Chapter 49

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Aira's pov

The next few days couldn't be much worser. It's been a week now and Taehyung's no longer the guy that I knew. He became depressed. Whenever I came to check him at his place, all I'll see is his ghostly pale complexion as he mope around the house. He's not himself anymore. I tried so hard with all my heart to bring him back to himself but it was no use. He's still the same everyday.

What about me Tae? What about us?

I sighed, laying down on my bed with messy thoughts in my head. I've been feeling stressed lately, my heart is not helping either. It's been aching ever since and I can't find the way to fix it when the only person who can is broken too right now.

Then, someone knocked on my door, it was mom. She sat beside me, slightly dipping my bed down, "Sweetheart, are you okay?" She asked, her eyes filled with pity and worry.

I let out a sigh and smile a little, sitting up. "I'm fine.."

"It must be hard for you, I'm sorry.." Mom said, grabbing my hand to caress it.

I just smile faintly knowing mom probably understand how I feel. She gave me a smile too and said, "Aira ah, I cook a little too many foods so can you bring some to Taehyung's? I already packed it downstairs and maybe, you could check for him too. He's still your boyfriend you know.. he still need you. And, don't be too sad. If you're sad then Taehyung's going to be sad too."

I chuckled a little, letting my mind think positively. Mom's right.

"Okay, I'll go there now."


Here I am infront of his door. I let out a heavy sigh before knocking on the door. Auntie was the one who opened the door and she hugged me once she saw me, giving me a sad look.

"I'm fine auntie.." I said, smiling, knowing what's on her mind.

"By the way, I brought these, mom told me to give this to you," I changed the topic and smiled.

She looked at me almost making me wanting to cry but I hold my tears in, "Wah thank you! Tell your mom I said thank you." Auntie tried to say with her usual happy voice but it just sound rather tired.

"I'm sorry Aira.." She gives up faking.

Why is everyone saying sorry to me? I'm okay!

"Where's Taehyung, auntie?" I asked.

"In his room," Auntie sighed, the same answer.

I went upstairs to his room and knocked on his door receiving no answer so I just walked in. He was still in his bed covered with his blanket. Seeing him like this hurts so much. Why? Because he is rarely like this and it's weird to see him like this. He's always been that happy guy.

I approached him and lay beside him as I wrapped my arm around his stomach hoping he will turn around and hug me back because the previous days, he just ignored me like I wasn't even there.

I took a deep breath and exhaled, why is that painful too?

"I miss you Tae.." I pushed my face deeper on his back, feeling tears so close to my eyes. I missed his warmth. I missed his hugs. I missed him all the way.

Surprisingly, he turned around and rested his head on my chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me tighter than ever. I gasped a little and I could feel myself smiling when he hugged back.

"I'm sorry Aira.. I really am," He sobbed.

"Please just stop saying sorry. I've heard enough people saying sorry to me today. All I want to hear from you is just a response from what I said.."

"I miss you too Aira," When he replied that, I swear for a short moment my surrounding felt a little brighter. I didn't stop the tears that escaped my eyes. I miss that feeling he gave me.

We stayed like that for a moment in silence, only Taehyung's sniffing could be heard until I decided to say something, "Taehyung, wanna go down? I don't think you should stay here and be sad all the time. It'll make your body weary. It's so unlike you."

I sighed and he finally stood up from his bed as I stood up too and went infront of him to wipe his tears away.

I smiled, "Now baby, let's eat first okay?" I said and grabbed his hand as we both went downstairs. He nodded.


After we finished eating, I cleaned up our dishes. Auntie was happy when she saw her baby finally go down and eat usually. She was happy for me too and I only give auntie a smile.

While I was washing the dishes, someone wrapped their arms around my waist from behind, making me jumped a bit. "Do you know how it feels losing someone who mean so much to you even when all they did is hurting you?" He sob on my shoulder.

Arra V, I know.

I sighed and dried my hands as I turned around and drew circles on his back comfortingly hoping it'll cease down his crying. It hurts. My heart hurt so much looking at him like this. It hurts so much it felt as if someone had just stab my heart over and over again. Do you know how that feels?

I brought us slowly to the living room, even though it's hard to walk because he is litterally clinging onto me but I made it to the couch. I sit on the couch and pat on my lap motioning for him to lay down. He did as told. I sighed while caressing his soft hair. All the memories of us flash back in my mind. The image of him smiling. His smile that always cheers me up. His laugh. I miss that. After a few minutes, I heard cute snores coming from him and I realised he was asleep.

I miss you so much Tae, where did the Taehyung, my happiness, go? My eyes scanned through his body and outfit and I stopped when I saw he's still wearing our ring. I looked down to my fingers and stared at my ring and grabbed his hand where he use that ring as I caressed his big hand in my small one.

He's so broken that I don't know what to do. I just want to take all his sadness away. I want to take away all his pain. I want to make him smile again. But it's Jessica that he want. He needs her, not me. Without knowing, I fell asleep too. With tears in my eyes.

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