Chapter One

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Marinette's PoV

"Why the hell are you just standing there, you idiot?! You could've gotten hurt!" Marinette wasn't angry. No, she was more worried than angry. Her kitty was staring at her with tears running freely down his face, his green eyes as wide as saucers. Confusion mixed with relief washed over his face and his arms were about to wrap around her.

Key word; about to. She had stopped him in his tracks quickly as she grabbed his forearms and rolled over with him, missing a black shadowy sword as said weapon wedged itself into the metal bars of the Eiffel Tower. She had to remind herself that this was not the right time to question Chat.

"Stop squirming around like a damn bug you brat!" Sandman seethed as he swung his sword in the air once more, this time aiming for the bluenette's neck. That is, until a silver staff blocked it from meeting its target. Chat was standing in front of Marinette protectively, his body rigid. She could practically feel the waves of hatred radiating off of him, his muscles stiffening and his shoulders taut.

"You touch a single hair on her head, and I swear to God, that I will kill you." His voice was like venom, but that didn't seem to affect Sandman as he began laughing at Chat Noir, cocking his head back.

"You think you can defeat me? No, because I have a secret weapon. I have someone who hates your girlfriend behind you, more than I do. And she almost hates you as much as I do!" The akuma began to laugh again.

"Is he talking about Hawkmoth?" Marinette questioned as she got up, still standing behind Chat.

I need to transform quick. But how can I get away and find a place to transform if I have Chat keeping me behind him?

"Marinette, I need to get you out of here." Before she could react, arms were encircling her waist and she was being lifted up as if she weighed no more than a feather as Chat Noir carried her off to some random place.

She caught a glimpse over his shoulder at her classmates down below who were all looking up at them before a house hid them from her sight.

They got several blocks away from the Eiffel Tower when he set her down in the midst of a group of people.

"Keep her safe for me, please?" He asked the old man in the group. When the man nodded, Chat quickly leapt back to Sandman, ready to fight his enemy.

"My my, are you his girlfriend?" A woman in her twenties asked as she inspected Marinette with judgmental eyes, scrutinizing her. Marinette just rolled her eyes in response before attempting to run off to find a place to transform.

Shoot! Tikki is in my room! The bakery is at least 8 blocks away-

A sudden shout of pain made her lose her train of thought just before a loud crash was sounded. She looked up to see Sandman tackling Chat through several brick walls before slamming him onto the road.

I need to hurry.

Marinette spared one last glance at Chat Noir before darting out of the area, running to the bakery ignoring the shouts of protests from the older man. She was running at a speed that could rival the time she tried to outrun the herd of zoo animals as her feet slapped against the pavement painfully, twisting around corners and running across the abandoned streets as she approached the bakery.

She was about to burst through the door when a sudden thought popped into her mind. Mama and papa were still in there. She knew that as soon as those doors opened, they'd pull her into their arms and wouldn't let her leave. And she couldn't leave Chat to fend for himself. He needs Ladybug to clean the akuma.

"Oh god..." Marinette glanced up the brick wall of the bakery that led to her balcony. "Am I really going to climb up a three story building?"


Now Chat Noir was the one throwing Sandman around when she saw them soar across the city.

"Yes. Yes I am going to climb. Crap." She bit her tongue as her slim fingers found tiny holes in the bricks and the sealant holding them together. Pushing herself up, she winced as she felt her finger slide against some loose pebbles in the bricks and cutting itself. She shrugged the pain away as she found some footholds and continued to slowly scale the wall.

She was about three quarters of the way up when she ran out of small holes to grab.

Jesus, I probably look like a Spider-Man wannabe. Oh my God- is that what I looked like when I first made an appearance as Ladybug?!

As she held this mental debate in her head, she estimated the distance between her arms and the railing on her balcony.

This is gonna be a stretch isn't it? Sure as hell will hurt if I fall.

Just as she was about to make a jump for it, another crash sounded, shaking her to the core. She latched on desperately to her wall as she heard the sound of rubble falling.

Come on. You have to jump now!

Pushing all her doubt aside, she launched off the small ledge her feet were on, sailing through the air as she desperately reached for the metal bars of her railing. Just barely wrapping her aching fingers around the thin bars, Marinette caught the railing and was now dangling three stories above the ground. Using the rest of the power left in her throbbing arms, she began to pull herself up and over onto her balcony.


"Tikki!" The small red kwami threw herself at Marinette with no hesitation as she nestled into her holder's cheek. "I was so worried! I'm so glad you're okay!" The teen cupped Tikki in her hands as she smiled widely at her.

"I am too." A loud boom signaled for them to cut their reunion short. Marinette glanced behind her in time to see a silver staff extend across Paris, heading towards the Eiffel Tower again.  "Tikki! Transform me!"


After Marinette had transformed into her second identity, Ladybug, she immediately swung over to help her partner Chat. By the time she got to him, he had pinned Sandman to the wall. One hand was wrapped tightly around the culprit's throat as he roughly tugged down on a black dog tag that had blended in with his suit. Just as she had called Lucky Charm, a spotted fire extinguisher had fallen into her had. Chat ignored her as he snapped the dog tag in two.

"Chat!" The cat looked up in surprise just as a purple and black akuma fluttered from the broken chain. Ladybug quickly caught it, with luck being on her side, and cleansed the akuma and releasing it. "Chat, what's wrong?"

"I-I need to go see someone." He stammered out in reply before leaping off into the direction where he had previously ran to drop Marinette off. Just barely remembering to throw the unused Lucky Charm in the air, she watched as the ladybugs surrounded the broken mess around them, and fixed the dog tag. A disheveled and confused boy was left there, but she did nothing as she watched him grab the tag and run off.

"Crap, I need to hurry!" She hissed before swinging the same way Chat went, hoping she could get to the spot before him.

What happened during this fight?

Chapter One! What do you guys think? Was it a nightmare? Or was it something else? Do you think this will affect Chat and Marinette in the future?

Comment here!

Until next time, peace!

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