Chapter 50 // THE END

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Aira's pov

I wanted to surprise Taehyung and maybe cuddle or go somewhere since it's been so long since we went out. Who knows maybe through this he will be able to move on..

So I went up to his room after greeting auntie who was in the living room. From the look on auntie's face, I knew. But I knocked on his door anyway.

"Please leave me alone.." I hear a faint voice from inside.

My heart broke to pieces.

"Tae ah, it's me.." I said from the outside.

He didn't answer so I just walked in to only see him sitting at the corner of his room, staring at nothing in particular. He looked up at me and his eyes... he himself, it broke me.

"Aira please.. I want to be alone.."

"For how long V?" My voice crack.

He sighed and turned to me, "Just today."

"The same answer! You said the same thing, just today just today, but it's been A MONTH. Taehyung, a month and you haven't move on?! Taehyung ah.. until when are you going to be like this? Jessica won't come again, she's not here-"


I bit my lips to prevent myself from shedding a tear. I'm so tired Tae.. why? Why am I always the one who waited for you? Why am I always the one hurting in the end?

"I just want to help you.." My voice weak. I'm afraid if I talk again, I'd burst out crying.

"Nothing can be help! I feel like wanting to die too! I-... I can't move on Aira.. Jessica.. she's my first love, losing her forever make me so hurt."

I swear I heard a crack when he said that. It was my heart.

"Then what am I? What am I doing here? What am I to you all this time? I thought you loved me.. so you love Jessica more. You could have told me earlier Tae.. that way I would leave you and Jessica alone. That way maybe you guys would live happily together."

He finally turned to me and grabbed my hands as he look at me in the eye, "No.. that's not what I meant. Are you going to leave me too? Please don't. I'm begging you to stay. I don't want to lose another. I love you Aira, I still do. I just.."

I let go from his grip as I stood up, "I need a moment.. I'll come here again." I said and walked out from his room.

I run out of his house, going to wherever my feet brought me. I just wanted to be alone now. Tears were streaming down my face as my knees dropped to the ground. I couldn't hold it in no more. I just cried out loud. What am I going to do? It hurts so much.

"Aira?" I heard a voice coming from behind.

I quickly wiped away my tears and I looked up to see Jimin.

"Oh Jimin.. w-what are you doing here?" I gulped and asked as I stood up from the ground with him helping me to get up.

"I was just passing by and then I saw you here.."

"Were you crying?" He asked, lifting my face up.

"No," I lied.

"Don't lie, I know you were. Come here," He opened his arms indicating for a hug but I just stared at him not moving until he move a step forward and pulled me in his embrace.

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