02 - Helpless... Or Not

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     The cacophony of the civilians' screams is quickly drowned out by the loud thumping of her heart. A hellish scene unfolds as she makes her way through the crowd. Unlike her freckled friend, Midoriya Izuku, Renka isn't a fan of watching heroes fight villains. Maybe because it reminds her of how she lost everyone she cared about. Maybe because it reminds her of her death. Maybe because she feels uncomfortable treating it like a show when lives are at stake. Nonetheless, she quickly forces herself to calm down; it isn't like she hasn't seen this before. Scenes like this are commonly seen through the media or when she does rescue work.

But she knew her choice to stop that day was right when she heard someone shout "The guy's got some middle schooler hostage!". Class had ended that day and she was browsing shops in the commercial district, still in her Orudera Junior High School uniform, until she saw a rowdy crowd forming and muffled sounds of destruction coming from beyond the spectators. A nagging feeling drove her there.

Just like that day.

The petite girl had gone in the opposite direction of the escaping citizens and followed the ear-piercing screams.

"I-Is that... Kakkun?"

The male can hardly be made out within the chaos. The area is wrecked, fires blazing here and there. In the middle of the carnage lies a monstrosity; a boy with ash-blond hair covered in brown goo. Renka doesn't know what that sludge villain intends to do with the boy, but those gleeful bulging eyes and that gloating smile don't bode well.

It's an unbelievable sight. To Izuku and her, Katsuki is the very symbol of strength. With him, everything could be settled with brute force. And things he couldn't, his intelligence would make up the deficit. Before today, the thought that a villain can suppress that Katsuki will never have crossed her mind. However, reality is often cruel. Renka repeatedly spots moving bulges from the sludge, signs of the boy struggling inside.

The nearby heroes like Death Arms, Backdraft and Kamui Woods are either unsuitable or unavailable to deal with the villain. While there's also the newly-debuted Mt. Tai or whatshername in the distance, the giantess doesn't seem like to be reaching anytime soon with the buildings in her way. In short, the boy needs help but the most appropriate options are unable to lend a hand one way or the other.

"It's no use! There's no one who can take care of this at the scene right now! All we can do is wait for someone with a more suitable Quirk!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure someone will come soon!"

Soon? When is 'soon'? What if 'soon' is too late?

The scene before her overlaps with one from a distant past.

Maybe it isn't as distant as she thought it is.

A child was in the clutches of a villain, his visage the very image of fear and frustration. His navy blue hair was dampened with sweat and there were scratches on his stubby limbs and a deep gash below his right eye. His sister looked at him hollow-eyed as she drowned in her own helplessness. Her Quirk was useless, her body failed her and her pleas for someone, a hero to save them weren't heard. She had watched as hope drained from her brother's face and despair took over. She had watched as tears poured down his soft cheeks that she loved to pinch so much. She had watched as he was carried away, away from her.


Renka slaps herself out of the daze. "No," her head shakes vehemently, her hands clenched to stop the trembling.

"It's different this time. I'm not powerless anymore. I won't let that happen again." One by one, faces emerge in her mind, one of which is an explosive ash-blond's. "I refuse to lose anymore people I care about."

Blue lotus petals swirl around her black sailor uniform as she dashes towards her friend. At this distance, she's certain the captive is Katsuki. His weakening struggles suggest he's suffocating. She doesn't have much time. Despite the yells of adults asking her to stop, a bright and confident smile across her usually sleepy face.

But her words aren't as heroic as her attitude.

"See these? My Quirk's good for showmanship and nothing more." She skids to a stop in front of the villain, close enough to act but far enough to placate him. He may hurt Katsuki if he gets too defensive.

"I'd make a better hostage than that violent bull, don't you think?"

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