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© Jojo B 2016

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


*N.E.V* The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers


(Picture is Coral)

Walter and I walked fast back the way we came. For all we knew, Ario could have been gathering his gang to come after us right at that moment. We would be safe not just in Simpson territory, but in the Simpson household itself. That was one place the Santiagos wouldn't dare get close.

"You guys need to get here now Eli," Walter barked on his phone as he gripped my hand with his free one. "...Forget the bill, since when did you care if you've paid or not? ...If it's that much of a problem, just leave the money on the table. I...I need you. Now."

Walter cut off and put his phone back in his pocket.

"They should be coming soon," Walter told me. "In case the Santiagos are after us. I can't fight and protect you at the same time, not if there's more than one of them."

"I hope it doesn't come to that," I said, too scared to even glance behind me.

I never thought for one second that Ario would find out the truth so soon. I could barely even register what had just happened. Everything had just changed, in a single second. Ario, who I had considered a friend, was now an enemy.

He hated me.

When the Eli and triplets arrived, they made me feel a bit relaxed, even though the situation hadn't changed. It was just so hard not to be shit scared when the triplets were so excited. They formed a protective shield around me, laughing and joking all the while, as well as making playful threats towards 'skull face and the rest'. Walter didn't share the same enthusiasm, he was grim faced and held my hand in a tight grip.

"Did blue eyes say anything?" Eli asked me, looking straight ahead as he walked on my other side.

"No," I winced. "He said nothing."

Eli looked over my head at Walter and I didn't need to ask them what it meant. It was very clearly: not good.

"Are you going to fight?" I asked the boys in a worried voice.

It was the last thing I wanted, especially with Walter's ribs and Gio's healing wound.

"If they come after us, yes," Walter grunted. "But if not, it will be another day. Blue eyes won't let it rest without a confrontation."

"And by confrontation," Gomez turned to grin at me as he walked backwards. "He means a pretty good fight."

"But you just had one," I said in dismay.

"It's okay," Walter said to me.

"Relax," Severn smirked at me, throwing at arm around Gio's shoulders. "We got this."

Eli rolled his eyes at them and I tried to take the whole situation lightly, like they were doing. Impossible. I knew it was only a matter of time until Ario responded, and I got his message loud and clear.


The Santiagos didn't show.

Which is what I had wanted, but it meant I'd be carrying the fear for day after day until Ario gave me what I deserved. Whatever that was. He wouldn't really hurt me, would he? I thought I knew him well enough, but when Walter had told me about Ario's temper, I was taken aback. I realised then, that I couldn't guarantee my safety.

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