|Twenty-Five| Priority

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"Love isn't something you find. It's something that finds you." -Loretta Young

Omg guys! This is it, the end! Well, until the epilogue! Hope you guys have enjoyed this story from start to finish!

Yet again dedicated to everyone! I can't thank you guys enough for sticking around so long!

Please don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!
~Chesney's Pov~

"What if they don't like me?"

"They will."

"How do you know?"

"Because I like you."

"But what if-"

"Oh my god shut the fuck up already! You've been going at this ever since we left the damn hospital," Bello scolded as we walked into the apartment and Calixto scoffed, crossing arms. Killian flicked on the lights and yawned loudly before crashing on the couch, Dakota immediately following suit and laying on his chest.

"Like you'd be any better if Drew's parents were coming over," Calixto mumbled, walking me towards the loveseat, and Drew chuckled, shaking his head.

"You know we don't have to worry about that. I'm not famous enough for them to be visiting," He said and I tilted my head towards Calixto for an answer as he sat on the loveseat horizontally, making me sit in between his legs as he hugged me from behind.

"His parents are egotistical movie directors," Calixto whispered and I nodded, giggling softly as his breath dusted across the back of my neck.

"They would love me. Who doesn't," Bello stated and Drew smirked, kissing his cheek as they headed upstairs.

"We're going to hit the hay guys, it's been a long day. We'll help you with cleaning the place up tomorrow morning,'kay," Drew said as he and Bello walked up the stairs, heading towards their bedrooms, or is it just bedroom now?

"You guys want some-" Killian started until he was interrupted by his involuntary yawning. His eyes watered a bit and he rubbed them before looking at us with a tired smile.

"Cookies? Calixto I know they're your favorite," Killian said and Calixto grinned happily but shook his head in reply.

"Thanks for the offer and thank you for trying to lighten my mood, but you're obviously tired. Go get some rest," He said and Killian rolled his eyes, waving his arm dismissively before yawning once again.

"Maybe you're right," he stated, chuckling, and he kissed Dakota's cheek lovingly before walking up the steps sluggishly.

"I can't believe you two."

"Huh," I said in confusion, looking towards a silently fuming Dakota and he shook his head, crossing his arms angrily.

"Your fucking friend, and your fucking brother, just died. Died. And you two are worrying about yourselves," Dakota stated angrily, glaring at us, and Calixto narrowed his eyes.

"Look Dakota-"

"No you look, Calixto. You may not have noticed, but Blaise hasn't said one fucking word since we left the hospital. Hell, he didn't even come inside! I get it, you're trying to surpress your sadness by focusing on Chesney's parents' visit. But for once, put Blaise first. He's always come second, give him the attention he needs. Now, I'm going to bed. I want this all to be resolved when I wake up in the morning, got it?"

And with that sass filled statement, Dakota sauntered upstairs, not looking back once.

"Wow," I whispered and Calixto nodded, agreeing before standing up from the couch, holding out his hand towards me. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up, sending me into the air slightly until my feet touched the ground clumsily.

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