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~Chesney's Pov~

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes I'm sure! You look amazing and everyone's out there, waiting to see you. Think of today as your day," Bello said, wearing his own expensive suit, and I blushed as he fiddled with my solid white suit, straightening the tie that hung loosely around my neck.

"But everyone's going to be staring at me, what if I trip up," I questioned and Bello smirked, moving on to fixing up my hair with his quick and precise fingers.

"I'll be right behind you to make sure you don't and if you do I'm sure Calixto wouldn't mind decking anyone that dares to laugh. So get your ass out there and show the world just who Chesney Thompson is," He told me, patting me on the back before shoving me out of the dressing room.

I sighed to myself to calm my nerves and walked over to the white tent's opening, playing with my fingers anxiously. I pulled back the white tent flap just a bit to peek into the room and my breath caught in my breath as I almost fainted from the sight of all the people gathered inside. I searched around the room frantically, trying to find at least one familiar face in the crowd, and once my eyes landed on Calixto, decked out in his black suit and tie, and I immediately felt the familiar, and welcoming, feeling of butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"See, he's right there. Waiting for you to come out looking as great as always. He believes in you, I believe in you, now you just have to believe in yourself," Bello whispered and I nodded, taking yet another deep breath.

"I can do this," I told him, mostly saying it to myself, and he smiled, nodding with knowingness apparent on his face.

"Let's get set up then," Bello said, grabbing me by my arm and dragging me to the other side of the tent where we would enter. As we walked across wires and dodged the several camera crews, we had to cover our eyes from the bright flashes that were trying to capture every moment.

"Ugh, this is so annoying," I mumbled under my breath as I covered my eyes slightly and Bello agreed with a nod of his head.

"That is definitely one of the worst parts of these things, the annoying camera crews," He said, chuckling halfheartedly. We continued through the maze of wires and discarded equipment until we came to our entrance.

I looked through the flap to see bright neon lights, going down the sides of the walkway, leading straight to Calixto who was looking just as nervous as I probably did. He licked his lips and began chatting with Drew and Killian, laughing occasionally, and I smiled at him before closing the flap once again.

"Hey Chesney, you ready?"

Hearing my name being called, I turned to see Dakota walking over in his own suit, a tailored, navy suit with his golden initials set just over his heart, and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," I whispered, grabbing the roses, and I sniffed them, inhaling deeply.

"There's a card in there from lover boy to help you feel just a little bit more ready, break a leg Chesnut," Dakota told me, winking, and he walked around the corner of the tent, disappearing almost as fast as he appeared.

I smiled at the bouquet, chewing tenderly on my lip, and played with the small card that was placed in the very center of the vibrant red flowers. I grabbed the card, handing the flowers to Bello, and started reading the handwritten letter.

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