Chapter Five

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"Okay, so let's begin the first challenge of the Nalu and Gruvia love competition!" Mira yelled loudly as she clapped her hands together to gather all the guild members' attention.

"The what and the what a what?" Lucy asked as she and Natsu sat in front of each other, a notebook and pen in hand, the same as Juvia and Gray.

"Nalu and Gruvia. It's your guys' ship name. Y'know, Natsu and Lucy equal Nalu and Gray and Juvia equal Gruvia? I've told you this a thousand times! Have you been ignoring me every time I tell you this?!"

Lucy coughed into her fist with a bright red face as she faced the opposite directing of Mira. "Whaaaaa? Of course not..." She coughed again. She'd rather not get in trouble with the she demon.

"Anyways!" She clapped her hands together, so loudly she almost made Hikari cry, who was being held by Levy. "The point of this challenge is that every pair of lovers know every single thing about their significant other. So in this challenge, you and your partner will be given questions and you will both have 10 seconds to answer it. For example; if I ask 'Natsu, Gray, what are Lucy's and Juvia's favorite colors?' Natsu and Gray will write down what they think, and Lucy and Juvia will write down the correct answer. Any questions?"

Natsu raised his hand with a confused expression written on his face as he held the notebook and pen.

"Good." She clapped again before starting, completely ignoring Natsu. "First question. Let's start off with an easy one. Natsu, Gray, What type of mage is your girlfriend?"

The two couples started writing on their notebooks, rapidly and sloppily writing it.

"Time! Please reveal your answers." They all flipped over their notebooks, showing the correct answers. "Natsu and Gray are right!"

"Lucy and Juvia! What are your boyfriend's favorite colors?"

Lucy was stumped for a second as she bit her lip. Red? She had no idea... She scrambled as she wrote down red just before Mira called time.

"Okay show your answers." Both Gray and Juvia had blue written on their notebooks but Natsu and Lucy had completely different answers on theirs.

"Lucy you are wrong. Natsu's favorite color is brown, not red."

"What?! I've never once seen you wear brown or even talk about it!" She glared at the red faced Natsu, who scratched his cheek as he stared at a laughing Hikari before answering.

"It's the color of yours and Hikari's eyes. That's why it's my favorite color." The girls in the guild, and a few guys like Makarov and Happy awed at his answer as Lucy flushed a deep red.


The game continued on like that until it ended in Natsu and Lucy beating Gray and Juvia by one point.

"Ha! We win Popsicle!" Natsu laughed in Gray's face before a fight began between the two.

Lucy rolled her eyes as she bounced Hikari in her arms, bottle feeding him as the other girls surrounded her behind the counter.

"Gajeel. Make sure nothing comes over here, we don't want Lucy or Hikari to get hit. Please?!" The Iron Dragon Slayer looked down at the small blue woman before scoffing.

"Bunny girl will be just fine Shrimp." After earning a hard glare from Levy, he sighed and conceded in defeat. "Fine. I'll make sure the baby is safe." He groaned in annoyance before standing up and moving over a few seats to be in front of Lucy, Hikari and Levy.

"So Lucy? What do you plan to do when Natsu wants to go on another job? If I know anything about him, he won't stay in Magnolia for long." Lucy shrugged at Levy's question as Hikari finished the bottle of milk.

"I won't go. Not until I need money to pay for rent. If that happens, I'll find a babysitter. Hopefully someone from the guild, like you or Bisca. Maybe even Juvia." She moved Hikari until he was facing her and threw a towel over her shoulder before hitting his back until he burped.

"Love rival is such a good mom!" Juvia gushed as she tickled Hikari's side, causing the little baby to giggle. The pinkette turned to Juvia and held his hands out to the water Mage, who in return looked at Lucy in confusion. "What does Love rival's baby want with Aunt Juvia?"

"I think he wants Aunt Juvia to hold him." Lucy said, teasing the oblivious girl as she handed Hikari to her.

"He does?" Juvia took the squirming child from Lucy's arms as she cautiously cradled him making sure to not put him in a precarious situation. "What does Juvia do?" The blue haired Mage looked up from the baby to Lucy.

"Just bounce him or rock him. He already seems to be having fun."

The two girls looked back down at Hikari who was laughing and grabbing Juvia's arm.

"Does love rival think Juvia will make a good mom?"

Lucy nodded her head just as a chair crashed in to Gajeel, before splintering into hundreds of pieces.

"That's it!" Gajeel roared as he joined the fight.

"Maybe we should get out of here?" Levy suggested as she peered over the counter with Mirajane.

"Nah it's okay. I'll just tell Natsu that Hikari, Happy, and I are going to go eat. He'll come with us." Lucy bravely stood up before looking down at Juvia.

"Do you want to come with us, Juvia?"

"Is that okay?"

"Of course!"

I won't be able to update next Wednesday because I will be in New Orleans. But I'll update when I get back.

Until next time, peace!

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