Chapter 25

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Aira's pov

By the time I reached his house, I was drenched. For what did I use my bag to cover- OH SHIT. I FORGOT. My bag is wet which means, my books are wet too!! Oh nooo. I'm doomed. I ring the bell and waited for someone to answer. After a few seconds, auntie opened the door, "Aira- oh my god, you're wet! Come in come in. It's cold!" She pulled me inside.

I shivered and put my bag down. She told me to sit on the couch while she went to take a towel. I took off my blazer and rubbed my hands together for heat. I should have stayed at school huh. But I will be locked inside if I stayed.

Auntie came with a towel and I dried my hair before wrapping them around me. "Why aren't you with Taehyung? You guys are supposed to come home together. Go take a warm shower first, I don't want you to get sick." She ushered me. Taehyung. If I get sick, it's his fault.

"I-I won't-t ge-get sick auntie, don't w-worry." I gritted my teeth, feeling cold. Then, I jogged upstairs to my room. Quickly took off my wet uniform and went inside the bathroom to take a warm shower. I sighed in greatness, the warm water run up to my veins, warming back my cold body. After done taking a shower, I wear a black leggings and my baggy hoodie.

Then, someone knocked on my door, it's Auntie. "Aira, are you okay?" She walked towards me with a hot chocolate cup in her hands.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I smiled.

She placed her hand on my forehead, "Okay. Here, drink this." She gave me the hot chocolate. I took it, "Thank you auntie." I said and smiled.

She sat on my bed, "Did Taehyung ditch you again?" She asked while patting the space next to her. Did she knew all along?

I looked at her. It's like she can read my mind, "I know Aira... About you guys. I can see it in your eyes. Both of you had a crush on each other." Yeah, had. But both?

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"I know that you have feelings for my boy, Aira. He do too. I see how happy he is when he's with you. When you first come here, I see his enthusiasm. But I don't know why everytime you meet each other, you guys always fight and bicker around when both of you used to be the best of friends."

"He do too?" I asked again. What?

"Don't you know? He used to have a crush on you too. When you guys were kids, he would always talk to me about you. How one day he will courage up and purpose to you. How he will make you happy for the rest of his life. It was funny but it was cute." Auntie chuckled to the memory. A chuckle escaped from my mouth listening to her story. He said that?

But then I sighed, remembering he is someone else's already. "But auntie, that was the past. He's inlove with someone else now and that is, Jessica. It's only her that can make him smile like someone crazy in love. It's only her who he will be happy with... for the rest of his life." I said, my heart clenching.

"I don't know about that Aira. That belongs to fate.. I just know for sure that he still cares and love you." Auntie reached out to hold my hand.

I looked at her fingers caressing my hand. The fact that he used to loved me like I love him, makes me happy and it cures my heart a bit. But if he love me, he won't fall for another person, won't he? But he did and maybe we're only meant to fall in love with each other but not meant to be together.

I put a smile on and looked back at auntie who was smiling sadly at me. I took a deep breath, "It's okay," Is it really? "-if he's happy with her then maybe that's how it should be. If you love a person, their happiness matter, right auntie?"

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