Chapter 48

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Aira's pov

Taehyung stuffed his face in his palms, he was crying. My heart hurts. He's crying over Jessica. We're at the hospital right now, it was Jessica's mom who called Taehyung to tell him that Jessica died not long ago. She got into a car accident and was in a coma for a week. I would feel relieved by now but instead I feel sad over her death no matter how rude and bitchy she was to me.

"Taehyung.." I called softly and sit next to him as I pulled him in my embrace. It hurts me seeing him like this.

He didn't say anything as he just cried in my arms. I felt a crack in my heart.

Why are you crying so hard V? Do you still love her?

"Taehyung, Aira.. I'm so sorry for ruining your date. It's late already, you guys should go home now." Jessica's mom said rather weak and patted Taehyung's back, tears were welling up in her eyes too, of course she'd be the most hurt, she's her mom.

"It's okay auntie, yeah okay, we'll go home now," I said and give a half smile.

Our date.. yeah.. in my deepest heart, I resent Jessica's mom for calling Taehyung. But what's past is past.

"Taehyung, let's go?"

He nodded as he got up from his seat and put his hands in his pocket as he walked ahead, not saying a word. My heart dropped, I bit my lips and walked beside him silently but making sure my presence is noticeable enough so atleast he know, he still have someone beside him.


I headed to my bed after taking a shower, reaching out to grab my phone from the night stand. My house felt so lonely, my parents aren't home yet. Usually, when my parents weren't home, Taehyung would accompany me but since today's news, I figured he needed some time alone to rest. He seemed tired. I would want to comfort him right now, but he doesn't look like he wanted company. But it would hurt.. to comfort my boyfriend about his ex's death.

I lay my head back on the wall. I unlocked my phone to see 10 messages from 1 chat. What, why so many? I checked and it was from Jihyo. I shook my head and clicked it revealing the 10 messages were all pictures. Oh, no wonder.

What's this?

So I clicked on all the pictures waiting for it to finish downloading. It was pictures of me and Taehyung during the dinner night. The first one was when I was holding baby minhyuk and Taehyung was looking at me. The way he look at me... it was so loving. The way he look at me is the way I look at him.

I felt my heart getting excited, wanting to send this pictures to him too. Totally forgotten all my worries.

The next one was we both looking at each other's eyes while laughing. It's so beautiful. God, I wonder when she took all this pictures? That sneaky girl.

My smile slowly turn into a fine line and I could feel my tears about to escaped by just looking at the next picture. This was when he asked me to dance. Another was when he turned me around and the next was we both looking in each other's eyes, smiling. His arm around my waist while my arms were around his neck. It's a beautiful shot.

I didn't even realised someone was taking pictures of us! Damn, how did she manage to take all this pictures without us noticing?

I read the last message, "You're welcome! :)" I shook my head and let out a small laugh. I thank her for taking this pictures. At least there's something I could look at as memories.

'I wanna marry you'

I looked down to my ring and smiled a bit. Will we still be together after this? Smiles turn to frowns. Taetae, does together forever really exist between us? I feel like life isn't letting us to be together.

Why? Everytime things goes fine and when I thought nothing will come in between us again.. there just have to be something that will pull us apart.

'This ring will bring us back together if we ever get seperated.'

I sighed and tucked myself to sleep. It's still early but I feel like wanting to go to sleep. Before turning off the lights, I grabbed my phone again and searched through my contacts.

'My handsome and cute boyfriend'

A chuckle escaped my lips. When did he changed this?

Anyway, I brought my fingers to type the things that I wanted to say, "Taehyung.. I love you."

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