Chapter 38

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Taehyung's pov

I searched for her everywhere but she was nowhere to be found! It's been 45 minutes. Where the hell is she?! Didn't she go to the toilet? I tried searching upstairs, she must be somewhere here.

"Someone please! Anyone out there, do you hear me? Please let me out!" I heard Aira's voice coming from the toilet I passed by. I stopped in a halt and tried to open the door but it didn't opened.

Why the hell did she choose to go to the toilet on the floor where people only come when we're using the lab?!

"Aira? Aira! Are you in there?" I yelled while trying to open the door.

God, who the heck locked this? It wasn't even time yet for the cleaner to lock the toilet.

I could hear a soft knock on the door and I knew she was in there. This must be Jessica's work. She wasn't in the class when Aira went out. It's only the first day and she's going far already! First, she probably hired someone to hit aira and now what? And how the fuck did she knew Aira was claustrophobic?

"Aira move back! I'm going to kick the door so move back!"

I kicked the door hard with all my might. It finally opened revealing Aira who was breathless leaning on the wall for support. I gasped at the horrible sight before me.

I ran to her and she fell in my arms, "Aira, oh my god," I scooped her in my arms and pick her up bridal style.

"Taehyung.." Her voice was so weak.

"Don't worry aira, everything's okay now, you're out already." I soothed her with words even though inside I was freaking out to see her like this.

She leaned closer to my chest while crying. This isn't a usual sight to me. She have always been the strong girl, always have smiles on her face, she don't usually show when she's in pain and it hurts to see her in so much pain.

Thank god I brought my car with me today so I tucked her in the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt. Then, I drove to the hospital nearby.

After a few minutes, I finally reached the hospital and I brought her in bridal style again and the doctors told me to place her on the bed as they told me to stay outside while they checked her conditions first.

I ran my fingers through my hair while waiting and praying to god that nothing bad will happen to her.

I texted my mom saying that I'm at the hospital which she got worried about and I told her to just stay home and everything will be okay as I told her to tell Aira's parents about this. Unfortunately, Aira's parents right now is at Busan for their business meeting so they couldn't come over but my mom did say not to get worried.

After a few minutes, the doctor, Mr Park, finally come out from the room. I quickly stood up after hearing his footstep, "Doc, how's Aira? She's alright, right?" I rushed.

"Hey kid, are you one of her family? Because I need them to sign this for confirmation," He asked.

"I'm... I'm her friend. Her parents couldn't come here due to their job." I answered.

"Okay, then you can sign this for her later. And, thankfully, she is alright. She was just panic and shocked that her breathing become unstable. She is claustrophobic, is she?"


"So that was the reason, thank god you saved her earlier kid or else she wouldn't make it. You can go see her now and she can go home today." The doctor smiled before going away to take care of other patients.

The sentences 'she wouldn't make it' frightened me.

I nod my head, "Thank you doctor."

Then, I walked inside her room and saw her sitting on the bed while fiddling with her fingers. I let out a sigh as a smile spread on my face seeing her alive and fine.

"Oh taehyung.."

"Yah aira, you really scared me, do you know that?" I walked up to her and sit on the chair beside her bed.

She chuckled, "I know. I'm alright, thanks to you, my superman." I smiled at her mentioning 'superman'.

She patted on the bed beside her and I sit on it facing her, I took her hand in me as I caressed it.

"Mrs Lee gave you detention for not coming back,"

"Too bad I'm at a hospital but then I'd rather have a detention than staying at this place." She scrunched up her face in disgust by the smell of medicine everywhere.

I chuckled and pinched her nose.

"Yah." She pouted.

I lowered my head and played with a loose thread of the hospital's blanket. Almost inaudible, I said, "You know, I was really worried."

I don't know why but I didn't dare to look up and look at her in the eyes while saying it. But an index finger and thumb lifted my head from the chin, causing me to meet with soft brown orbs.

"Hey," She whispered softly, "I'm okay now, see? You don't have to worry about anything anymore."

But almost everything you do worries me, I thought. I care about you soo much. How do you expect me not to worry about something as big as this?

"Hey, look at me." She said again when my gaze fell to the ground.

"Thank you, tae.. for saving me."
I smiled and that was enough as a reply.

There was nothing else said between us yet neither of us bothered to move. Only then when we stared at each other intently I noticed just how close our faces were. I could feel her hot breathing hitting my face and I don't doubt that she could feel mine too.

Despite the silence, thousands of words were circulating my mind and my eyes fell to her plump lips. A sudden attraction overtook me and I looked back up at her.

"Is it wrong that I want to kiss you right now?" I whispered against her lips.

"No," She finally said. It took my by surprise. She seemed surprised by her own answer but nonetheless, she said again, "I want the same thing."

And like that, I closed the small gap between us by putting my hand on her neck and my lips met hers. The kiss was slow and gentle. It felt right. In between the kiss, I found myself smiling and out of breath, we both pulled away, breathing heavily.

Our eyes meet again and I thought we were going to go for another kiss but she interrupted, "Can we go home? I can't stay here for so long." She said as she get off the bed. She wasn't attached with the needles anymore since the nurses have already took it off.

"Aw, you ruined the moment." I said while helping her get off the bed.

"What moment?" She asked, pretending she didn't know but a smile was plastered on her face.

"Our kissing moment." I teased.

I saw her cheeks flushed red, "Stop it." She blushed, leaving me behind.

"Hey wait up!" I chuckled. "Can you walk? Do you want me to help?" I asked as I hold her arm for support.

"No it's okay. I can walk." She replied. I nod but still hold her on the waist just for reassurance and so I walked her to my car after signing the papers that the doctor told me sign.


i'm sorry for late update!
& i apologize for a boring chapter.
though, i hope you guys like it and enjoy! :))


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