Chapter Eleven

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"Natsu, you are going to march right into the guild and apologize."

"What? But Luce, why do I have to-"

"Now Natsu! They were trying to throw a birthday party for Hikari, and the birthday boy wasn't even there for it! So go and say sorry!"

A quiet "Yes ma'am" was all that was said as he slumped over and dragged his feet into the guildhall. Happy snickered behind Lucy who held Hikari. Hikari was wrapped in Natsu's scarf, due to the harsh winter winds of that morning, and Natsu claimed that he didn't trust anything else around his kid.

Which leads Lucy on to her next topic. Is Hikari really Natsu's kid? He has been with Hikari and her ever since the toddler came into their life, and he's probably the closest thing to a father that Hikari will ever get. With Lucy's luck with men, at this point she'll never get married. And to think that her name came from Love and Lucky. Two words that she has absolutely no association with.

Anyways, back to her question. There was always the possibility that Hikari was Natsu's son. You don't see many males around here with pink hair, but who says that since Hikari has pink hair that he is Natsu's biological son? Chelia has pink hair, so there are other people out there with pink hair that could have been the mother or father of Hikari. Maybe she was overthinking this whole ordeal. It had been an entire year since that fateful night where Hikari was left on her doorstep, and no one had stepped up and admitted to being the parent or knowing who the parent was, so why did it even matter?

Not to brag, but Lucy likes to think that she is pretty damn good mother to him, not that she has much to go off on. But not neglecting him was a big step away from being like her father before she had forgiven him before he had died.

"I'm sorry." Natsu grouched, crossing his arms over his chest as he childishly puffed his cheeks out and looked off to the side. The guild quieted down as they heard the barely audible words leave his mouth as Lucy and Happy followed in after their friend.

"What was that Flamebrain? I didn't quite get that." Gray snickered into the back of his hand as he taunted Natsu.

"I said that I was sorry, Ice Princess!"

"You wanna go, Ass Flame?" Before Gray could get up to challenge Natsu, the hilt of a sword dropped on the top of his head, forcing him to the ground as he rolled in pain and holding the now swollen spot. "What the hell Erza?!" Another hit to the head and he quickly shut up as the red haired maiden glared down at him.

"How many times have Lucy and I told you not to use vulgar language in front of Hikari? Shame on you Gray." Gray opened his mouth to retort but quickly whimpered as Erza raised her sword again and decided it was best for him to keep his mouth shut for the time being. "Now, Natsu," Said boy quickly stiffened and moved to Lucy's side as Erza turned towards him. "What is it that you are apologizing for?"

Grumbling to himself, Natsu didn't answer until Lucy had elbowed him painfully in the ribs and made him yelp loudly. "I'm sorry for taking Lucy and Hikari away during Hikari's birthday party." Natsu answered as he glared at the ground, knowing that if he put that glare on Lucy he would be kicked out of her bed for at least a week.

"That's what this was about?" A drunk Cana laughed before chugging the rest of her barrel of liquor. "Jeez Natsu, you don't need to say sorry for sleeping with Lucy! It's a part of human nature!" Cana cackled again before ordering for another barrel of alcohol.

"You're the one that made it sound bad, you alcoholic! Why would you say something like that?" This time, the entire guild, side from Wendy, Romeo, Charle, Erza and Lucy joined in on Cana's laughter as Natsu's face heated up.

"Shut up." Natsu clipped out as he wrapped an arm around Lucy, his hand dangling just above Hikari as the baby reached up for his tan fingers.

"I don't understand. What is it that they're talking about?"

"You don't want to know, Wendy." Romeo answered, shaking his head in embarrassment as his father joined in on teasing Natsu and a clueless Lucy.

"Listen to Romeo, child."

Hey! I had actually thought I uploaded this chapter last Wednesday, so sorry that it's long overdue. I hope you enjoyed it!

Until next time, peace!

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