Momo feels obligated to break the awkwardness somehow. The black-haired girl turns towards the two with a graceful smile.

"My name is Yaoyorozu Momo, by the way. It's nice to meet you."

Snapping out of his thoughts, Shouto gives the black-haired girl a nod before introducing himself.

"Likewise. Todoroki Shouto," a furrow forms between his brows, leaving as quickly as it comes, when he says his family name.

Renka, still bowing, looks up at the two tentatively. Excitement fills her at the sight of the dark-haired girl. She didn't think a chance to befriend the girl will arrive so soon. When her gaze lands on the boy with two-tone hair, however, she visibly gulps. The excessive liquid in her mouth definitely isn't due to hunger. Nope.

"I'm Senshiro Renka. Please accept my utmost apologies for the rudeness, Todoroki-san," a rare seriousness fills the lax girl's features as she bows towards the boy again, before turning to Momo with a small smile, "I'm sorry to let you witness something so embarrassing, Yaoyorozu-san." What? She can do it if she tries, okay? Even with looks like this, she's actually in her 20s!

"Don't mention it; I don't mind," although Renka can't make out what Shouto is thinking from his emotionless face, the sharp glint in his eyes doesn't look so cold anymore as he returns to looking in the direction of the teacher's table.

"Thank you!!!" the bluenette is relieved. He isn't angry! She thought she was going to have to resort to a sliding grovel!

Seeing the situation turn for the better, Momo smiles brightly at Renka.

"Don't worry about it. You don't have to be so formal. Can I call you Senshiro-chan?"

The sobriety Renka exhibited has already left her so cleanly as though it was never there. The bluenette shoots Momo a huge grin.

"I'll take you up on the offer then! Just call me by my given name. I'll do the same for you, Momo-chan! 'Yaoyorozu' is a bit of a mouthful..."

While Momo is slightly stunned at how overly-familiar her new friend is acting, she much prefers this over being held at an arm's length. The bluenette's bluntness is a bit worrying though. Momo's about to reply when she realises that the class has gotten abnormally quiet. Renka must have realised it too, for both girls whip their heads towards the entrance at the same time. A tall, tired-looking man is standing by the door, before a greenette whom Renka quickly recognises as Izuku, and a cute girl with a chestnut bob.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you," the man says, though his expression is anything but pleasant. After a pause, he produces a deep blue attire with white and red stripes from his sleeping bag, "It's kind of sudden, but put these on and go to the sports grounds."

As the class approaches their new teacher to receive the P.E. uniforms, Momo catches Renka staring at the yellow sleeping bag by the man's feet longingly. Sweatdropping, the black-haired girl has a premonition about the year to come.

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