03 - Nightmare... Or Not

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"......ke up."

"Wak... up."
"Get out of bed already, sleepyhead!"


The bluenette groans as she rubs her head that had hit the floor hard. She looks around in slight disorientation. Her mother, Senshiro Touko, has one hand on her hip as the other grips a ladle. Menacingly. The tall beauty is looking down at the diminutive Renka the way a certain titan looked down at the residents of a certain walled city. Not at all remorseful for throwing her own daughter off the bed.

"Ren-chan, don't give me that look. You know the only way to get you out of bed is to get you out of bed. Breakfast is getting cold; come down once you've changed." Her authoritative voice then softens a little, "I know you trained till three in the morning, but being late on the first day of school isn't a good idea."

"I got it, I got it, I'll be down soon."

So Renka says, but the moment Touko leaves the room, she flops back onto the soft heaven, her legs dangling off the edge and her arms hugging a pillow. My squishy. She enjoys a couple moments of bliss before reluctantly standing up and getting ready, her mind occupied by the dream she had.


"I saw Kamui Woods on my way here. It's only a matter of time before other heroes come and you're not going anywhere with him like that." Katsuki was thrashing inside the sludge and if his mouth was free, she bet her cookie stash that he'd be swearing like a sailor.

Her petals fluttered harmlessly, "I'd make a better hostage than that violent bull, don't you think?"

Katsuki's thrashing intensified.

The villain never had a chance to respond as Renka tilted back. Her normally half-lidded eyes widened when a boy with a mop of green hair pushed her away and frantically clawed bits of sludge off Katsuki.Izu-chan?! Why is he—! She never finished the thought for her body reacted faster than her mind at the next thing she perceived.

A storm of white lotus petals surged towards the villain before the slimy arm he raised could land on the defenceless boy. At the same moment, Renka caught a blur charging in at mach speed from her peripheral vision. Her hands then instinctively flew to cover her eyes and ears from the ensuing explosion. Kakkun! Izu-chan! Worried, she blindly moved in the direction she remembered, ignoring the embers burning through her uniform.

The dust soon cleared, revealing a tall, stocky blond shielding Izuku from the villain. Renka sighed in relief as Izuku looked unharmed, albeit slightly unhinged. Her petals had successfully landed on the villain, almost completely shutting him down.

"Pros are always risking their lives!"

Upon hearing the hypnotic, booming voice, the bluenette snapped her head back to the blond.

"All Might!"

Having a bad feeling, Renka crouched down and dug her heels in.

"Detroit... SMASH!"

Her body was slowly being pushed back by the wind pressure as the hero's punch landed on the sludge. Feeling the wind whipping against her skin and looking at the sky-high updraft, Renka suddenly understood why her friends admired the hero so much.

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