Chapter 23

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Aira's pov

I walked home today since Taehyung had to fetch Jessica a ride. It's not that far after all and by walking, maybe I can rest my mind. I sighed while walking on the street side. God, I just hope he will help me with the project. He have to, we're partners.

I took out my phone from my pocket and decided to text krystal, "Krystal~" After a while, my phone vibrated and I checked to see a reply from her.

Krys: What's wrong baby?

Me: It hurts..


I chuckled faintly, this girl.

Me: He's back with Jessica

Krys: You're the one that helped them get together and now you're the one that got hurt.


Me: Why am I always the one hurting?

Krys: Why do you always hold on?

I groaned in frustration. Why why why am I like this. Love hurts. Ugh, fuck it.

Me: ahh molla molla

Krys: It's because you love him. That's why you always hold on to him. Even when he's with Jessica, I know you're still waiting for him. Even when you're mad at him when he always ditched you, I know you always wait for him to come back. I know Aira, even when you always denied the truth. That's why it's hurts, because you really love him.

She know me so well enough to understand. I unlocked my phone and put it back in my pocket, opening the gate and walked in. I already arrived at his house where I'm staying at for another month but how many days passed already? Time sure flies so fast. I will go back to my house in a week. I miss home. I miss my parents too.

I knocked on the door but no one answered. Oh yeah I forgot that auntie won't be back home until tonight. I crouched down to take the spare key from below the carpet and went inside.

I descended my way upstairs to my room. Taking off my backpack, I went inside my bathroom to take a shower. After showering, I wore grey sweatpants and white V neck shirt. I walked to my nightstand where my phone is laying to see an incoming message from 'Annoying Jerk'. I opened it and read, "Hey Aira, I won't be back home tonight so don't wait for me." Tsh. Like I was going to wait for you.

You were, my conscience said.

No, I wasn't. I said to myself.

Stop denying, my conscience replied. Ugh, now I'm talking to myself.

What is he even doing that he won't come back home tonight? With Jessica? What, doing project? He's not partnered with her.

I put back my phone where it is and head downstairs to find whatever there are in the kitchen to eat. I didn't bother to open the light. While eating ramen, my mind flash back to Taehyung and Jessica kissing. I groaned in annoyance for still feeling down. Dear heart, why are you like this? Someone help me.

Then, someone turned on the light causing me to blink my eyes. Not knowing, a tear fell. I looked up to see auntie who opened the lights, "Aira? Are you crying?"

I touched my cheek feeling the wetness. Paboya, why are you crying again. "Oh auntie, n-no. I was watching a d-drama just now and um, the story was touching." What a lame excuse aira.

"Oh honey.." I forced a smile and just continued eating.

"It's weird not to be back home without hearing you and Taehyung bickering or arguing. Is he not home?" Auntie asked while taking out orange juice from the refrigerator.

I finished my ramen. "Yeah, he said he won't be back home tonight." I answered while washing my dishes.

"Where is he?" Auntie asked, washing her glass beside me.

"Um, I don't know. He didn't tell." I shrugged, drying my hand after washing, "I'll go to sleep now. Good night auntie, have a lot rest." I smiled.

"Arraso aira, sleep well." She ruffled my hair. I only smiled and went to my room, take a few hours rest after eating and went to sleep.


I'M SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE ANOTHER CHAPTER. I've been so busy but here, I updated! I really hope you all like this story :))

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